
Supporting his cause

Nero Carlson smirked at himself for trying to catch the attention of this oriental beauty. Back at home, he didn't even need to do this. He got a lot of girls flocking around him since high school. He also receive a lot of private messages from his social media accounts. Some contained direct proposals, some erotic scenes, some asking for a date besides the numerous appreciations and criticisms. He didn't need them at all. All he wanted to is to explore the beauty of nature and try extreme adventures while he is young. That fateful incident however slowed him down and changed his view in life. Was it the accident itself? Or could it be because of these new eyes ? Whatever. But his whole being seemed to have shifted its focus from adventures to charity works.

After the woman went away to join her family, Nero stepped infront of the counter again leaning on his folded right arm against the edge of the counter. He tossed a bottle of water to his mouth and said "I wonder if the elderly can endure such a long trip!" then smiled. He realized that he actually only wanted to chat with this beauty inside the booth.

"The bus has a portable cubicle and you can also bring some foods inside sir. Only, it has to pass through the security check. " Daryle said as she stood to peer at those six passengers who are now going inside the bus.

"Sir, it's about time to go. You can board the bus now. Please take the second seat at the right side of the driver if you want. Otherwise, you can choose your own. There aren't too much passengers this time." She said.

"Okay, sounds great. Thank you. See you next time." He said as he grabbed his bottle of water and strode wide strides towards the bus.

Daryle followed him with her gaze. The way he carried himself was intimidating. He exude elegance with his height, his posture and his outfits. 'Whay does this man do? Why does he frequently visit the north? Could there be someone he is visiting there? Probably his girlfriend? ' She wondered while staring at the bus which has already started to roll on it wheels.


Nero called Mrs. Marquez after having his lunch at a restaurant near the bus terminal.

"Can we set it at two thirty instead? I didn't expect to arrive earlier than I planned. I can catch a ride back afterwards. " He said.

"Sure Mr. Carlson. But you have to be the one to come here. My husband is in a meeting right now. It will be finished at maybe two o'clock. There's not much time to get through the traffic going to the city." Mrs. Marquez was direct to the point.

Her husband is serving his last term as the Mayor of the town next to Highland City. It was only ten kilometers away but the road is very congested.

"Sure, sure. See you then madame.Bye" He said.


"Mr. and Mrs. Marquez, I would want to donate some amount to fund any charity works you have in this town. You can consider it a gesture of thanks from me although I cannot repay this new pair of eyes your son generously gave me." Nero said after they were settle around the meeting table.

Mrs. Marquez looked at her husband. "But there was already a dep..."

"Mr. Carlson, we accept your sincere thanks. We can see that. Otherwise, you will not find any trouble finding us." Mr. Marquez cut what his wife was about to say. "We're even so glad that you want to support our charity works. However, my late son loved public service and doing charity works himself. I have thought of this when your mom deposited a huge amount under my son's name. I cannot use that for any other means so I thought of starting a Charity Foundation in his name." Mr. Marquez told everyone especially eyeing at Mr. Carlson.

"Did you say my mom, Mayor?" He was surprised to hear what Mr. Marquez just told.

"Yes Mr. Carlson. We arrived at the hospital with our son alive hoping he can survive for few more days, but that same day he passed away. We just arrived that morning so went to fix his records at the nurse station and checked his beneficiary. The hospital contacted your mom and immediately, she transferred Five Million Dollars to the hospital fund of my son. When we returned to the room, his girlfriend was crying aloud and we knew then that he had just bid goodbye." The mayor paused to swallow painfully then continued.. "The money is in the safe keeping of the bank now"

"His name is Charles." Mrs. Marquez said softly as he squeezed the hand of the mayor at her right side.The white man infront nodded in sympathy.

"I'm so sorry to hear that sir, maam Marquez. Surely, your son's memory will be remembered. I will support his cause. Mom's money may not be enough to fund a Charity work. Here, im adding to it another five million dollars to start with." He quickly affixed his signature on a cheque and handed it to the couple.

"We don't want to accept this if it is for ourselves. But for the sake of public service, we will accept it. The initial plan has been finalized, and we will be building the Charles Heart Center soon. We might as well build an Optical Care Center sometime soon after the first one is established." The mayor said.