
UA Festival pt4: Mei Hatsume vs Momo Yaoyoruzu

-----The title is only indicating the change in battles, yet again the title doesn't mean it take sup the whole chapter----

I left the student stands to find one of the business course students. Some were selling food so I got three hotdogs and a soda. Toru had in fact won her fight it sucked for Ida, but it didn't make sense. Apparently though Toru had passed out shortly after her fight from exhaustion. Thankfully I took long enough to not watch Eijiro's fight.

"Who's fighting next?" I sat down, looking to Erin for answers. "Keep it short please."

"Righty-O, Its Mei Hatsume vs Momo Yaoyoruzu. I think this will be an interesting battle for suresies."

I stared at Erin, "I feel like you talk how you expect a girl your age to talk." Erin looked down, "Oh..."

That apparently hurt her feelings, I think. Actually I couldn't tell with Erin. I tried to view her emotions, but it just felt. Hollow? I took a bite of one of my hot dogs, "You know, you are a strange one Erin."

I focused on the stage, from what it looked like Mei had brought in a whole parade of gadgets. While Momo had actually went to talk to Midnight. It was obvious what she wanted to ask about. I think normally she would've just kept on without asking about it. Except against Mei who built gadgets it would be important for Momo to use the full extent of her brain as well, or more exactly what she could make with her quirk.

Midnight appeared to agree to Momo's request. As a few seconds later Momo made a pair of scissors and cut apart or uniform. Much to the amusement of some in particular. This excitement caused Jiro to stab Mineta in the ear with one of her earjacks.

Watching the two, Mei was preparing a microphone. While Momo seemed to be processing what the fuck she's gonna do. It was clear she was thinking too much though, she was studying Mei. Except when midnight announced the start of their battle Momo had jumped at it looking surprised.

From what I could tell this wasn't gonna be a fight either, and Mei confirmed that seconds later. She spoke into her microphone while Momo made a shield and spear. I sighed, and watched the commercial break silence. The two started using a literal arsenal of tools and equipment. The two went back and forth across the stage. Momo created a lot of stuff, but from what I could see. She was running out of steam.

"Oooooh it looks like Mei is gonna win Des! I can't believe it, I even watched her create some of those inventions!" I shook my head, "As soon as Momo is out of juice Mei is gonna give up and walk out the arena." Almost right on que Mei began a slow walk to the edge. While Momo was beginning to slow down on her creations. It wasn't long until Mei finished her little commercial. I felt bad for Momo, she was panting and humiliated.

Watching the fights go on was much different then participating. How was it that me and Erin were the last to fight for the last bracket! It was Mina vs Tokoyami then Kacchan vs Ochaco. it was just more one sided fights!

Mina would lose against Tokoyami if she focused on long range and I had no hopes for Ochaco to win at all. Mina could win against Tokoyami if she used her quirk for mobility and started punching him. His quirk was strong, but physically Mina was stronger than Tokoyami. For Ochaco she could win if she touches him, but that requires getting close. With a line of explosions that will be extremely difficult. I suppose she could do something any rubble that's created much like what I thought of for Toru. However it would only work once and if Kacchan gets any heads up Ochaco will lose.

Rumi said she would be watching the festival...I wonder if she was in the crowd or watching from her phone or something?

------???'s pov, yeah he's back and I gotta connect him to the story so we get these side bars with him------

"Munching Crunching was very fun. Must we say dear friend this festival is quite fun. Though I wonder if they know that we hunt in towns while they have joy?"

The monster was in control and was speaking in his stupid half rhymes again. I hated when we got hungry, after all it wasn't like we were too separate entities. That's just one of the many side effects of what had happened to us.

Heroes had evacuated just about everyone so quickly. Though the joy of eating people's pets was still the same. Every time a bark was herd behind a door of fence. HAHA! It fixed our cravings just a little bit. I wanted to eat that Bird guy, No matter how many flying creates I ate I couldn't manifest wings. Feathers I could do, but wings...

Well I would've like to tear off his wings. I saw Endeavor in the crowd at that festival. I wanted to eat him too! Except he had a son apparently, his quirk was even better than his old man's. Only problem was it didn't seem to have any physical traits like Endeavor's did.

"Whole shit you are one ugly fucking creature!"

I blinked at the woman behind me. Rabbit ears, and a costume...She was a hero. She had company though. "Filthy Cretans wanted to team up against us in numbers. I wonder how you'll taste."

"Oh dear god it can talk and with such bad breathe." I stared at the heroes who didn't make a move. One of my ears twitched, they had snipers? Some kind of long range hero had been setting up.

"I am gonna enjoy eating you miss rabbit." The woman cracked her neck and smiled back. "Yeah, Yeah, Look I gotta kick your ass so I can watch the sports festival. I got someone I need to cheer for ugly. So let's get SERIOUS!"

The rabbit woman charged with some great speed. Except most were faster than me, it was not impressive. Spines, Needles and Quills popped from my fur the woman dodged it and seconds later I was stabbed by my own attack. There was a telekinetic who stopped the attack and launched it back at me. The woman had also gotten to my side and kicked upward into my jaw.

Why had so many heroes chosen to attack me? I blinked an eye around spotting the red feather man. I also spotted the sniper who tried to shoot my eyes out. "So many heroes, if this is about eating that kid. Its his own fault, I was hungry." I lunged at the rabbit woman. She hadn't expected my speed and I nearly got her. Except that stupid feathered man saved her. Not to mention she manage to get another kick on me.

Why was my life so hard? I just wanted to eat? We breathed in and out. Risking more of our sanity, we couldn't go back after manifesting more. Not unless it is destroyed, I need more. The heroes seemed to notice as they all backed off. My jaw broke and crack and split. I grew bigger and thick crystals grew out of my arms. It always hurt more to manifest no organic material. The crystals began to glow and they spiked around my collar.

This would be good for that feathered fuck. Twisting my head 180 to face the feathered man a green plasma like beam blasted from my mouth. The green crystals across my body shatter one by one as I ripped through the man's wings. The sniper shot me and made me bite off attack. The rabbit woman had also closed in to kick my head into the ground.

I still saw the red feather man fall through out of the air. I kept an eye on him as he fell. The man had saved himself, but what I could see his wings were destroyed and slightly charred feathers ghosted to the ground. I could eat the feathers later and see if that was enough. Next however was the telekinetic...

"Blast and boom your friend did go! Crunch and Munch will I be chewing on your bones." I directed my words at the telekinetic. Watching his face become a little paler at my teeth. Oh how I planned on enjoy that...