
UA Festival pt2

Lucky me that Toru and Mina stuck by there word for a team. "Thanks you two, I think that debt of traing is somewhat payed back for this."

"Don't worry about it D! We got this and I won't count this as the return."

"Yeah Mina is right! We are girls of our word! Except I think we should get 1 more teammate."

I had to agree with Toru, we needed a 4th. Erin might agree, but honestly I don't see her being much help. Kacchan would be great, but...I doubted he would agree. I wonder...

"I think I got someone its a risk though since they are from a different class."

Toru and Mina both looked at me, "Yeah sure! Who is it?"

"I'll go see if I can recruit them!" I peaced into the crowd and found the girl I wanted to get immediately. Well she actually approached me.

"I want to use your fame!" I stared at Mei, "Well that was easy! I was actually looking for you."

"Haha! Perfect, what's your name again." I frowned, I knew she was joking but come on.

Grouping up with Toru and Mina, we just needed to decided who would be the rider. I mean I would love to be carried by three women. It however meant I would be limited in movement and quirk use. Mina would also be limited like me. Toru could be the rider, but the band would be way to easy to spot and steal off her. Which left Mei... After all we were able to equip the gear she had made.

"Mei you are the rider, Toru you will be equipping her gear for the increased movement."

"You mean her support gear? Why?" I patted her shoulder, "Let me be honest with you Toru, you aren't gonna stand out as an invisible girl. So use Mei's support gear to showcase your skill. This combined with my and Mina's movement... Well"

The pink girl snapped, "We are just gonna play chase! That makes a lot of sense actually."

Placing Mei on our shoulders she had tucked the headband within her surprisingly fluffy hair. Toru took the front so we could use her as a flash grenade While me and Mina could practically slide around in the back. I could almost cry at my genius!

It was obvious everyone was gonna rush us. So by working together we were able to avoid almost everyone at the start. Some teams had some pretty nutty teams put together. I was a bit surprised to see Erin with the purple sleepy looking boy. Mineta had been with Mezo which was a bonkers combo, thank goodness Mina could quickly melt Mineta's quirk.

Class B had also been roaming yoinking the headbands of various Classmates. It was all within expected outcomes though. "YES YES YES! This is great look at all the people watching us!" Mei was a little distracted, but we just needed to avoid people and it would be fine.

"Come here! We will be taking your head band." I tapped Toru to signal a prep for her to refract some light. Shoto had Denki on his team and started a flash of lighting. "Mina grabbed Toru!" I grabbed Toru's arm and lifted her along with Mei. Mina tried the same with some struggle, though it was fine. I had enough room to absorb Denki's electricity.

"DEAL WITH MY VOLTS!" I blocked the taser, "Nice try, but lightning is just food for me!"

Shoto grunted trying to blast us with ice. I pushed light through Toru slapping her back. Causing everyone to be blinded. Mina and Mei were wearing goggles that blocked the light while I just blinked it out of my system. Bolting away was easy peasy! So like hell I was gonna let us fall behind.

Shoto hadn't pursued us, he had went back for the stunned, frozen and now blind teams that had been behind us. We would win, but we would have no extra points.

----So like obvi Destiny is a little overpowered for this so I gave some critical thinking. Ahem continuing on...-----

"High Fives all around guys! I knew we picked the right too overpowered teammate." I gave Mina her high five along with Toru. Mei hadn't given one due to her stripping off the jet pack from Toru. It seemed it busted when I blasted light through Toru.

"No honestly if I hadn't gotten you three on my team I think it would've been harder for me. Not too many would join me after all."

"Psshhh as long as you placed first I would've joined you so i could show off my babies!" I rolled my eyes, "Wow think Mei, that means so much."

"DAMN YOU DESTINY!" I turned to see Mineta... "Holy shit your crying blood."

"it's your fault you got a team of women!"

"This is why no one would join you Mineta." I looked around a stepped away slightly, "*Mineta, how about I make it up to you with a little fan service.*" I pointed to the American cheerleaders and winked.

Mineta understood me perfectly, at lunch we would use our chance. With my new found power! I WANTED TO SEE GIRLS IN CHEER UNIFORMS!

----Yeah... not much i could do for the cavalry battle, using the extra events as filler for this chapter. Otherwise it would be like 600 words or something and I want to keep each part in its own general chapters.----

After a light meal, Me and Mineta had started our plan. Denki had also joined us in our scheming. Normally I wouldn't join Mineta and his perverted antics, but...I wanted some fun.

"Yo Momo! I can't wait to see what cheer you came up for the festival!"

"Cheer?" Momo was with Jiro.

Mineta began with the plan. "Well i am sure you know, since your like the class rep and all that. but they said that all the girls need to dress up like that for the big cheer battle for this afternoon.

"HUH! There's no way." Jiro was red faced, but Momo was just left puzzled. Denki came to finish the job. "Yeah we were just talking about with Mr.Aizawa. Apparently its pretty big, we figure we should remind you. You know in case you forgot or something."

"Hmm, I must've forgotten..." Jiro stop Momo, "Wait Wait, what if this is a trick."

"Trick? How would this be a trick? The Cheer battle is a yearly tradition for the festival meant to both show school spirit and pride. Along with preforming a event for only the female populace of the school. There is a all male event too, I actually can't wait for it."

I was able to sell it and Momo nodded, "Alrighty! We'll crush the Cheer Battle! let's get the girls after we eat Jiro." it seems Momo got pumped for the so called all girls event. I couldn't blame her, she liked to show pride after all.

"It worked let's hurry and prepare for the show. I'm surprised you wanted to do this Des." i shrugged, "I find it funny. Not too mention I don't want to participate in the event before the scavenger hunt."

"Oh right, that bean bag thing..." We all stopped, "You know I heard that last year someone got hit in the crotch with one of those...."

"I think we all heard about that, the poor man was destroyed."

We gave a moment of silence for the senior year who got destroyed.

We came out to the field waiting for the side events to begin. When the girls came out in cheerleader outfits made by Momo's quirk I couldn't stop laughing.

"You guys tricked me! I believed you. How do I always fall for these." Each of the girls had a different reaction. The look specifically on Ochaco's face made tears form in my eyes.

"I actually really like these outfits, is this how skirts feel? So breezy."

"Have you never worn a skirt before Erin?" The invisible girl still had no underwear on, I was pretty sure she was a perv. Erin's reaction also made me laugh, as Erin apparently never wore a skirt before. "Well how about we do this cheer anyway and have some fun. Let am I right Erin?"

"I've never done a cheer before so I would looooooove too. I mean we might as well show off! I am sooo excite..." Momo covered Erin's mouth, "Let's do the cheer, I made the clothes."

Momo's acceptance was beautiful. "I can't believe its happening!" Mineta was jumping up and down, while Denki had leaned almost completely over the side of the railing. It seemed all three of us had different ideas with how this was going or what we wanted to see from this.

Well it was time to enjoy the moment while it lasted...