
Little Troublemaker

I knew Jess was happy I had played the show off. After Threatening them to leave Jess alone I scooped Jess into a princess carry. She practically exploded with glee, or well I guess melted with glee. She was pretty easy to carry, but she was still very malleable.

"You aren't developing any sadistic tendencies right?"


"This was obviously what you wanted right. It doesn't take much to know your excited."

"R-right I'm all runny. Where are we going."

"Isn't obvious? You are skipping school. Some hooligans influenced you to."

"Not my boyfriend?"

"Pshh, nah he was never here. Glad you didn't have a problem with me calling you my girlfriend."

Jess was so clearly embarrassed, shrinking back into my arms. "I-I wouldn't mind if you called me your...Um your..."

"What? Your tongue melted?" Jess was either about to say something very cute or very naughty.

"You could call me your bitch, or what every you would personally come up with."

I laughed, "You are a mess. I didn't think you would be like this."

"L-Like what? Something wrong?"

"You just look so cute, but seem so naughty."

"I'm not naughty... and I'm staining your clothes."

"Eh, there just casual clothes, I got plenty. What's more important though Jess is that you know you can't start things so you become the damsel in distress."

"I'm not! Doing...that..." Jess trailed off know and barely deny that was exactly what she wanted. It seemed she liked being saved or possibly watching others get beaten up. Best I try to smooth that mess out before she causes something.

I put her down just outside a store. She wobbled on the ground slightly and started sliding away from me. So I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "It seems my uhh legs fused together while you were carrying me."

Indeed they did... Except other than staining my clothes she didn't fall apart. "Wh-What are you staring at?" "Your ass, or well your hips really. Your body melts, but it stays in one form. It makes your body rotate or the slime that forms as you melt rotate continuously along your own form."

Jess looked at me strangely, so I could only elaborate. "Due to you being a slime girl your body is malleable enough to make your body into any shape as long as you enough mass. Meaning you could make your ass or chest as big as you want if you move the melted parts."

"Oh...I suppose since my body will return to its original form that could work." Jess rubbed her arm nervously, "Would you want me to have bigger...assets."

"Not really just an observation since technically you'd become flat in time."

"Am I that small?.....Hey wait a second! Who's naughty now!"

"I never said I wasn't." Jess giggled and held my hand sliding long side me as I walked. It was fun just moving her across the ground like this. Ultimately it seemed she enjoyed it too as she began trying to do twirls.

It was nice just having the time to do this, I didn't see Jess too often and before the whole set events in the past year I don't think I would've talked to her. It made me want more, maybe it was greed, but I wanted more of this.



"Do you care if I umm..."

"Play around with other girls? Not really."

"How'd you know what i was gonna ask?"

"Destiny... Your abilities will constantly make you better and better right?"

"Yeah? What does that have to do with it?"

"If you continually get better you will eventually become well a lot more than what you are now... I don't mean that as an insult it kind of sounded like that... Umm, but basically you will become immortal, all powerful and nearly omnipotent. At least at some point, that may take a short amount of time or centuries...In that time you will likely watch a lot of people die. So all I want to ask of you is to love me as long as you can. Since ultimately I don't think I will ever be enough to satisfy you. That's really it...So if you want to date other girls or just bang them. You know maybe invite me to watch sometime?"

That was a lot to unpack for me...Jess ended on a joke, but that was really dark. I hadn't though about the fact I may be feeling greedy because of something unconscious. Like what if live long enough where the very idea of emotions is a non-functional evolution so its just gotten rid of. After all I can already suppress, amplify and view emotions freely.

"Oh boy Jess...I think you just unloaded something I don't really want to think about. So let's just get some ice cream and talk about your voyeurism."

"Sorry...I would love some ice cream. It cools down my body so it doesn't melt which is great."

"Then let's get some ice cream, what's your favorite flavor?"

"Mint chocolate chip for life!" Jess threw her hand into the air, though letting go of my own and she began sliding down a hill again. So she quickly grabbed back onto me as she cursed her quirk.

------I think this was a cute chapter, hope you enjoyed. I am actually pretty proud of this one. Not to mention it sort of sets up the desire for the harem! All the best Wifyies! or Waifus. Whichever word you prefer.-----