

Me and Shoto got a lecture. Mainly about controlling our abilities. Howe we were lucky that we countered each other's quirks. How Shoto should've used his flames, but since he knew that I could absorb heat it was fine. He didn't have a problem with my destruction. However he would go over it further inside the monitoring room. Finally he was disappointed in us for using large scale attacks after Katsuki and Deku were scolded for it.

Which brought us to the monitoring room. Me and Toru had won. However it did feel hollow since the plan failed. All Might asked everyone, "Who is the MVP of this match?"

Denki raised his hand, "Toru? The plan the villain team had was mostly carried out by her."

Momo interrupted, "No, she threw the bomb onto the other building. What if it exploded."

I sighed, "The answer is no one right? I asked this before the match. Is this a ransom or are we causing destruction? For us villains it didn't matter how we treated the bomb. Just as long as we defended it. After all cases of villains becoming suicidal when cornered have happened. In those cases negotiations are needed. Shoto and I prevented that from ever happening though."

All Might nodded, "Indeed, good self-reflection. When Tota asked me about the scenario I gave him a vague response so I can address exactly this. Negotiations should be attempted if possible. After all, what if the villains have a detonator switch to the bomb. Perhaps they are only protecting a fake bomb while the real one is elsewhere? Information is the first step to any villain encounter."

Shoto responded, "The villains couldn't be the MVPs because of Tota's question. However we failed to acquire the MVP since we failed to gather appropriate information. Which means even if we did acquire the information the only way we would've gotten MVP is if we managed to win."

All Might shrugged, "Sadly yes! Tota's question created a situation in which neither team could properly be judged in terms of actions. Since the villain team could've started as a ransom, but since the hero team never learned of this. This scenario was thrown out of the window. Leaving only the possibility of the villains wanting to cause destruction. Do you all understand?"

Heh, that seemed unfair. Not my place to really say though. Mina sighed, "Can I punch Tota? Totally screwed us out of the MVP."

Ida raised his hand, "Who would've gotten the MVP if it wasn't for Tota's question?"

All Might nodded, "It would likely be Mina. Before even entering the building she asked Shoto to test how well she could melt his ice. Due to this she was able to escape, if she had not asked this. I would've counted her as captured due to a mistake."

Tsu asked, "What does this mean going forward?"

All Might nodded, "From this point on the villains are strictly ransoming. You are playing as villains, not members of a terrorist organization. Classes will eventually cover situations like those. However for this exercise we will stick to a ransom situation. This does mean you can try to reason with the villain team. However for the most part, you won't have a problem like the one Shoto and Mina faced."

He raised his finger into the air and continued. "As your teacher I must teach you these lessons. However it is your job to rely on the information you receive and come up with an appropriate plan. If you do not know that information it is your job to find it out, while doing your other duties."

The whole thing felt a little like a cop out. Though I didn't argue really it honestly didn't matter much to me. All Might clapped his hands, "Now going forward, don't destroy the buildings anymore. At least not to the scale as the first match and this match has resulted in. Second, the next match is betwe-"

I walked away from All Might. Finding one of the chairs to sit down in. It wasn't that I wasn't interested in the matches. It was just not as fun as participating in them was. This way it will be a little more surprising at the very least.

Shoto sat down with me as well. I looked at him and he was just looking down at the ground. He then looked at me, "Why do you want to become a hero?"

I raised an eyebrow. This was unexpected, I didn't mind answering him though. I rubbed the back of my head. "Well, I always wanted to. I do enjoy helping people. Though I find the current hero system lacking in many regards. So I wish to become a hero not only for my own enjoyment, but to possible change the system within time to fix some... issues with the system."

Shoto seemed to take that in. "Thank you. I was wondering, most of our classmates choices seem obvious. You I couldn't understand."

So he was analyzing the class? Shoto, to my surprise kept talking. "Izuku and Katsuki also surprise me."

When he finally stopped talking I decided to ask him. "Why talk to me? You are usually quiet and stoic. I am just wondering?"

He paused, "To be honest? It is because I heard about your situation. My father is Endeavor and he used you as a comparison for something. That's all. Sorry if that seems rude."

I shrugged, "I get it. I was just wondering."

I leaned on the wall and Shoto closed his eyes. I don't know if this could be considered getting to know each other. It was whatever though. 


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