
Chapter 8

Somewhere out in the wild with Luna as she is returning home.

«Why do I feel strange as if someone is watching me», I wondered to myself, when I suddenly heard a branch breaking into half not to far away.

"Who is there? Show yourself!", yelled Luna slightly.

Within a few seconds the person stepped out of hiding, behind the trees.

"I apologise if I startled you or anything, I mean no harm?", began the guy in a knight looking armour, which seemed familiar, to speak.

"I am your assigned knight who guards you behind the shadows and protects you at all times. The honorary knight of Ourbina (name of the nation)", introduced the knight to Luna.

In disbelief Luna started denying, "I don't have a royal guard. I am not some sort of a princess with an amazing life, my life is way below that".

"Even if you don't believe it, you are a royalty by blood, princess Luna", explained the knight.

"You are lying I am not a royalty. I was raised in an average life style. I was never part of the royal blood line and I could never forget what they have done.. to my mother!!", yelled Luna angrily in a sad tone full of sadness.

"What happened to your mother was a mistake it shouldn't have ever happened. I am truly sorry, we couldn't protect her", said the knight.

After a few seconds of silence the knight continued, "Even so you are a princess, you were raised in this way with reasons..", explained the knight further, when suddenly a arrow flew towards Luna and he stopped it from hitting her by blocking it with his own body.

There wasn't any serious injuries because of the amour he had on, but he still lost a bit of blood.

"I will continue explaining everything ones I get you to safety.", told the knight to Luna and she hesitatingly agreed and followed him.