
Second Encounter

Having thanked the villagers, he rode a bus to the Highland City where the hospital he was first admitted was located. Thinking through it, he wasn't actually obliged to donate anything to the hospital since it was their sworn mandate to save lives. He thanked the villagers who rescued them and funded their livelihood. That would be enough. Besides,who would remember him in the hospital if he went there and thank everyone? He did not ever see any of them. Plus, with so many patients inside,who would care to remember him. He was just one random patient.

He changed his plan and instead of going to the hospital, he went straight to the bus station. He bought a ticket going back to the Capital City. While waiting for the bus to depart, he took out the file of his donor's information. He dialed the number as 'contact number' beside a name labelled as 'Father'. The other line kept ringing but no one was answering. After trying three times and did not get through, he shifted to the other number written below it. He dialed then called. After four rings, a voice of a woman was heard.

"Hello madam. Can I please speak to Mrs. Marquez?" He said.

"Speaking, may I know who is calling? " the woman inquired.

"I am Mr. Carlson, the one who is wearing your son's eyes now. I wanna say thank you so much for your kind and generous heart. I surely cannot repay this." he said and paused to listen what the other line may say.

"It was my son's will and he made us promise before he died. Anyways we are glad to hear from you Mr. Carlson." Mrs. Mao said.

"I'm actually planning to meet you but now I'm waiting for my bus going back to Capital City. Can we meet earlier next week madam? I want to discuss some plans with you if you woild agree with it." He said.

"Are you staying in this country for good? " Mrs. Marquez noted thay since his accident, he must have spent quite a long period in the Philippines. Did the Immigration not chase him out?

"I have just applied for a visa extension last week just after I recovered maam. Anyways, I will come up next Monday and I will call you once e I got here. I have a proposal to present to you ma'am." He said as he put back the file in his back pack.


The next Monday, he got up early and got all his documents and his cheque book. He will be meeting with Mr. And Mrs Marquez later tonight over dinner so he needed to be reach the Highland City earlier.

He headed to the familiar bus station and proceeded to the familiar ticket booth. There was nobody inside but he the lights were on and there were some ready stuff. Maybe the staff just went out. It was seven in the morning and not so many people were around. The next bus to the North will be 30 minutes later.

Few minutes later, the lady she saw last tome emerged from the door behind. She was smiling brightly as she looked around then placed her shoulder bag below the counter.

"Good morning sir, sorry for having kept you waiting. " She said apologetically.

He was stunned at her voice. It was so gentle sweet. He did not recall how she sounded the first time he heard her speak.

"It's okay, I wasn't here very long either. The next trip is 25 minutes later, is it?" he asked trying not to sound attracted.

"Yes sir, the last one left ten minutes ago. The frequency of our trip now now is just 30 minutes. Are you going to the Highland City again sir?" She couldn't stop her mouth. She has become a bit talkative since meeting different people.

"Yes please. It's the luxury bus right?" he inquired.

"Yes sir. You will get there quickly in no time." She smiled as she punched the ticket having nothing else to say.

His eyes darted on her lips as she smiled. They were round and cherry soft. and his tiny pointed nose matches so well with her long eyelashes. He wanted to ask her name but he thought it wasn't proper yet. His eyes kept on twinkling by themselves uncontrollably. He felt his eyes were itchy so he lightly rubbed them but it became more itchy. He shouldn't be rubbing his eyes hard since it can cause a break of sensitive tissues.

"880 Pesos sir." she said pressing the ticket down ready to shove it away from her. She waited for his payment. 'Why is this man staring at me everytime he comes here. 'She observed.

"Sir, is there something I can help you with?" Daryle asked Nero seeing he was busy staring at her.

He snapped back from his daze and smiled. "Oh sorry, my bad.! My mind was somewhere else. Please, Im fine." He drew his wallet from his rear pocket and took the same blue bill like last time.

Daryle quickly changed his money and shoved his change together with his ticket outside the counter. She saw him winking as he tried to rub his eyes.

"Please keep the change." He said as he picked up his ticket .

"Sir, don't you think you are spoiling me? It's too early in the morning, you see?" She teased this foreign trying to check his mood.

"Can we have six seats to Highland City. Two kids and one elderly. " A middle aged woman came disrupting their conversation.

"Okay maam, please take the first six seats at the drivers' side. The elderly should sit on the designated seat for them, Please refer to your seat numbers." Daryle instructed as she gently pushed the tickets towards the woman and said her "Thank you, enjoy your trip!" line.