
My Infinite Luck System

Zsc_plays · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New World

After Calming Jin-Oh down and telling him his been in coma for 2 years. The doctor explained that after CSA thought the Meteor changed direction it actually hit earth but instead of destroying Earth 🌍 the meteor hit USA and the United States Government military 🪖 capture it and run some tasks on what this thing was.

what they found out was that this meteor was not an ordinary Meteor, the meteor had a lot of energy stored in it the United States military tried to Open but it didn't budge after a whole month have passed the government decided to nuke the thing so they took it to the Pacific Ocean after nuking it the meteor.

started to release some green gass which spread so fast it took 15 second for the gass to go to Japan everyone in Japan went on a franzy the Japan leaders contact USA on what they did instead of explaining the US people were all dead that was what people thought because USA satellite 🛰️ went down.

US was defenseless after a whole 24 hours has passed, US satellite were on again but everyone on US had super natural abilities no one can explain.

what happened some people had fire power and other had earth,water, air and other had lighting shape shifting telekinesis any abilities you could think of.

US was the first country to have this super natural stuff happening and then Japan was second and third was China and so on and then a whole year have passed all the government from other countries came together making a school know as Natural High then school is where students from different countries could go to and learn more about their abilities and how to control it. ding the doctor watch sounded alerting the doctor to take is his break.

When the doctor was about to leave jin-oh said wait and pointed in front of him saying what is this floating thing saying quest do 10 push-up and expires in 30 days and level 1 noob.

the doctor said what do you mean their is nothing in front of you except the chair 🪑 and then told Jin-Oh to take some rest it could be the side effect of being in a comma for 2 years the doctor left leaving Jin-Oh and the yellow floating square screen saying quest 10 push-up.

After 20 day's have passed Jin-Oh was excused from the hospital Jin -Oh was still seeing that yellow floating square Jin -Oh wondered what's his going to do now and then he thought of his old apartment and to see what happened to it.

After arriving their what he saw was not his apartment instead it was a restaurant he started to cry 😭 ding sounded the Yellow floating square.

He looked up and start to scream at the yellow floating square he said "what do you want" ding another message Was sent by the floating square the message said do 10 push-up to unlock The Infinite luck system, he started to scream at it again saying "why do you keep asking me to do 10 push-up" ding another message came saying do 10 push-up to unlock Luck System.

"ugh" 😩 said Jin-Oh, Jin-Oh said fun I'll do your stupid push-up and started to do the push - ups.

[ding completed quest you have unlock the Infinite luck system] ding another message came [Host has awakened the Infinite luck system] to activate it say something anything and it well come from Luck.

'Ugh fine" said Jin -Oh "I wish I had 200 dollars" "trash" nothing happened after few seconds Jin-Oh said this was a scam nothing is happening and then something hit his face he grabbed it and it was a lottery ticket.

ugh this is not useful I could lose and plus how would I scratch it then something hit the back of his head "ow" he said and it was a quarter "uh this is useful".

and then Jin -Oh said "still not help" ding another message came out saying scratch it you dumb fuck.

"what the fuck" said Jin-Oh "what kind of system are you" ding another message came from the system saying scratch the fucking ticket you dip shit okay fine said Jin-Oh scratching the ticket after scratch all of it it said he won 200 dollars Jin -Oh was surprised by this.