
No words to Class***

For the past two weeks, I had attended class and followed a routine. More people started to apparently see me differently. It was laughable, not once had any of the people who approached me the days talked to me in the past.

They said their condolences and told me I had changed for the better. I wanted to laugh every time. Better? For the past week I had been watching Gatsumi's gang. Though I can hardly call it that anymore with him getting moved into a more serious prison.

Apparently he had some kind of connection to an actual gang. At least that's what the police told me, saying they thought I should know just in case it helped me recover. I did laugh at that, I didn't believe them in the slightest. 

I hadn't changed in the least. It's just now they realized I normally kept Gatsumi in check. As the 4 idiots who followed him started talking and rumors were now everywhere. The little things Gatsumi did and what I did to prevent him.

I have no idea why they started doing this. Did they believe it would make them innocent? That I wouldn't bury them alive if I could. I blinked, I was losing myself. It would be for the best if I don't let that happen.

No, No there was a difference in me. Everyone was so weak, weaker than I thought. I had bumped into someone and they were completely toppled over. I almost stepped over them, but I had picked them up anyway.

Perhaps I got stronger? I couldn't tell, I was too focused or too spaced out. Now that I think about it. I've eaten more than before, however I never actually feel hungry. My skin was always warm, from photosynthesis. I think it was a lot more than just basic photosynthesis though.

I wonder what else I could do? I knew my quirk did some random things, but photosynthesis and possibly the absorption of general heat. I moved my hand within my shadow. I could still feel the warmth of the sun, the heat.

My eyes narrowed and I sighed. Nothing I could do, even if I had hidden abilities due to my quirk I wouldn't know them unless I actually felt them. I put my head back down on my desk, and I ended up asleep.

<Mental strain! Internal Evolutionary Stimuli is being focused. New evolution has begun… Organizing evolutionary abilities… new sub-quirks created.< p>

Sub Quirk category Enhancement: High Regeneration, Minor Body enhancements, Tentative-thought

Sub Quirk category Acquisition: Energy absorption(Light and Heat), Weighted Storage

Sub Quirk category Survival: Dormancy, Fire Resistance, Cognitive Check

New Sub Quirks: Tentative-thought curbs negative thoughts and eases the mind, Weighted Storage allows the storage of extra fuel for Parent Quirk while still increasing weight, Cognitive Check a sub-quirk that can stop loss of mental faculties and increases overall memory.>

I felt a shove, and soon I jumped, waking up. I saw Jess, it seems she woke me up. "School is over, I thought it would be best to wake you up… Also it's raining outside. I thought you might want an umbrella."

She left her umbrella on my desk and she left quickly. I sighed and grabbed my stuff and left right after her. Before she stepped out in the rain, I grabbed her. "I'll walk you home under it, then I'll return it to you tomorrow."

She nodded and we walked through the rain. It was for the best, since I doubted it would be good to bring Jess to the home of a hero. That seemed like illegal or something. I doubted it was, but certainly felt wrong.

"Jess?" I asked.

She responded in lowly, "Y-yes?"

I scratched my hair, "What do you want to do in life?"

Jess shivered, "I never thought about it."

I slipped out of my over-shirt and dumped it on her. "Looks like we are trading." her quirk no doubt made her affected by the cold. I asked her again though, "Doesn't your sister work as a scientist or something?"

Jess nodded, "Something like that, she is some kind of advanced software engineer for I-Island. She doesn't talk about it much. Mom is proud of her, but she and my Dad are constantly overseas."

"What are you going to do after high school then?"

Jess shrugged, "I-I don't know. Currently I just work at a convenience store. So i'll just continue that I think."

I nodded, I knew about that. What was on my mind right now though and what led me to ask her this stuff was her notes. They were detailed, and way better than even my own notes I had taken in the past. "Jess, have you thought about a school like UA? You could get in."

Jess promptly shook her head fervently, "I COULD NEVER! I-I'm too much of a failure to be a hero."

Uh, that sentence didn't sound good. However I also didn't know what to do about it. So… "No, what I mean is take one of the non-hero courses. Heroes run agencies and businesses like merchandise. UA has courses for people who want to do that stuff with heroes while they themselves are not actually heroes."

Jess paused, "Oh…"

I took the chance to continue, "The notes you gave me, they were much better than my own and… Uh, I just wanted a friend at the school, you know?. Besides, it would be a benefit for you and I figured you didn't have any plans for after you know high school."

She nodded, "I'll think about it. I wouldn't mind running a business."

-----changes ----> Jess will go to UA under the business courses. Nothing much else.-----

There was soemthing here, but it doesn't apply to the re-write so i removed it.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts