

FOUR WEEKS has passed, and ma'am Sandra believes that there will be a tutor to teach Misty and me. They let us use their library which is on the third floor and has been our classroom for the past four weeks. When I was first taught, I was very weak because of the many numbers and words I didn't understand.

It's math and english, help my body is going weaker!

My body feels like it's going to stretch out because we've done so much in just one day. She carries a pile of papers when she comes here. Misty is still good and she already knows what others are teaching us.

I was really be jealous with hertoo..

And in those four days, Sir Sage only returned home once because he was with a woman and none other than...

Ma'am Faith is said to be his friend, but if you get close to him, he's like a gecko.

On that same day, our eyes did not meet. It's like I'm not there, that he doesn't know me and I feel like he's avoiding me. It hurts. Because I miss him so much and want to see him this close and also hug him again.

he has a girlfriend Madeline, stop!

I remembered what he said to me when he was drunk. He said he likes me. And he kissed me before, what was that? He just doesn't have it? Is he like that to all women?

Am I just one of his girls?

It tingles where my heart when I think about it, that out of all women he could do what he did to me. I also found out about those things from Misty because I was really curious. Fortunately, he didn't ask anything.

And they say that when a man kisses you on the lips, he must be your boyfriend. I didn't tell her what happened between me and sir Sage because she might call me what else and then I was embarrassed to say.

because sir Sage is not my boyfriend..

Maybe she will tell Aunt Meling and she will scold me and send me back to our province.

"Madeline?" Erickson drew attention to me.

You're right, Misty and I were tutored by men. He is also tall, has a pointed nose, big strained eyes and slightly red lips because Sir Sage is actually even more handsome.

I just shook my head because of comparing the two, "Yes sir?" I asked shyly as I looked at him.

I'm not really used to speaking in English yet, but Sir Erickson said I shouldn't rush it because I will learn.

he is so kind...

He grinned, "I told you, just call me Erick." he said again.

He kept saying that to Misty and me, but because he was teaching us, we were too embarrassed to call him by his name.

"Sorry, Erick." I apologize.

"There! much better!” his eyes sparkled.

Misty is not here now so Erick is the only one teaching me. Also, Misty already knows what she will teach us next, so she told Erick yesterday if she could just not come today and that she wants to help in the kitchen today.

He agreed and said that he will just give him the next thing we will do for Monday, today is Friday so Monday will be our schedule with him again.

"It's you," I asked, looking at the question he gave now that we're back in math.

This one is also big, not like Sir Sage, who is so naughty that you think he is the burden of the whole world…

I COULD NOT even read the questions he was asking when suddenly there was a smash near the door. Erick and I looked at it together, and then looked at each other.

He shrugged as he read what I was indicating. "I didn't see someone there." he said to me.

I nodded and looked back at your door, which was a little open.

it was closed a while ago...

I just shrugged it off and continued what I was doing earlier. Erick helps me with the things I don't know yet and the words I'm not familiar with he explains to me well.

He is very detailed in everything that I don't know, I don't even know if being a tutor is just his sideline or if he is really a full-fledged teacher. I was also embarrassed to ask him because I don't tend to interfere or know his private information.

We're not even that close, but the way he talks to me or Misty, it's like we're friends, that's what I notice about him that he's very friendly to everyone, including other helpers who give us snack.

Erick and I were silenced by three weak knocks. So we turned there together when Misty came in with me and Erickson's snacks.

"Ma'am Sandra said you should have a snack first." she smiled at the same time.

He put it on the table, he also said goodbye immediately because he said that Sir Sage had already home. And no one will take care of him downstairs because the other assistant has gone back to the province.

did he go home? is he with that girl he was with before?

I just shook my head and started eating what Misty gave us. Erick did the same.

"How old are you again, Madeline?" he suddenly asked me.

I turned to him, "Nineteen," and he smiled.

“Oh! so i'm 5 years older than you." he nodded.

"You're 24 already?!" I said to him in surprise.

I couldn't believe it and there was nothing on his face because he was still like a child in my eyes. He looks like he's in his 20s.

He grinned at my reaction, "Yes! I am." then he chuckled.

He asked me a lot of questions and I asked him the same. I am so grateful that he was the first to ask about such things.

It wasn't long before he started us again with the paperwork that was on a table. It's tiring but I can see the improvement that is the result of Erick teaching me.

Sometimes I can even speak English when he asks me questions that I don't know. I just became proud of myself. And it was a very happy feeling.

"I'll see you again this monday, Madeline." Erick smiled looking at me as he put all the paperwork in the box he brought earlier

"Thank you for your time again Erick." I am sincere to him.

"Don't thank me because Aunt Sandra gives me money."he promised me with a smile.

I nodded because of that, "Will you take all of that? You can just leave it here and there aren't many people coming." I said when I saw everything in the box.

"I need all of this and I also want to see your answers. I'm not going anywhere after this, so it's ok." he smiled at me.

Erickson and I went out of the library together, he didn't have that box with only paperwork. I am that little box and that was our snack earlier.

Erick also quickly said goodbye to sir Lucas who was in the dining room with his wife and sir Sage.

he was here..so he really did home...

His eyes were sharp on Erick and me when our eyes met. I immediately avoided looking at him.

"I'll go first aunt." he said goodbye to them.

"Why don't you join us for dinner, Erickson?" Sir Lucas asked him.

"No more uncle, I still have something to do." he declined.

I thought he wouldn't do anything anymore??

"Ok, be careful in driving."Ma’am Sandra said.

“Yes, aunt.”he said.

She approached it and kissed before going to sir Lucas and fist bumping. He nodded in the direction of sir Sage, that's right, he didn't even smile or nod.

hmm, really harshness!

"I'll just accompanied him outside, ma'am" I also said goodbye to them and he nodded.

"Thank you," he said to me as I gave him the box I brought and placed it on the backseat of the chair.

"Be careful sir!" I said to him that i joke what i called.

He smiled and got i

nto the driver's seat, "Goodbye, Madeline."

I waved my hand as he got into the car, "Bye sir!" I yelled and he honked three more times.