
UA Festival pt3: Ida vs Hagakure

----So parts for this bit will be named after the changed fight. As Ida is not fighting Hatsume anymore the title is now Ida vs Hagakure, even though not much of chapter is dedicated to that.-----

After some sub events everyone was ready for the next part of the festival. The sub-events actually went by quickly, but I didn't win any though. During the scavenger hunt I got a card for a gemstone. Which wasn't easy to get making me lose. The other events were pretty alright, but I ended up getting unlucky in those too.

At least now it was time for some fighting! I was always ready for a fight and I planned on pummeling the others into the ground. I wish i could've fought first, but it ended up being Mirdoriya. His fight was interesting, he won against his opponent, but he nearly lost. There wasn't any real battle, but that purple haired guy's quirk was something else.

After that oh boy poor Sero, Shoto had completely in cased him in ice instantly. It was a boring fight that Shoto ended with overwhelming power. There wasn't anything special or even notable about it.

After that it Denki vs plant hair girl. It was a bad combination for him, and that was evident from the start when he literally fried himself and got captured. Throwing into the fight it was a depressingly bad fight.

"Man that was so lame!" I wanted to see something interesting. Except that was just boring as all hell. The next match still wasn't me!

"You really want to fight me huh Des? I do too! I made some equipment specially for this fight. Just in case, I was taught to always be prepared and use everything at my disposal. So I hope you don't mind me fighting somewhat dirty..."

"Shhhh Erin, I just want to fight in general though. I've been getting stronger and stronger, and I really want to see how far I can take it." Erin had a disturbing smile, "So masochistic of you Des! i like it..." I put my hand on her mouth, "I am not masochistic, I just like to improve. Unfortunately the best way to do that is through harm. So I find it important to have control of when that happens."

She nodded and then licked my hand. "Ugh, how is there so much saliva?"

"No clue, i think it might be from all my talking. Ultimately though I really gotta say..." She licked her lips, "You hand is very salty."

There was 100% something wrong with Erin. I didn't know what, but it certainly wasn't anything I wanted to know I imagine. I sighed, "The next fight is Ida vs... Toru? Huh I wonder how that's gonna go?"

Watching the fight would be a little difficult and narrating the fight would be hard. The two said something, but I couldn't quite hear it. From what I could get though Toru mentioned using me to coast into the top. So she was gonna try her best to win, despite her being carried.

As soon as Present Mic marked the start of the match Ida ran forward. It was a good strategy since he had to fight Toru while she was still clothed. Except Toru was pretty fast at stripping down. Losing her shirt instantly and jumped out of her shoes and pants. I now understood why she didn't wear underwear normally. It looked like Ida was gonna make contact, but Toru had already vanished.

I could find her using my extra senses, but Ida didn't have that ability. It was pretty sudden when Ida took a punch to his gut. He kicked where she was, but she was surprisingly slippery. Ida could win this if he was smart about it, but... I doubted he would.

I heard Deku mumbling over the fight, I hung over his seat. "What's your thoughts on this fight you seem to be analyzing it too."

"Huh! Oh uhhh, well I mean. I was only taking notes, but I guess if I had to say who would win it is mostly likely Hagakure. Unless Ida uses his burst I can't imagine him hitting Toru. After all no one can actually see her. Not to mention she is surprisingly quiet."

Right Ida did use some kind of special burst thing during the cavalry battle. It didn't really help, but maybe it would be another way for Ida to win? "I was thinking Ida could create some rubble and use it to cause Toru to struggle with closing in on him. If the rubble is messy enough it would cut into her feet you know?"

Deku nodded along, "Yeah, I didn't think about that. Ida might be able to do something like that... Though I don't think I could do that, so I can't imagine Ida doing that."

I figured, Deku and Ida were friends so I wanted to see if Deku might decide if Ida would do it. Turns out I was right though, though Deku had something right. Ida might be able to hit her with a burst of speed, but it wasn't something guaranteed. Toru might be a little... ditzy? No, Lazy? She wasn't dumb was the point. She would certainly go for attacks that Ida wouldn't be able to tell where they are coming from.

Even while me and Deku were talking, Toru had struck Ida in the stomach a couple more times. Doing that over and over again was good, but if she does it too many times. Ida will predict her movement though. I leaned back in my seat again, it was a even enough fight. Honestly compared to the other fights it was pretty good. Looking at the next fight though, I could only sigh.

The next fight would be a far too even of a fight. Eijiro Kirishima vs. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, that would be just a mess. Similar quirks, similar personality, similar actions. "I am gonna go find something to eat." Erin nodded, watching pretty intently.

Actually she was staring at the invisible Toru. Cou-Could Erin see her? That had to be impossible though... Maybe she was just? Then I saw how Erin could watch Toru, in certain places where Cementoss had fixed the arena it was dusty. It wasn't anything extreme, but... I would need to be serious even by just a little bit to beat Erin.