

"Please, a break, I need one!" I collapsed on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat and possibly blood.

Rumi laughed, "Come on! That quirk of yours makes you stronger from Stimuli! We need to keep going and push you past your limits."

I struggle weakly, "But I am pretty sure it only happens when I sleep! Please let me sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep."

Rumi patted me on the shoulder. "Then do you want to put your guard up against more of my kicks?"

I groaned and got up, "You are a monster."

She laughed, "And you are adorable!"

I frowned at her and she gave me a bigger smile. I picked up the dumbbell again and began lifting it up multiple times. "Is this necessary?"

Rumi smirked, "Of course, I made a whole diagram. Want to see it?"

I shook my head, and just continued. My arms strained, "Can we at least have a TV on?

Rumi paused, "Yeah, okay."

She grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. While I exercised Rumi's hell training at least I could get some entertainment. The news wasn't anything big so far. They mostly just talked about All Might. It seemed he really was gonna be a teacher at UA.

Which was both incredible and terrifying at the same time. The man was a living legend, Rumi just watched with raised eyebrows. It seemed she didn't hear about that.

Rumi was also exercising and I watched her squat down and back up. She mostly worked her legs. Unlike me who had to train my whole body. Her legs were incomparable, not just because of the apparent strength. I felt drool on my lip and I looked back to the TV.

The news went on about hero drama. My eyes widened though as the news shifted to a hero named Tower. The guy was sleeping with three different other heroes. While he had a wife, "What the hell?"

Rumi laughed, "Which part of that is the most shocking?"

I dropped the bar and looked at her. "The whole thing!"

Rumi laughed again, "You know the worst thing he did was not tell his wife. A good portion of heroes however have multiple partners since you might legit die on the job. So the real drama there is that he betrayed his marriage. Though I guess it's worse since those other three heroes are guys."

My eyes bugged and she laughed, "I am kidding only 2 of them are. However, yeah, it's pretty normal for heroes to have multiple partners. Just important you don't get caught up in it like Tower did and start forgetting to do your job."

Rumi paused, "I should state that this doesn't happen a lot here. However I hear that it's a major problem in countries like Malaysia."

Oh, that's crazy. Rumi then kicked me in the side. "Hey!"

She smiled, "You stopped lifting. So I suppose you want another sparring session."

I looked at her, "Why must you hurt me so much? Can't I do something else?"

She looked at me, and nodded. "You know what, you are right. You deserve to relax."

I looked at Rumi, "I'm scared."

She grabbed my shoulder, "I'm a hero, you don't need to be."


I sat inside a cold bathtub filled with ice. Rumi sat on the side, "The idea here is that since you can get stronger by heat. You should be able to adapt to this as well."

I frowned, "I figured."

Rumi got up, "I'll go get more ice."

I think one of the reasons Rumi agreed to house me was just to mess with my quirk. Rumi was certainly some kind of sadist. What's worse was she was in exercise shorts that were one size too small. Even in the cold bathtub I still held a boner.

I looked up into the sink mirror. Why must I suffer this fate? I paused, were my eyes always yellow?

----This chapter had a character description for the MC. So let's revamp the description of the MC. He has grey yellow eyes. His hair is shaggy and dark red. He is slightly tan and he has small scales on his shoulders and knees. (his quirk is a fusion of his parents so this is from his father. Felt this gave some depth, also they are red.) Finally he is 6ft.----

Let's revamp the desciption of the MC. He has grey yellow eyes. His hair is shaggy and dark red. He is slightly tan and he has small scales on his shoulders and knees. (his quirk is a fusion of his parents so this is from his father.) Finally he is 6ft.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts