
My Little Moon

VOLUME I is completed & VOLUME II is on going... A small favor, "Be Little Moon's trust. Try to make me a memory in her heart and you be her confident and...." he stopped talking. True in a way: The true feelings of true two soulmates, blended into an imaginary story to be captivated by a fictional third person. Who tells the story and gets tangled up between them. Will he be able to untangle the situation or will he let destiny take cause... ********************************************************* PEEK A SNEEK...but read for more..... A Silent Love Between These Soulmates, Compromising each other's love to save one another from dangers known to them and keep apart. ---------------------------------- Will I be able to full fill Mr.D's wish? This may be the hardest task I have to do while tangling with my feelings and emotions. Will she agree? ---------------------------------- "She's my soulmate... I love her..... but... Mr.George, I want you to be with her...first be her friend." "Why me" "You are the only other guy she talked about except me for the last 12 years....." ---------------------------------- "Mr.D, I have known her before but she doesn't know I am that actor but she knows me as a writer." I looked at him. "I know it already George. I know you like her. And I do give you permission to pursue her." ---------------------------------- "George, she's worth more than my life. Please keep her safe from harm. Especially from Amy." ********************************************************* Join my discord: https://discord.gg/tjXXmXyR

SD_ · Realistic
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118 Chs

Beach house - Part 2

After dinner, we spend a few hours on the beach and played with the kids nearby. She flocked them around and told them a story. While I was busy taking photos of them. She looks so happy and in her own world. She gave out the food and the little gifts we bought for them.

"What are you doing snooping around?" She asked me.

"I was capturing a beautiful moment."

"May I see them?"

I showed her the photos, "You are talented. My friend"

"Who's your friend?"

"Aren't you?"

"No" I laughed and joked with her.

"Then who are you?"

"Well... I am someone's future husband"


"You don't believe?"

"Who would marry a guy like you"

"Someone who looks like the Moon will"

I got up and ran into the house as she was chasing me. As it was near midnight we got ready to go to bed. I thought of sleeping together. She was feeling a bit shy when she saw me without a shirt. Before she can say anything I kissed her deeply. I would feel a change in her breathing and I took her to my bed and hugged her tight.

"you are really good a photographer."She said while browsing through my photos.


"Because you can make an ugly person like me look mesmerizing with your photo talent."

"OH!!!! complementing me is it?" she hit me.

"Well I don't think it's just my talent,.."


"You also look naturally beautiful" I looked at her in the eye. Her cheeks were turning pinkish, which made me hug her tighter.

"You know love, a photographer's work looks amazing, with the help of the person who's being photographed."

"But I was not modeling in any of them" she pouted. I gave a little peck on her lips.

"That's why they look amazing, you are a natural model."

She was quiet for a while, and said,

"Maybe you should have an exhibition or maybe start a career as a photographer"

"I have thought of having an exhibition someday. But more details I will tell you later. Be a good girl and go to sleep."

I do have a surprise for her in my mind. And there is a reason why I only photography her. A secret is known by Mr.D and me. I watched a small smile appear on her face. MR.D has also suggested I do a photography exhibition. But I wanted to make this a special moment for us to celebrate.

I have been sharing the photos I take with Mr.D. So he can see her and realize how beautiful she is. I woke up early and saw a message from him.

"Good Morning Mr.D"

"Hi, George"

"How is your health?"

"I am doing good. Improving little by little. But I will be ready by the time."

"But don' work too hard too."

"Ok I will. She looks so wonderful in those photos George. No one will think this is her."

"Yes, I hope to have an exhibition with her photos only. I want the world to learn to embrace themself first. I want to start it with Little Moon. She has the right mindset to be a role model to others."

"I agree. I want her to help to create a cartoon series about being positive just with simple thoughts and changes in life."

We talked for a while with Mr.D as I sat on the porch watching the sunrise.

"Here" I suddenly heard a voice near me. THere she was holding a teacup and sat near me.

"Thanks." I gave her a good morning kiss on her cheek. "I am leaving tomorrow evening."

"I hear everything is going smooth at the shoot"

"Yes Mr.D, nothing to worry. Everything is going smooth, after that incident."

"I will catch you later then. Bye."

I looked at Little Moon, who was sipping on her tea.

"Did i wake you up?"

"No, sometimes I can't sleep."

We had breakfast and I took her out on a shopping spree. Even though there are so many things in the shopping mall, she only enjoyed doing window shopping. I got a call from Lee.

"George I have sent the special delivery for you."

"What delivery?" I don't remember what I ordered.

"The Meow, meow"

"Oh ok.. Thank you Lee." I was laughing at how he explained the little surprise for Little Moon.

"Let's have some ice cream?"

"Ok... why don't you go and buy, I just have a small mail to send while you at it."

While she went I e-mailed Ted about the surprise and to collect it. I already had purchased the things needed for the pet and I ask him to collect them and take them home. He volunteered to arrange the home to suit the pet.

"Why are grinning from ear to ear?"

"Oh, nothing... I just wanted to buy you something and I was thinking about what should. what about we go there" I pointed to a branded clothes store.

"Ok.. since you have set your heart on it"

"Thank you."

Shopping with her is not too bad. First, she browses and selects what she wants, she never changes her preference. After I selected a few t-shirts and some dresses, she opt for a few casual crop tops, saying she had a lot of skirts and she can wear these with them. After persuading her for a while she took the same top in several colors. I got her some matching headbands to go with the tops.

After roaming for a while we got back to the beach house. We prepared some traditional lunch and discussed our work. She was really interested in listening to the CG shots.

"I wish I had come with you."

"Why?" I asked her as she sat on the sofa with her head on my lap.

"I always wanted to watch how CG shots are filmed."

"Next time we'll both go."

"Is it difficult to film them?"

"You have to use your imagination sometimes. But your CG shots are easy"

"Do you want me to make them hard in the future?"

I pinched her nose and we talked about stuff and my mother and Mr.D till dinner time.