
Oh boy...

The next day at school I had expected a little more gloom from everyone. Except everyone seemed more or less fine. I think most of the class either buried the other days events or sorted out their thoughts yesterday. Toru was sitting at my desk or more specifically on my desk talking to Mina.

Walking up to her i could, well see her. Not like normal sight though, just her outline. I could only wonder which sub-quirk allowed that. Looking at her though I realized she was sitting on my desk without panties. I guess she doesn't really need them, but it meant she had her bare ass on my desk.

"Toru I understand your talking to Mina, but please get off my desk."

"Aww can't you let me stay a little longer? Class hasn't even started!"

I stared at the invisible girl while Mina just laughed. "Alright fine, Though I gotta ask why do you use people's first names?"

"I actually use what ever I feel is more comfortable, Toru is shorter than Hagakure so I use your first name instead. Like in the case of Asui I use Tsu since its shorter than both her first and last name, not to mention she prefers her nickname."

"Yeah guess I can understand that, You prefer Des which is shorter than your first and last name."

"Not to mention Destiny is a stripper's name."

"I will back hand you pinky."

"Ooooo touchy..."

"We'll talk later Ashido."

With Toru gone and Mina pretending to not have said anything. I took out my phone while I waited. It didn't take long though until Mr.Aizawa came to the front of the class. He had his arm in a sling from the USJ incident. "Alright, Let's begin...The UA sports festival is about to start. As you know events like the Olympics and national sports declined in popularity when Quirks begun to appear. Not long after school's like are own decided to take up this chance to hold festivals where students can show off their skills in order to be scouted for hero agencies."

It was Jiro who asked the first question. "Is this really right though after what had happened?"

"Good question not only would it be wrong to cancel the festival since only one class was truly effected. This is an event for all the class at UA, that includes people from the support course and business courses and really etc. Point is...its important, its one chance a year and only three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can miss this, that mean no slacking off on your training."

"!Yes Sir!"

----^^^^"!This means Group!" also I am not gonna explain the sports festival shit, you should know it------

Everyone had exploded once Mr.Aizawa's class was done. A massive crowd of people had gathered in the front of the class doors. Kacchan had ultimately called them extras, a pretty good appraisal. Since a purple haired guy and a few others spat out some insulting verbose.

It wasn't really mentioned by Mr.Aizawa, but the Sports festival was in two weeks. Which meant everyone would start either training their quirks or their bodies. Except a few... Momo would likely study and Erin would build some equipment right? Which meant even in my own class I had to be-careful of unique tactics or training.

I guess in this time I could practice my new energy absorption. I hadn't gotten the chance yet really... Kinetic absorption may be the perfect game changer, I just didn't know how it worked. Rumi would be able to help with with practice...Actually Jess might be useful in my training. I would need to think on that.

Toru came back over to my seat where Mina was still sitting. "Well Des the festival may be pretty easy for you."

"Yeah with all your abilities! You must have such a wide array of skills."

The two of them were being...weird. I could clearly put together what I think they wanted, but I wasn't entirely sure. "What do you two want?"

"Can you help us with our quirks?"

"Maybe more because we could form some sort of alliance for the festival."

I briefly thought about it. "What help are you two looking for?"

Toru seemed to brighten or at least the outline I could see of her. "Well you can help me perfect my light refraction super move. Maybe even figure out some sort of new move I could preform."

"Yeah and I hear you have acidic blood right? I don't know how that would help me, but you know you seem smart."

"I seem smart. You are asking for my help, because my blood is acidic and your quirk is acid. You know there are different varying degrees of acid right and just because something is acidic doesn't mean its acid."

"Hmmmahuh, Exactly see you are already helping me!"

"You two just want me to carry you through the festival."

"Yeeeeaaaah, but you could legitimately help us with our quirks!"

"Why would I want to help you two?"

The two girls sort of looked at each other. Except Mina didn't really look at Toru just kind of in her direction. Speaking at the same time. "Ummm ; Well shoot."

"Look I'll help, but you two have to figure out a way to repay me. Not to mention an alliance before the festival might be a good idea, so I'll think about that one. I got your numbers I'll call you for training after school. During school you gotta do your own training though, get it?"

Mina just nodded, Toru answered though. "Okay that works, but don't call me on Thursday I'm busy then."

"You got something on Thursday?"

"Yeah, I'm going to a hair saloon."

I wasn't gonna listen to the devolution of their conversation..."Wait...You are going to a hair saloon?"

"Yeah, its also a bit of spa treatment and skin care."

"I-but..." She's invisible... "Yeah I'm just gonna go."

They replied the same, "Bye." and I just accepted it and left.

----So this was supposed to be a normal chapter and it had already been scheduled for its release. Except During the night of this being released my family's dog died. I don't need any sympathy or anything, I just wanted to state the fact, he was an old man and this is just a course of events when owning animals you love. So I'll be gone for a day or two as we figure things out. This doesn't really affect my schedule for chapter releases, but its important to get this stuff out there just in case. I hope y'all love your animals and have a good day.-----