
My Infinite Luck System

Zsc_plays · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Beginning

Jin-Oh was Typically normal 17 year old boy. That's Was When The Meteor Hit Also know as the falling Star.

it was a normal Thursday and Jin-Oh was getting ready for school after he woked up late he rushed out of his apartment but didn't realize that he didn't lock his door.

after rushing out Jin-Oh Ride His bicycle to school and met his friend Ace they both walked to class together after they were about to go to their class room Ace told Jin-Oh that he was moving to another state and he won't be back and he said that this time is permanent Jin-Oh asked him why is he moving again,

Ace said because he after Ace could answer the bell ringed 🔔 and Ace said he would tell him after school, but that was the last time Ace and Jin-Oh talked and faith had different choice for them.

After reaching his class Jin-Oh saw that his teacher wasn't here yet after 5 minutes have passed the teacher came he introduced himself as Mr. Yakuza when the teacher finish introducing himself an emergency message from CSA came in the class TV the message said that a meteor is coming close to earth.

the meteor was the size of titan Saturn 🪐 moon and earth have only had 24 minutes until the end have come, everyone on earth went on a franzy everyone one was in chaos Jin-Oh Class mate went crazy some of them wanted to jump out of the window to meet their family, friends and love ones, Jin-Oh rushed out of class towards Ace Class room another message came saying that they were wrong but earth only have 30 second.

Ace class room was on the 2 floor and it would take you 20 second just to get their and Jin-Oh clas was in the 5 floor and Jin-Oh reached to Ace class room was only 10 second's left most of Ace and Jin-Oh class met jump out of the window, All Ace and Jin-Oh could see was each other eyes when boom 💥 an explosion happened.

Earth was still exiting and nothing happened The CSA thought the Meteor was going to hit earth 🌍 or maybe it changed direction the last second.

Jin-Oh was still alive but just couldn't open his eyes it was like he was conscious but just couldn't move his body after few tries Jin-Oh opened his eyes all he could see was strange things on his arms and he was in a small room with just one chair and a bed.

his bed looked like a hospital 🏥 bed and then he realized he was in a hospital room he rushed to get out of the bed make him fall leading on his face and then the door opened a doctor came and gave Jin-Oh a pill and then the doctor touched Jin-Oh forehead making him float.

the doctor then moved his arm towards Jin-Oh's bed then Jin-Oh body moved the same direction as the doctor arm and after the doctor laid Jin-Oh, Jin started to scream saying help their is a wizard 🪄 pretending to be a doctor the doctor tried calming Jin-Oh and told him it has been two years since you have been in coma and a lot of things changed over the years.