
Nero Carlson

At a luxurious hotel in Capital City, a tall six footer white young man who had been in and out of the country for the the past three years looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were shining brown unlike his bluish eyes before. He touched the corners of his eyes and blinked several times. He loves how he looks now. He felt like his view in life seem to change as well. Without the donor of these eyes, he must be living a totally dark world now, unable to see the beauty of nature. With these eyes now, he will definitely use it to help the donor's family achieve what their son wished for.

Nero Carlson stays at his luxurious condo unit at the very heart of the city. The place is accessible for all transportation routes. For the past two months, he had been strictly monitored by his private doctors for fear that he might pursue his extremely dangerous hobby without having fully recovered yet.

Now is the second week of the third month and the doctors allowed him to travel but cannot engage in strenous sports...atleast for the whole year.

He made up his mind and the first thing he wanted to do was to find the family of his donor. All the information he needed was supplied to him by the doctors and nurses. He made up his mind to travel to the north. First, he would go back the the site of his accident and thank those who helped him. Second, he would go to the local hospital to thank the doctors for their quick response and recommendation. Thirdly, he would contact the family of his donor to talk about his plan. His view in life seem to have really changed the moment he blinked his new eyes.

As he stepped down from his condo, he headed straight to the nearest bus station. He went to the booth where he usually gets his bus ticket. There were only ten minutes before the earliest bus departs.

He greeted the lady behind the booth. It was the first time she saw this captivating beauty in this booth. She was in an off shoulder pure black blouse.Her long silky black hair was tied up. Her friendly warm smile showed her even pearly teeth.

He cannot get off his eyes from her face even as he spoke. "Can I have a ticket to the Highland City? Are there still seats available?"

"Sure sir, the bus has only two more seats available." Daryle felt conscious being stared by this foreign white man. She thought his eyes were piercing her soul.

"Thank you, I'm alone. I can take just one." He smiled as he lowered his gaze at her hands which were holding the stub and puncher.

Daryle blushed and bit her lower lip as she punched the stub.

" Sir, 880 Pesos" She said as she tried to look up to this tall man gazing down on her.

"Thanks for patronizing VinTranCo sir. Please enjoy your ride!" She said as she pushed the stub out of the counter consciously.

He pulled himself from his daze after the ticket reached the tip of his fingers. "How much?" He asked. He must have not heard her earlier.

"880 pesos only sir. This is an express bus. You can actually reach Highland City within three to four hours. Regular bus would take that from seven to eight hours." Daryle said just in case he will question why she was asking a bit much.

"Oh yeah yeah, I tried that twice before. It was great!." He said as he pulled out a blue colored bill from his wallet. "Here, please keep the change. Hope to see you next time. Bye!" he said as he winked at her and grinned. He folded his ticket with his long slender fingers before he stepped backwards then strode hurriedly towards the bus.


Nero Care reached the village where he was found after he fall from the ravenous cliff. He looked up to the stiff mountain and his back shuddered. His sweat was starting to wet his shirt. 'How have I been so wasteful with life!' He muttered as his eyes flickered in fear.

The villagers surrounded him and they were happy to see that the man they rescued is now alive and has now appeared infront of them to thank them. They were overjoyed all the more when Nero funded their livelihood projects which were presented by the elders of the village. He purposely asked these elders of a way how he could show his thanks for saving him. He could not have survived without them.

He originally wanted to go back immediately to the city for the night but the villagers insisted he would stay. They would hold a thanksgiving party the next day for the good things they received. Nero Carlson went curious and he decided to stay to see how these folks do a thanksgiving party. He might as well write something about it. It was almost three months since he posted an update in his blog.