
After Exam***

The judges were rating the actions of the exam takers. Overall they were impressed by a few individuals. Izuku Midoriya was one such case. Someone who sacrificed everything to save others. He was given the highest individual score of rescue points. However some students did get close to him by helping others case by case.

However when the last group was finally being judged everyone was surprised by Tota Shizen. He was an odd individual, he showcased incredible physical feats. Compared to some he came up short, like the raw power Izuku Midoriya showcased, or the speed of Tenya Ida. However he was able to tear through the robots easily enough. Even finding one of the buildings that housed the robots.

It was hard to judge him because each of the robots gave out points. However he had actually found one of the places the robots started in. He did this by running around before all the robots activated. It was very much luck, combined with his own skill. If he couldn't tear through the robots he'd have been caught up unable to explore more of the city. By then all the robots would be activated and spread out in their determined paths. 

What made it more interesting was when he stopped hunting robots and began running around helping others. It seemed he figured out the point system. He couldn't heal people or anything like some of the exam takers in the past. However he gave people time to recover and get more points they wouldn't have previously.

He even ran towards the explosion caused by the 0 pointer. Tota Shizen was an individual who honestly should've gotten into UA by recommendation. Much like some of the other individuals who would've done the same. Either because they knew about the exam beforehand or because they would've figured it out.

A small dog-bear-like creature spoke, "So how do we rate him? Normally with cases like his they enter through recommendation. So they never interfere with others. After all, Tota Shizen has severely affected the points of Minoru Mineta. From what we can see Minoru Mineta would've ran away. However Tota Shizen changed this by motivating the boy to help."

Another one of the judges nodded, "I'd say let's give him the same as Izuku Midoriya. He didn't sacrifice himself for others, however he did inspire people. Thus many people in group G have a large amount of rescue points."

A tired looking man sighed, "This would mean he has the third highest score ever received within the entrance exams. A total score of 75 combat points and a rescue score of 72. 65 points from combat robots, 10 points for discovering the building they were stored in. Then a total of 72 rescue points for helping individuals recover stamina and inspiring others to save examinees from the 0 pointer."

The small dog-bear-like creature nodded, "I approve of this score! Now onto the next one! Minoru Mineta. He has a total combat score of 20, now we must decide on his rescue points since he helped Tota Shizen in taking down the 0 pointer."

A skimpy dressed woman nodded. "I believe he deserves 30 points. However I can only give him a 6 from my score, not the full 10. This is because he needed to be told about the possibility of bonus points for rescuing the other examinees. He was essentially bribed into helping. Second the boy would've had at least 35 combat points if he didn't ogle some of the girls."

Another woman in a puffy suit agreed. "I also give a score of 6. Same reasons."

Other judges gave similar scores or lower. Since they had a great view of him trying to look up a girl's skirt.

—Our MC—

I opened up the letter from UA. It had been a week since the exam and I had been waiting for this for a while. Rumi had just begun my hellish training. So this was a wonderful vacation. She had me lifting the superhuman weights constantly. I had lifted them before, but now she made me do almost triple the lifts.

My arms fumbled the letter. A paper and a small device came out. I jumped when the device began playing a video. "HELLO! TOTA SHIZEN! I AM ALL MIGHT! Yes this message is in fact confirmation that you have been accepted into UA! Now, we would like to discuss more pressing issues. After UA's dearest principal analyzed the video of your exams. He has decided that you will need to go through an update to your quirk information."

All Might paused, and discussed something with an off-screen person. "Okay, the principal wishes you to go through an advanced quirk discovery exam. Normally these are done by truly odd individuals. Such as animals with quirks, super mutant quirks, or individuals that may struggle with the normal machinery. Aka they have hard carapaces, massive bodies, or are conjoined twins."

An advanced quirk exam? What the hell? All Might addressed my confusion, "I know this is an odd request. However, the UA's principal finds it necessary, and frankly even I find it required. We apologize, but UA will pay for the whole procedure. Now onto what I am sure you care about, the exam results! Behold! What a score! Congrats Tota Shizen, you are now the third highest score in the history of the UA entrance exams. Take it and stride, and always GIVE PLUS ULTRA!"

The hologram cut out, and I blinked. I was first place in the entrance exam and I got 3rd in the history of the exams? Man, All Might sure understands how to leave an impression. 

next chapter is POV, on a diff side note i may slow down or the next chapters may be a little messy, just because of some Irl health problems. I have been really tired and not getting enough sleep, not eating stuff like that. Not sure what is up, but I will figure it out.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts