
My lesbian Wife

This story is about a young man named Paul, who wanted to settle down from his promiscuous lifestyle, to marry He came in contact with a charming young girl who he later fell in love with and they got married Sandra used to be a lesbian from her university days where she was lured in by her roommate Stacy This was unknown to Paul as Sandra never did anything that would cause suspicion Things changed when Stacy came back from overseas and lured Sandra into the act again Paul later cought them in the act but forgave them because of the love he had for her, But couldn't bear it anymore when she lured Paul's sister Daniella into the act This led to Paul developing heart attack and paralysis, which led to there divorce Paul later found true love while Sandra bore the consequences of her action

InnocentIB · Realistic
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14 Chs

chapter 6

please am not comfortable with your dressing princess, I added

but she wouldn't want to go change

Princess: what is wrong with my dressing Paul, beside am not going outside, am in my house and I'm not supposed to be wearing right jean in my own house remember, I need to recieve fresh air for crying out loud

I had no option than to hug her, so I quickly stood up and asked her to come and hug me so I will quickly break the hug and collect what I came for

Princess quickly rushed and hugged me passionately, pressing my body against hers

I tried to break the hug but she wouldn't let me

my body was beginning to respond to the body contact already

I got to notice that Her black panties was soaked in the front as she got close to hug me

as a flirt I was that like saying any kind of thing without thinking twice, I quickly break the hug by pushing her aside

Me: Princess why is your panties soaked and sticky what is the problem

At first she was shy to tell me but I insisted if I'll hug her again, then she as to tell me first

Princess on the other hand was a spoilt girl

Princess: Since I came back from school and met Uncle Joe and Christabel having sex at the back of the hostel, I've been feeling somehow, so I couldn't help it but had to help myself a little in other to quench the fire that was burning inside of me already

Me: What do you mean by helping yourself? I asked trying to make her to explain everything to me

Princess: please Paul it's not what I can explain, but I had to caress my body and used my sex toy

I was really shocked on hearing that

Me: so you have a sex toy that you always use to satisfy yourself when you are alone?

Princess: Not like that Paul, you won't understand what am going through, even as am telling you, my body is still on fire

I can even rape you here self if you are not careful

Me: please ma don't rape me

Princess: so can you come and hug me now at least let me feel the warmness of your masculine body at least that will help me calm down

As she was saying this, her hand was already down in her panties caressing her private part

I was shocked how shameless these girls were

just a few moments ago, Juliet was in the room begging Collins to have sex with her, now it is princess begging me

I decided not to do anything stupid no matter how my body was beginning to react

I stood up for us to hug but I was already forming bulge already

I guess she notice the bulge in fron t of my trouser which made her smile and stare as she was coming close