
1 more day

-----So I am a little lost on where we are currently, but that's fine i reread the past 5 chapters and I it should be a-o-k! If there is any mistakes or forgotten bits make sure to tell me. Also I have been playing a shit ton of Elden ring so... MC's names now include Destiny, Des, Tarot Card(vigilante), Darwin(hero) and D. As there's a character named D and every time I look at the MC's name now I think of that character in Elden ring.----

It was 1 more day before the UA sports festival. Well I would say 1 more day, but its more like its tomorrow and I am sitting in a gym with more than just Toru and Mina. After the few first times more people ended up joining them. As now Tsu, Ochaco and Deku had joined us. Those 3 however did not join the alliance that I had made with Toru and Mina.

"How is this place always empty when we come here?" I assume Toru had a curious expression, I really wish I could tell. I wasn't really sure if people knew Rumi was rooming me. So I guess I shouldn't mention that. "Its a quirk gym, they are mostly used by heroes. As you can imagine most normal people wouldn't train their quirks."

"I assumed that was the case some of these machines and equipment seem very specific." Deku had been going back and forth with a few of those things. "Is that why you need to let us in?"

"Uhh, yeah sorta, I mean you could use your own id card to get in. Since obviously you don't want people with a criminal history using specialized quirk training equipment." I tried to go back to doing my own exercise, but Toru had stopped me again.

"Let's try the light refraction again D!" I looked at the invisible girl, I motioned to the weights I was holding. "Yes I can see you lifting weight's buuuut..."

I sighed, "Fine let's go use one of the other rooms." Toru shifted... "You know I can't see you right?"

"Oh right Sorry. I forget sometimes, Why would we enter another room?"

"So we can turn the lights off and also test how much light you refract in the dark."

"Ah that's smart! Well then lead the way." Walking into a separated area with a clearish area I was pretty much already ready to help Toru.

"I need to strip so can you look away?" How? How many times would this occur, "I literally cannot see you how are you embarrassed? Your hero costume is literally shoes and gloves."

Toru spoke in a pouting voice, "You could at least indulge a girl. Its not like it harms anyone."

I thought about it, "Fine, sure." I turned around and waited. For a girl who was invisible having times to be 'seen' would be far and few between. So I could play along for the sake of her pride.

"Okay Let's do this!" I nodded turning and made a small beam of light. "Step into the beam I am creating to refract the light however you want. Try to change is direction, then increase its intensity."

I had to wonder if there was anything interesting happening...

------??? pov, with terrible transitional !Jazz hands!------

Swimming across the ocean was a terrible idea! However the monster made it. At least he was tired...

Crawling out of the salty water I heard a few screams. I could see the fearful people run away. I sighed, slumping forward and wobbling out of the water completely.

A man stepped in front of me and started speaking. He seemed pretty brave, might've been a hero. He became a lot less brave when all my eyes blinked individually and I opened my mouth to speak. "I CaN't UnderSTAnd Youuuu...."

I stretched out and stood on my hind legs. The man turned and ran tripping over himself. It seemed he couldn't understand me either. I need to figure out where we were, before my hunger sets in and I lose control.

I began to march along seeing more people either run or stare and take pictures. Did they not those with the camera's not understand the danger? My stomach growled and I could feel the slight change.

I looked at a sign on the street. Realizing I couldn't fucking READ IT! The sign crunched and snapped...I huffed picking up the destroyed sign, and jabbing it back into the ground. A new person came to me. I was a bit surprised when he spoke some English.

"Are you unable to control your quirk?" I blinked the guy had red wings, and seemingly he was prepared to attack. "I CanNoT, VeRy HungRy. YoU ShOuld EvaCaute THE areA." The man blinked not expect to speak, or maybe he just couldn't figure out why I couldn't speak properly. I opened my mouth showing of a few too many rows of teeth and 1 too many tongues.

"i see... well do you need help?" Man this guy was fearless, I shook my head though. Heroes always wanted to help didn't they? No one could help me, my stomach growled once again this time it began to hurt. We would need to eat...

I wonder if I could find some orphans or some random back alley bums to eat? No one misses those people right? Well maybe... The red winged hero seemed to catch the change in my posture and instantly flew off with half a dozen feathers pulling out of him to take....

To take....

That is a certainly delicious quirk! We must wonder how would he taste? Much like Chicken perhaps? He is taking our snacks too! It was time to EAT!

-----Okay so this chapter was in my notes, I gotta say eh? I guess I used it as a transitional and spacing chapter for before the festival chapters.-----