
Night time Outing***

I had stayed awake, I had been planning this for so long. Today I knew it was the day. Rumi was still asleep and she was talking in her sleep. I chose to just ignore it, and left the house. The street lights hadn't turned on yet, but the sun had long since gone down.

I stopped at a convenience store and spoke with Jess. She was just about to get off work. Before she did though I bought a few items. An energy drink, some chips, and a mask. With heroes so commonplace, convenience stores always had All Might masks. 

Eventually I walked Jess home and I left for an internet cafe. Kokura always stayed at them too long. He was one of Gatsumi's gang. Unfortunately for him, I had been waiting for him. I placed the All Might mask on and took out a pair of gloves I had.

The moment Kokura stepped out of the cafe he yawned. He was kicked out so they could close for the required 4 hours. A rule set up to prevent students from staying at them all night. A rule that failed to actually protect Kokura.

With one quick jab from behind he crumpled in pain. He was grabbing his side and turned to see me. "W-who are you?"

I just said nothing and he knew I wouldn't, I could see terror in his eyes. His thoughts had to be similar to 'am I getting mugged? Am I gonna die?' The All Might mask covered my features and since the incident, I looked nothing like I did before.

He tried to move, tried to get up and run. However the moment he did I kicked him. I slammed my foot down on his knee. "Please stop, I- I can give you my money. Jus-"

I kicked him in the jaw. I moved and grabbed them by their face. He struggled and grabbed at my arm. He seemed so weak, his quirk consisted of nothing special. He could see the same range of color as the mantis shrimp. He had no other special abilities or traits though. His eyes didn't even resemble that of a mantis shrimp.

Crippling his quirk, it was relatively impossible unless I wanted to gouge out his eyes. I wouldn't do that, but I could at least harm him in a way he can't recover completely. I twisted his arm and bent it at the elbow backwards. He screamed into my hand, but he was muffled.

I dropped him to the ground as he whimpered. I couldn't help, but smile. I felt good after that, I walked away like nothing happened and eventually took off the All Might mask and dropped it into a park trash can. They say revenge doesn't feel good or satisfy you, but that was certainly a lie. 

It was barely 11 pm. I thought about it and decided I could handle a little loss of sleep. During the day you could always find heroes somewhere. At night though it was quiet. Heroes like Mirko would constantly switch the time they were active. Mirko had explained to me how she would flip a coin and depending on what it landed on, that's when she was active. If it was tails she would work during the night.

I had to wonder how other heroes decided when they work. I knew heroes like All Might were active whenever they could. However Heroes like the new Mt. Lady only worked during the day when they could have a spotlight. 

I should do research on heroes. Maybe some insight into other heroes will give me a better idea on how to train my quirk even more? I really, really wanted to believe that it was more than just me getting stronger physically from every challenge. Stockpiling power like that was cool and all, but it was hardly top tier. 

I took out my phone and began to browse through videos. Doing research on some villains may also be useful… I rubbed my chin and typed in the greatest villains. I didn't expect much, maybe a few numbered lists.

To my utter disbelief I found videos of a gray haired man? I honestly couldn't tell, but I knew for sure this guy had to be delusional. He had videos of himself committing crimes. I mean most of the crimes were, well... Robbing a convenience store while blindfolded. Vandalizing property while doing a dance. They were all mundane, but made in a way that those stupid challenge channels make content.

I couldn't tell if it was serious or if it was just like, satire of some kind. I mean it does certainly say something about the modern day. I rubbed my head and decided to watch the videos. The man was apparently named Gentle Criminal. I think it was a joke… maybe.

The camera was low and they had seemingly a good editor of some kind. So strange, was this a joke? I guess I'll watch more of them.

----changes ----> he learns of gentle criminal and watches his videos. However he won't ever interact with them or anything.-----