
My Ill-fated Life

sacret · Fantasy
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81 Chs


Alice was playing in the garden and I was looking him. He was playing football with Kavin and other two bodyguards. After sometime, Thron came beside me and he was looking at Alice. He say Alice is playing? I nod my head and he smile looking me. I look at Alice and he was so focus in playing. Then after sometime, they take a break and Alice came to me and he sweating so much. I wipe his sweat and say you should rest now. He drink the water and say mummy, don't worry I am OK and you also play with us. I smile and say then what do you want to play with me? I was wiping his face and he say let's play blindfold game. I say OK and Alice look at Thron and say uncle, play with us. Thron say OK and I ask then who will have blindfold? Alice look at me and say mummy, you will have it. I say OK and he cover my eyes with a piece of cloth and I was trying to find them. I was just hearing Alice voice calling me and laughing. I was walking around but I couldn't find them. I was trying to catch them and then I feel someone was beside me and I was trying to catch him but my feet slip and I feel I was going to fall. Thron was the one which was beside her and he try to get away but he saw Rose was about to fall down and he went to catch her. He hold her before she fall down. Then I open my eye fold and saw Thron holding me. Alice came to us and say now, uncle will have to do it. Thron say OK and I tie him the blindfold and then I run around with Alice. We play it for sometime and after that we were sitting in the bench and Alice was looking happy. He say mummy, today I really it. I say really? He say yeah, I haven't play with you like this before as you were always busy. I remember how I was always busy and Alice just came to shop and sit around. I say then Iets play more together. He smile brightly and say OK. Thron was looking them and he say let's go and eat. Alice say yeah, I am also hungry. I say but first let's wash up. Alice say mummy, but I am hungry. I say look at yourself first you are covered in sweat so let's wash up first. Alice nod his head and say OK. I say let's go. Then we all went inside the house.