

"YOU'RE stunned there again, Madeline!" Aunt Meling's voice woke me up.

I sighed, "Sorry, Aunt." I said to her.

"You, you're getting better at speaking English here in Manila."she said mockingly at me and her angry face was gone.

"Yes, they are good at teaching me, Auntie." I told her.

"What ma'am offered you, have you thought about it already?" She suddenly asked me.

Since Misty is not here today and she was assigned to go shopping in town I should have gone with her, it's just that Aunt Meling didn't have anyone in the kitchen that's why I'm here today.

"I've thought about it carefully, Tiya," I said.

"It's good then, because no matter what your decision is, your Aunt Meling is here to support you." She told us passionately.

I came closer to her and hugged her around the waist, "Thank you so much Aunty," I looked at her with wet eyes as I buried my face in her shoulder.

She gently patted my shoulder, "When are you going to see ma'am Sandra?"she asked.

"I'm just waiting for Misty, Aunt." I smiled at her.

She nodded to me as her answer, we didn't realize the time. It's just that Misty, who made us nervous inside the mansion, hasn't arrived yet.

We haven't told the Vious couple yet because maybe it took a while or there was traffic on the way to get here. Less than a minute later, we heard a car park in front of the mansion, so Tiya Meling and I wasted no time and went outside with the others to help.

We saw Misty getting past the passenger seat and Sir Shawn was opening it.

Yes, that's his wife, he's excited about that again.

When he left, our eyes met, and when he saw me, she smiled and you could see in her eyes the thrill and sparkle when Sir Shawn took her hand.

Aunt Meling and I both shook our heads because of her behavior. So Sir Shawn carried all of Misty's shopping to the kitchen, I couldn't even get close because they were talking about something that they were the only ones who understood.

The other assistant left quickly when Sir Shawn arrived, Aunt Meling and I waited for the two of them. We were about to help him do what he refused and he said it was up to him.

The two of them were inseparable, but when Sir Shawn was about to say goodbye because he said he still had something to finish and do upstairs, I immediately wrapped Misty around, and immediately bumped into her.

"You have a lot of story to tel!" I said.

"He's sweet, isn't he?"she giggled as if you thought he was not hurt by my resistance.

"We've been worried here for a while and then you're flirting outside." I frowned at her.

She suddenly frowned, "Did I text you," and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't have my cell phone, it fell in the water." I tried to smile as I put my hand on my neck.

"Yuck! Maybe later you put that in the rice, huh Madeline.

"I'm not like that and then I threw it away" I said dejectedly.

I haven't even called my mom and siblings yet because they might worry.

"Just buy a new one," got water from the fridge at the same time.

"Yes, and by the way, have you thought about ma'am Sandra's offer to us?" I remembered our conversation with Tiya earlier.

"Yes!"she said with a twinkle in his eye.

We didn't waste that opportunity when she told me that she wanted ma'am Sandra's offer. She was a little unable to think at the time because she said that maybe she was giving us something in return but because her dream was higher to get a diploma and also a job to better support our family's needs.

I hope we made the right decision, you who guided Misty and me.

IMMEDIATELY we begged to go upstairs of what Misty and I had agreed on ma'am Sandra's offer of schoolarship to us.

When we were in front of Sir Lucas's office, I immediately knocked. Less than a few minutes later, the door opened and Sir Shawn came out.

"Good evening, sir." I said.

"Good evening, sir." Misty greeted, smiling again.

His response to the two of us was a nod, "Come in," there was a hint of seriousness in his voice.

And it seems that he expected to see us come here to sir Lucas's office. I also thought that he was resting in his room because there was not much light on the other floors.

is it sir sage in his room? when can I see you again?

It's been a while since he last came here and his siblings have been really busy with their businesses.

My spirit woke up when Misty pulled my arm inside, where we saw Sir Lucas sitting in an office chair and he still had a pile of paperwork.

While his wife, ma'am Sandra, she was sitting on the sofa there, and when ber eyes turned to Misty and me, her smile widened at us as she expected the decision of the two of us to be like this.

“Oh! here you two, finally!" She said happily. "Come here, and take a sit."she pointed to a sofa in front of her.

I sighed and said, "We both agree to what you offer us, ma'am." I looked at Misty at the same time.

And this witch is looking at Sir Shawn! Now he is talking to his father who is discussing something about the business they have. We heard that because the two of them were close to us.

"I know that will be your decision," she had a smile on her face. "That's why I made a way for you to graduate from high school and you can start college."she continued as she turned to Misty.

You can see the frustration there and so can I, but as I said nothing is impossible for the Vious families because of their wealth because they can buy whatever it is and can get what they want with their millions of money.

"Thank you very much, ma'am, for this opportunity." I said crying.

"W—we really appreciate it k—we.. are grateful for...your...help, ma'am" was Misty's voice that was still stuttering.

"That's my help because you're trying to learn and want to graduate,"she told us.

Vious people are really kind..

"So tomorrow, someone will start teaching you, for up to 7 months he will teach you about things you have not yet understood." long leech to us.

Misty and I nodded at what ma'am Sandra said. They said we have per schedule and that is Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. Also because he is busy teaching us too much and he can't afford 1 week.

We also said that it's ok, just three days a week so we don't have to worry too much.

We said a lot of thanks to ma'am Sandra that night, as well as to her husband who was looking at us with a smile. We are also thankful to Sir Lucas because it turns out that they were two who kissed, just in case ma'am Sandra led him to tell us.

Misty and I gave ma'am Sandra a big hug before we decided to leave the office where we spent too much time because she gave me some books that she said I should read and they said they were in English so I co

uld learn more. words I don't know yet.

I know I'm close to reaching the dream I've always wanted to achieve..