
My Husband Is So Cold

WARNING : R(18+) Twenty five years old Alexa Martinez was forced by her mother to marry a man who is many years older than her. Without any option, she decided to marry him. At first life was good but as soon as she gave birth, everything changed. The man started to disrespect her in front of the kids and also cheat. Humble and naive, she tried her level best to bear up with his humiliation but her life changed the moment her best friend Bella dragged her in the club. In the club she met a devilishly handsome stranger whom she had a one night stand with. However after this one night stand she instead got "Obsessed with cheating" . MARK WATSON is aggressive and rude. He abused Alexa a lot and things got worse when she gave birth . He began to cheat and disrespect her in front of the kids but then he regretted it later when he realized it that Alexa had finally got a man who is young and richer than him . EXTRACT : " I can't stay in this bar, am married with three kids " , l reprimanded myself as I tried to think of something that I could do to stay the hell away from this temptation. " Let me get out of this club right now , this isn't right " , With my mind warning me , l instantly picked up my half filled up glass and jumped off the velvet leathered stool . " Here is the money ", l countered to the bartender then I turned on my heels to leave . However as I was about to walk away , out of the sudden the stranger halted up my movements by holding up my hand . " Don't go stay , do you mind if we have a drink together " , " l'm sorry that isn't going to happen , this isn't me , l don't do this , l never do this " , l murmured quickly with my heart beating harder. This was all honestly new to me and having his grip on my hand was making me to think the worst .

DaoistwiMBit · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Empty Feelings


I'm getting ready for dinner at Justin and Michelle's home . After yesterday's embarrassment , l played it cool and did my usual home chores until when Mark announced it that we were going to the dinner . With the kids already prepared , l was now nervous . Everything was good but l didn't want to embarrass Mark .

Henry told me to bring the kids at the dinner . Mark wasn't pleased but he had nothing he could do about it . At my side l wasn't that concentrated as l searched for the dress to wear . My mind was all about the way he embarrassed me at night . It has been three months since l cheated . I wanted to be honest and bear up with Mark for the sake of kids but now I had that empty feeling in me .

I was now craving for him , the only one who made me feel like l was in heaven . I wanted him but then I didn't know how l was going to get him again . Few months ago Bella called me and asked me about the party but l refused to tell her every thing that happened to me after her departure .

" Your not wearing that , it looks cheap remember you meeting more important people , don't embarrass me " , Just as l was mindlessly pulling on the dress , Mark all of the sudden bursted in the room . At his words , l looked down at the beautiful red cocktail dress that reached down at my feet . Though l had picked it up thoughtlessly ,it was the same dress l wore for our first anniversary .

At that time , he told me that he loved the dress , he told me that l looked more cute in it and that was why I chose to wear it today . ". Don't you remember this dress " , l asked in a low voice while looking at him with a little hope in my eyes . Per now , l only hoped that he could recall it , that night meant everything to me .

It was the last anniversary we had as l had no child in that year . " No , why ?, Don't say you wasted my money on that shit , for the love of God l didn't give you money for you to waste it on total rubbish like that " , He yelled with anger blazing in his eyes . At that my heart felt like it was ripping out of my chest . He honestly couldn't remember it . How could he recall it anyway when l now meant nothing to him .

Sadly I looked down at the dress . It was the only dress that l loved most and all because of that moment we shared . " I'm sorry , what dress do you want me to wear in order for me not to embarrass you " , l asked while pulling myself together .

" Don't you .... " , Just as he began , the bedroom door all of the sudden swung open and Chrissy ran instantly inside . Sadly the girl l had just dressed up few minutes ago was now covered up in paint . Her blue dress was ruined to yellow and green paint was all in her hair that l had spent most of my time designing it .

After staring at her , l turned and looked at Mark's face but it was getting redder and redder with anger . Thoughtless , l could see that he was going to lose his shit in any minute . " Dad l ..... " , . ". Are you fucking for real , l told you to sit on the fucking couch now look what the hell you have done " , Still young and innocent , Chrissy began to talk but Mark immediately yelled at her cutting her short in mid sentence .

At his yelling , l saw Chrissy's eyes shine bright with tears and inwardly feeling hurt , l rushed over to her . I did understand the situation but he shouldn't have done it in that way . there was no way in hell he should have spoken like that to her . He could see it that she was so young but still he cursed carelessly . " And you " ,Just as l was comforting my lovely daughter , he pointed in my face with spit falling out of his mouth . He was so pissed off that his jaws were clenched with anger .

"Sort this out , l haven't got time to waste , I'm going to call you a car to bring you around Justin's house " , He added With his index finger pointed at me . " Don't mind , l will drive myself " , l replied on the edge of tears . " Uhm , whatever , l don't mind " , He retorted and before l could respond to him , he stormed out of the room .

With him gone , l pulled Chrissy more in to me , hugging her tightly as she cried on my shoulder . " It's okay baby , I will get you cleaned up " , l murmured in a soft voice while running my fingers through her green painted hair . As a kid she just cried more in reply . " I love you sweetie , it's not the end of the world , let me clean you up quickly and then you will help me pick up the dress to wear " , l added . " Are you fine with helping me , darling ? " , I asked and at that she pulled away from me and nodded her head with a smile on her face .