
My lesbian Wife

This story is about a young man named Paul, who wanted to settle down from his promiscuous lifestyle, to marry He came in contact with a charming young girl who he later fell in love with and they got married Sandra used to be a lesbian from her university days where she was lured in by her roommate Stacy This was unknown to Paul as Sandra never did anything that would cause suspicion Things changed when Stacy came back from overseas and lured Sandra into the act again Paul later cought them in the act but forgave them because of the love he had for her, But couldn't bear it anymore when she lured Paul's sister Daniella into the act This led to Paul developing heart attack and paralysis, which led to there divorce Paul later found true love while Sandra bore the consequences of her action

InnocentIB · Realistic
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14 Chs

chapter 7

Immediately she came close, she rushed into my arms, pressing her breast against my chest

I could literally feel the hotness that was coming from her private part as my bulge was caressing her soaked panties

Princess was literally moaning just from a mere hug

this got me more crazy to the point I was about grabbing her when she broke the hug and asked me if I'll like to satisfy her, rather than just making her high and leave her hanging

I was really shocked by her boldness but at this point, I really wanted to feel what Collins was feeling just a moment ago but never wanted to let her see my nakedness as I've promised so I asked her to chose if she will allow me play with her but she would not get to see my nakedness

Princess's wasn't that kind of girl that will allow some one have her without her having access to the person too, so she refused and that was how everything ended

she asked me out of her house in anger

I was surprised at her reaction just because I rejected her offer

I tried pleading with her to give me the note but she refused, so I left without looking back because I never wanted to break my promise so soon

I went back to the room and met Collins sleeping, he wasn't wearing anything and had a cream beside him

what is happening here, what was this boy doing

I quickly turned back only to see the TV screen displaying a phonographic movie, with an ear bud plugged in his ear

since he was sleeping already, I decided to watch how it looks like

two girls where having a threesome with a young guy

I was lost in fantacy as I watched the girls exchanged turns to be smashed and as well had some lesbian foreplay at intervals

I was already dripping wet in my trousers while watching that I didn't notice when Collins woke up and was looking at me smiling

I was called back to reality by Collins call

Collins: after now you will tell me that you don't like all this kind of things

why can't you just stop the pretence and concentrate on what you want, you know girls are rushing us, why can't you just join me and run this business with me, let's at least have fun

Me: no matter what guy, I can't be as bad as you, no matter what so you just have to spare me all the preaching

Collins: I've told you my own. next time I won't respect you the way I respected you earlier today so you better get used to it and strategize on what to do

Me: That reminds me, if you see the opportunity that came my way today guy...

Collins: What are you talking about guy ( wearing his boxer )

Me: it's really a long story guy. this girls are spoilt species I swear