

He saw that I didn't speak or push him, he suddenly grabbed me with a sweet kiss on my lips.

Why did he touch our lips together?

"hmp..s..sir." growled out of my mouth.

He quickly and forcefully kissed my lips as they went down my neck. He pressed himself against me and I felt something stabbing in my stomach.

Jusmeyo Madeline!

"Fuck!" he said cheaply.

Does he have a gun or maybe Sir has a knife?

"Are you saying some words at me Sir?" he frowned when I asked him.

“W—what? No!" he shouted so I was surprised and looked at him. "S..sorry." he said to me weakly and his chest was still rising and falling.

I just smiled as I remembered the person stabbing me in the heart. "And why is someone stabbing me in the abdomen, Sir? Is that a gun or a knife?" I asked him innocently.

Suddenly his ears and neck turned red but I didn't pay attention to that but was waiting for his answer.

He smiled and avoided looking at me. "W—what?" he looked at me again in disbelief.

What—Watawat, you're so deaf...

"I said, is that a gun or a knife?" we both looked at the chin where it was stabbing and I saw it sticking out.

A—the size! still scratched!

I don't know but my hand seemed to have a mind of its own and I grabbed it while glancing at him. It stopped and it looked as if it was shocked and looked at what I touched.

"Holyshit!" he said crisply and grabbed my hand and removed it from there.

"S...sir, are you alright?" I asked him weakly.

He looks like he's struggling for I don't know the reason, until now his chest is still rising and falling. I didn't get an answer from him because he closed his eyes tightly to calm himself down.

"Also, sir, why did you put your lips on mine?" I looked at him innocently while placing my hand to caress my lips.

"Please..don't think about it.." he said to me in English.

I don't think so! You thought, I'm learning how to speak their English.

I nodded at him. "Yes Sir, but you know how good it is." I told him looking into his eyes.

Can I add one more? Charot.

He seemed to be shocked because of that and looked at me in disbelief.

"The fuck, Ariana." I can't believe that he is saying bad words again to me.

"Sir? what is that?" I asked.


He took a deep breath and turned his back to me. "Your mind is so innocent as your face." he said in English.

What is it?

"Sir, you are so fast and I don't understand." I said with a frown.

"Just leave and I'll see what else I can do to you." he threatened me.

And his speech has an accent they call, I learned that from Misty, she's also a maid who's like me but two years older than me.

I'll just ask Misty again later why Sir did that.

"Are you not going to say anything or let me do it Sir?" I assured him and maybe later he will pull me again.

"No more." he said to me sparingly as he turned his back to go to his already cold breakfast.

I still thought I was going to be his breakfast…

It was TWO months ago when we last met Sir Sage and it never happened again.

What I heard from other assistants is that Sir Shawn and Sir Sage have been busy with their businesses and sometimes they even go to other countries. So we only see the two of them once in their mansion.

Misty also told me that they have their own condos and that they can sleep there. It is said that they only came home that day because there was no one to watch over ma'am Mage who was the youngest of the two of them.

The Vious are indeed rich, because of their possessions. And they still have different lands in the Philippines.

The wealth they have is enviable...

During my two months here at their house, I learned a lot, including their English language, which turned out to be English. Sometimes Misty teaches me when we are not doing anything together in the kitchen. And once ma'am Sandra saw us.

"What have you finished, Madeline?" asked Misty who is now teaching me here in the kitchen.

It was around 12:30 and we had just finished serving the Vious couple in the kitchen earlier. Their children are not there because they are too busy with the company they are handling and their only daughter is out with her friends.

"Just high school, and you are?" I said shyly to her question.

"I would have graduated from high school if tragedy hadn't happened to my family." Turan tried to smile.

"I'm sorry if I reminded you." I apologized to her.

"What are you doing without that, and then I'm okay." and she gently hit my shoulder.

"Aray ha, ambigat kaman" I moaned to him, so he laughed at me.

"Come here and when we can start again with my teaching English."she promised.

When Misty started teaching me, she had a lot of trouble because sometimes she was fiddling with her cell phone and someone would speak on it and her laugh was said to be 'google translator'.

We didn't realize it was two o'clock when the kitchen door suddenly opened, and someone entered. Misty and I both looked at each other and our eyes widened at the same time when we saw ma'am Sandra in the open door and she was looking at the book on our table.

We lowered our heads together to show respect to her,"Good afternoon." I stuttered a little in my English because of Misty's soft giggles.

"Good afternoon to both of you."she said with a nod to us.

"Do you need anything, Ms. Sandra?" Misty asked.

He waved his hand in the air,"I was really looking for you, a while ago and another assistant said you were here,"she said to us.

"What can we do for you Ma'am." I promised her

He walked towards us,"Sit down,"she said with a smile.

Even though we were embarrassed, we couldn't do anything but sit because first of all he was still our boss.

"I heard what you were talking about earlier,"she promised us. "Hmm..I would like to help you."she added.

Even though I knew who she was going to, I still asked about it, "What is the help ma'am?" I said to her.

SHe smiled sweetly and said, "I want to educate you, and give you a schoolarship, but you should start in college."she said.

"Ma'am, we haven't graduated from high school yet." I said weakly because until now Misty was still beside me.

"I'll take care of everything, as long as from tomorrow until the end of this rain, someone will come to help you with what you don't know yet. Is that clear?" She told us immediately.

"Ma'am, isn't this too much? Besides, we're just your helper." Misty's voice said.

I could feel the eagerness in his voice but there was also a part of him that could not accept the offer that Ma'am was giving just because we were only helpers and now he was helping us in this way.

"That's it, I'll give you two days to think about what I gave you two. Don't pressure yourself, just choose what this want is." She pointed to his heart and mind.

"I'm just in your Sir Lucas's office, you can come to me anytime you think." and when she said that, she stood up and was leaving the kitchen.

Misty and I looked at each other when she disappeared from our sight, thinking about what Ma'am told us. But I know for myself that I want it, I want this opportunity that is being given to me. So I also want Misty to take it so that she can finally achieve the success she is hoping for.