
Chapter 6

How do I stop them I thought to myself, as someone yelled „Stop!!" from behind me. It did not seem like it had worked, since they all continued.

I tried walking in between their fight, hoping to survive and be able to stop them.

As I stood in the middle, I yelled "Stop!" while holding the amulet my mother had given me.

She had said it would protect me if I held it close to my heart, closed my eyes, and believed, before she was taken away that night.

This was the first time I had used it.

I did as my mother instructed after yelling stop.

In the next moment, the amulet's crystal started glowing and blasted everyone around me away. After a while, the amulet started feeling warm, and I felt something flowing through my body. It felt warm and comfortable, as if my mother was holding me in her embrace. "Open your eyes, Luna," I heard a gentle voice sounding similar to my mother's say. That was when I opened my eyes, looking around to see who it was, only to realise it had been in my head.

»It sounded so real«, I thought to myself disappointedly.