
Class Over***

Everyone seemed on edge. Especially after the mysterious hidden lessons. However it all went down smoothly. No one else even got hurt. Though it seemed everyone was exhausted one way or another. Eventually around the halfway point of the matches All Might gave out some water.

I was feeling a bit exhausted just watching some of the matches. All Might blew his whistle. "Haha! Now that's a wrap! Superwork! In all seriousness you all did a great job today. Remember by the end of the year we will do this again! Let's see how you all improve."

Tsu sighed, "It is nice to hear encouraging words after our homeroom class. Mr.Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill."

Most of the students nodded with Tsu's statement.

All Might nodded, "I'm glad to bring such staggering positivity to UA! That's all for now, folks. I will now check on young Midoryia's process. Now watch how a pro exits. Like he's got somewhere to be!"

He gave a thumbs up and his signature smile. "Plus Ultra! HAHAHA! See ya kiddos!"

He created dust as he disappeared. Minoru was the first to say, "Man I wish I could run that fast!"

Tsu asked, "Now what? Do we go back to the homeroom class?"

I shrugged and walked out of the room. "It's 20 minutes before the day ends. I'm going home."

Momo asked, "Isn't that ditching class? Won't you get in trouble for it?"

I looked at her and shrugged again. "Not really. I don't expect any of them to actually enforce that so close to the end of the day."

I got to the locker room, changed clothes and got dressed. I was walking through the halls when I saw an almost mummified man. I ran up, "Uh sir? Are you okay?"

He blinked, "Oh uh, yes. I am fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

This man… He actually looked like All Might a bit. I looked at where we were and noticed it was by the nurse's office. I looked at him again, "All Might?"

He seemed to jump in surprise. "Ah, No! Haha, that's the first time I've been compared to All Might. Eh, I'm Toshinori Yagi. Just a normal teacher for the uh, business classes."

I stared at him blankly, "All Might said he was gonna check on Izuku. He isn't in the nurse's office so I just assumed. Anyway… I'll be going."

The man nodded and held his chin. "Ah, he did visit. However once he was done he left."

Toshinori Yagi apparently, as he called himself, Triggered my senses. Telling that he looked half dead it doesn't make sense he is All Might. However he does look, sound and even smell somewhat similar. Telling that he was leaving the Nurse's office.

He walked past me and quickly shuffled down the hall. Izuku opened the nurse's office door. "Huh? Oh, hey! Uh, Tota. How are you…"

I raised an eyebrow and stared at him. "I'm going to leave."

Izuku came out of the Nurse's office. "H-Hey! Tota! Ho-What are you doing here?"

I stared at him and he was sweating bullets. "I am leaving early. Class is done so I'd prefer to get home and relax a little. The real question here is why do you look like you have a grenade clenched in your butt cheeks."

He froze and his nervousness vanished. "I-uh, What?"

I shrugged, "You have a lot of anxiety. Say something insane enough and people will focus on that rather than freaking out, crying, or sometimes having a panic attack. The last one isn't the most likely though. So why are you so anxious?"

Izuku fiddled his hands a little, "Just thinking about the All Might. He mentioned something to me, that's all."

Izuku was the type who seemed to be holding a secret too closely. That wasn't really my problem though. "Anyway I am gonna go."

I started walking off and Izuku ran over, "Tota, uh… Do you have a childhood friend? Or something like that?"

I let out a small sigh of what was with everyone talking to me about this stuff. First it was Shoto, now it was Izuku. Who's next? Katsuki? "The longest relationship I have is with a girl named Jess. We knew each other since middle school and only really got close after our 2nd year in highschool. However I know you are asking about this because of Katsuki right? So just get to the point."

Izuku nodded, "Well, uh… We have an interesting relationship. He bullied me sometimes in the past, but at the same time I knew it was because I was quirkless. I thought it was because I was quirkless and he had some semblance of wanting to prevent me from getting hurt or killed as a hero. However with Erin and her practice test. I don't know if that was the case anymore. Maybe he just wanted to bully me? We were pretty close at one point after all…"

Is he serious? I sighed and compared what I knew about Katuski to Gatsumi. Gatsumi was the type of stereotypical bully. The type with their little gang of minions and so on. Katsuki didn't seem the type. Perhaps others would gather behind him, but he didn't seem the type to go the lengths Gatsumi did.

I shrugged, "Truth be told, you have some tension between you two I have no idea how to describe. I'd believe maybe he had some alternative purpose with his relationship with you. However I cannot comment on the situation as a whole. I don't know you two well enough."

Izuku sighed, "I guess you are right. I guess, I will only ever know if I ask him."

I didn't really say anything about that. "Look Izuku, I have to be honest with you. I honestly don't care and want to get home. Good luck man, with whatever you plan to do."

I started walking faster leaving him behind.


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