
My lesbian Wife

This story is about a young man named Paul, who wanted to settle down from his promiscuous lifestyle, to marry He came in contact with a charming young girl who he later fell in love with and they got married Sandra used to be a lesbian from her university days where she was lured in by her roommate Stacy This was unknown to Paul as Sandra never did anything that would cause suspicion Things changed when Stacy came back from overseas and lured Sandra into the act again Paul later cought them in the act but forgave them because of the love he had for her, But couldn't bear it anymore when she lured Paul's sister Daniella into the act This led to Paul developing heart attack and paralysis, which led to there divorce Paul later found true love while Sandra bore the consequences of her action

InnocentIB · Realistic
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14 Chs

chapter 5: bad influence

Me: am coming let me to take my bath, I'll be back

I left and immediately rushed to the bathroom to have my shower

my Dick was still really hard and I think Juliet must have noticed as I stood up to pick my phone

I quickly rushed my bath and came out only to found out that they've gone already

I changed the bed sheet and went back to lay down but couldn't sleep because all what I just saw began to replay in my head

I have never felt like this before, what must have resulted to the wet patches that formed on my underwear

I was still naive about most of this things considering that I supposed to have known them at my age but the reverse was the case

by the time Collins could come back, I was already awake

When Collins came back, he was smiling all through

Me: what i s making you to smile young man

Collins: you won't understand guy, I just gave you my highest form of respect today

Me: how do you mean

Collins: don't worry guy you won't understand and I wouldn't want to let you know

Me: Hmm Collins you are indeed a bad influence

Collins: I know you were sniffing on us but pretended as if I didn't notice

Me: so you actually made her baptize me with her juice all in the name of respecting me abi

we both laughed and he went inside as I was already dressed to go meet one of my course mate Princess, in her lodge for her to help me explain the assignment giving in class since I wasn't able to go to school

As I got to princess's lodge, I knocked, and she came to open

I never told her that I was coming so she was shocked seeing me

On the other hand, I was extremely shocked by the sight I met

Princess was only wearing a panties and a sleeveless top that exposed most part of her breast

Me: I'm really sorry princess for taking you unaware, I really didn't plan this, but as I was unable to come to school today, I had to go get the notes from what you guys learnt today so I can get an explanation to the assignment the teacher gave

she was shy but at the same time didn't care if I saw her nakedness already or not because I could sense the boldness in her that made her asked me to hug her in that kind of situation

at first I declined but she insisted and threatened not to give me the note and the assignment I came for if I can't give her just a friendly hug

I asked her to go dress up properly first before the hug but she refused, telling me not to act like a kid

I knew what my contact with her bare body could cause considering my high level of emotional response