
My Ill-fated Life

sacret · Fantasy
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81 Chs


I have come with Thron at his house and I thought it was right. I have asked Alice about it and he was happy with it. I haven't told Alice about Thron yet but I don't know how to tell him. I have come to his house but when I have left I thought I would never come back. Alice and I were at a room and then Thron come there. Alice went to him and Thron take him in his arms and say let's went to sleep now. It was already late and Alice nod his head and Thron say let me take you to your room. I say it's OK, Alice and I would sleep together. Alice say mummy, I can sleep alone. I smile and I went to them and say if you can then I can't stop you. I look at Thron and say where is his room? Thron take us to his room and it was decorated with toys and Alice say wow, is this really my room? Thron nod his head and say yeah. Alice came down and he went to his bed and say I like it. I smile looking him and I say then let's sleep, OK. Alice nod his head and I say let's go and take bath first. I take him to bath and then I put him in bed and then he fall a sleep. I look at him and thought he must have been tired after travel and he run around the house so much. I kiss his forehead and I came out of the room. I saw Thron was waiting outside and Ilhe ask if Alice fall asleep? I say he si asleep. We were walking towards my room and Thron say Rose, thank you for coming with me. I nod my head and say why didn't you went to sleep yet? He smile and say i was waiting for you. I say why? He say i want to ask you of you are comfortable or not? I say I am OK. He nod his head and say then it's good. We were standing in from of my room and I say OK, I will go to sleep. He say OK and I say good night and I open the door and was about to go inside my room. He hold my hand and say Can I stay here with you? I pull my hand and say I think you should go to your room. I was looking down and he say ok and I went inside my room and Thron also went to his room. I was lying in my bed and think about being here with Thron and I have brought Alice with me. I say let's just sleep tonight. Then I fall asleep.