
My Husband Is So Cold

WARNING : R(18+) Twenty five years old Alexa Martinez was forced by her mother to marry a man who is many years older than her. Without any option, she decided to marry him. At first life was good but as soon as she gave birth, everything changed. The man started to disrespect her in front of the kids and also cheat. Humble and naive, she tried her level best to bear up with his humiliation but her life changed the moment her best friend Bella dragged her in the club. In the club she met a devilishly handsome stranger whom she had a one night stand with. However after this one night stand she instead got "Obsessed with cheating" . MARK WATSON is aggressive and rude. He abused Alexa a lot and things got worse when she gave birth . He began to cheat and disrespect her in front of the kids but then he regretted it later when he realized it that Alexa had finally got a man who is young and richer than him . EXTRACT : " I can't stay in this bar, am married with three kids " , l reprimanded myself as I tried to think of something that I could do to stay the hell away from this temptation. " Let me get out of this club right now , this isn't right " , With my mind warning me , l instantly picked up my half filled up glass and jumped off the velvet leathered stool . " Here is the money ", l countered to the bartender then I turned on my heels to leave . However as I was about to walk away , out of the sudden the stranger halted up my movements by holding up my hand . " Don't go stay , do you mind if we have a drink together " , " l'm sorry that isn't going to happen , this isn't me , l don't do this , l never do this " , l murmured quickly with my heart beating harder. This was all honestly new to me and having his grip on my hand was making me to think the worst .

DaoistwiMBit · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Totally stuck


With a glass of wine in my hand ,l watched as different billionaires entered in the room which was well designed . Most of them greeted me as they passed via me and we chatted about business . Mark also walked in the room while looking smug .ln what I did remember , Henry told him to bring his wife but instead Harriet was walking over to him while embracing him in a hug . Seeing them , l just shook my head in disbelief . For a man who had a wife it was really weird to behave like that. .

" Urghhhh " , Non of my business , l just turned my attention to the wine in my glass . " Mark where is your wife and the kids , l thought that they were coming with you l was looking forward to seeing them " , Just as Mark walked with Harriet , Henry murmured the thing which made him to stop in mid motion . " They are coming " , He replied a bit harshly and walked away .

" Again you around Mr Adrian , l don't want to intervene in his family but we'll l feel sorry for his wife , she has to put up with an idiot like him , did you hear the way he has been speaking about his wife " , Henry murmured while passing me another bottle of wine . " Umh " , l hummed speechless .

I had my own stress and l had my mind far away . Even though I was saying nothing , He kept on telling me that Mark was arguing with his wife a few couple of months in his office . " Well she might still love him to be with such an idiot , she might just be as crazy , l feel sorry for her " , He didn't stop talking until when l lastly excused myself and walked away to go and pick up the phone .


Currently dressed up and seated in the car , l nervously drove it towards Justin's house . Everything was fine but still I was afraid about showing up at their home . It wasn't because of meeting different rich people but l was afraid of what Mark tells them about me . I had a feeling that perhaps he talks badly about me .

" Mummy am tired , l want to go to bed " , Just as I was focused on driving , Ivan whined in a sleepy voice . This was it now , we were left with a few minutes to reach but now he wanted to sleep . " Alright baby " , With nothing to do , l placed my hand on his back and he rested his head on my lap .

After a good couple of minutes , l lastly stopped the car at Justin's gate and then we all stepped out . With a sleepy Ivan in my hands , we made a way towards the house with Jessica and Chrissy holding up their hands . I walked more carefully but I could tell it that l didn't look beautiful , l had no make up on my face , the dress was a black summer dress not a party dress and my hair was a mess ,l could see it sticking everywhere .

It was all disorganized but if l was to stop and sort it , we would have been more late . After reaching the door l knocked on it with my spare hand . Waiting it to be opened , l silently stood up . I could here laughter and talking in the room . They were billionaires chatting , just the thought of meeting different billionaires made my stomach to turn with nerves .

The door lastly opened and Henry instantly came in my view . " Good evening " , l greeted . " Good evening too " , He looked at me and shook his head while giving me a sad smile . Of course with that sad smile , l could guess it , l all looked old , ugly and yet l was young by age .

After staring at me , he lastly stepped out of the door way to let us in. . There were more people in the room than I thought it would be..". Well you have taken your time , everyone has been waiting for you , l wish they didn't invite you " , Just as I was staring around , Mark made his way to us and hissed out in an angry voice .

At his words , l took a deep breath and Iooked down at the Kids . They also looked a little sad that he said that. . He didn't want us to come and in brief we we're embarrassing him in front of his bosses . Wordlessly and sad l shifted Ivan in my hands and kept looking around the room .

With no where to walk , Ivan kept shifting . Puzzled and not knowing what to do next , l looked at Mark with a thought that he will notice that I need help and take Ivan from me but unfortunately , he just shook his head and walked away from us . With him gone , l remained totally stuck . I could see every single person in the room staring at us.

Of course l had to catch up their attention , with the kid asleep in my arms and two on my side it really looked weird . I tried to ignore them but l couldn't . I felt myself getting upset and tears were also formimg in my eyes . I didn't want to be a cry baby but it really hurt to watch the father of my kids ignore me in such a condition .