
Chapter 7

„Is something wrong", asked a man sitting next to me.

„Huh!", I said noticing the six princes that were sitting next to me, „oh.. nothing's wrong, sorry", I continued awkwardly.

„Are you alright?", asked me the prince of elves. „Yea, I am fine.", I answered him while looking around

»Where is the person that yelled stop earlier«, I wondered not uttering a word about it.

„Let me help you up", offered the wolf prince, followed by objections from the other princes.

„Enough!, I can get up by myself", annoyed of their fights I told them.

"It's getting dark, I am heading back", I said while walking away, leaving the princes behind.

In the forest with the six princes

One of the princes spoke, "She is right. I won't apologise either way but it was rude of me. We should walk our separate ways and if possible never meet again". After the prince of weredragons finished his sentence he got up and left. «Tsk, so arrogant», thought the prince of wolves, at the same time wondered the prince of vampires (Blake Luxenore) to himself «Who does he think he is».

Everyone left and went there separate ways.

It all hasn't ended on that day.

Somewhere else with Luna