
My Ill-fated Life

sacret · Fantasy
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81 Chs


I wake up and came out of the room and went to Alice room. I open the door and went inside. He was sleeping so peacefully and I sit beside him and I touch his hair and I wake up him. He wake up and say mummy, we aren't at home so I don't have classes. I say yeah, but you have to wake up right. He nod his head and I take him for bath after that then I was helping him to dress up. He say mummy, I am hungry. I say OK, then let's go to eat. I hold his hand and we came to kitchen. And I told him to sit in the table and I went inside kitchen. Aunty was there and she saw and ask me if I need anything. I say I came here to make breakfast for my son. She say she will do it and there was other maid too. I say it's OK, I will do it. I make him omelet and toast. I bring it out and I put it infron of him. Alice start eating them and I saw Thron coming there. He look at us and say you are eating breakfast already? I say Alice say he is hungry so I make him breakfast. Thron sit beside Alice and say I would also have breakfast with him. Alice smiled looking him and say uncle, good morning. Alice was so into food he didn't care about us. I bring the breakfast for Thron too and we all sit there and eat our breakfast. After eating, we came back to my room and Alice was watching TV and he say mummy, are we goung to live here? I ask him do you want to live here? He think for sometime and say I like it but I miss my friends and Daisy. I smile and say what about we find you new school here? He say but I won't have any friends here. I say you can make friends here too. He nod his head with a sad face. I say you want to go home? He shake his head and say if we go then you have to leave Thron uncle again. I ask what do you mean? He say mummy, you and Thron uncle love each other right? I don't know he knew all these and I sit in front of him and say yeah, we do but you are the one who I love more than anyone so if you want to go back then we will. I hold his hand and he say it's OK mummy, I can live here. I kiss his hand and say thank you. I say but we would go and visit Gia sister, uncle and Daisy some time OK. He nod his head and I say my son has grown up. He smile and say yes. After talking with him I realize that he can see what is happening around him. So I should be truthful to him more from now on.