
My Hero Academia:The Hero Ghoul

Synopsis: A child who lived happily with his parents learned in the worst way how unfair and cruel the world is, come to accompany his journey to become the greatest hero even after becoming a monster hungry for humans. This lack of apathy left me like this I will innovate this world I will be the strongest to change this world that abandoned me My path is dark but the goal is clear. -The Hero Ghoul- This is the infernal nickname for a hideous being. *MHA X Tokyo Ghoul* --- Some may find the grammar garbage, so I warn you it is not good. -I'm a simple author so I go at my own pace. --- The characters found in this story and/or universe do not belong to me, but are the intellectual property of their respective authors. °Non-profit story created from fan to fan without compromising the original work.

Jokr_Avenger · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"To know what is right and to ignore it is the act of a coward."

-Kakashi Hatake/Naruto


Warning:Use of fickle capital letters in large quantities.


Izuku Midoriya was a normal Quirkless human who always had the dream of becoming a hero. There was a time when he wished he had been born with some power, in a world that is normal to have some supernatural ability being normal is not normal.

Often despised by his classmates as well as his former childhood friend, but nowadays he doesn't care anymore about these people and their opinions.

Motivated by the words of an unknown boy who made his hopes boil.

That day he finally released all his sadness and cried in his mother's arms.

Since that day he realized that instead of waiting it's better to prepare.

In his conversation with his mother he told his dreams and his future plans.

His mother, although she felt worried, was happy with her son's recovery and his energy returning and supporting him.

Izuku Midoriya with his renewed motivation decided first to train his body, a healthy body keeps a healthy mind.

Visiting from some dojos to have classes and learn the ways of a trained body.

With his efforts on his body he still hasn't forgotten his studies and with diligence he started studying at a fast pace.

He started to see his hard work bear fruit when he went to defend a classmate from being abused by his former childhood boyfriend. Katsuki Bakugou

In the conflict Midoriya managed to direct the attacks and not be hit by the explosions.

The struggle was hard mainly because the bodies of the Quirk possessors were more advanced even without having any Quirk related to the body making Midoriya retreat while taking care not to take any direct explosions.

But the fight ended for his side when he finished with a German suplex when Bakugou became irritated and lost control.

Since that time Bakugou has completely ignored him.


Something that Izuku Midoriya did not expect was to see him. The source of all his heroic dream.

Symbol of hope and power, The number one hero All Might.

But it is a fact that he himself was in front of him.

He was euphoric, his heart was doing extra work to accompany his excitement.

Although he had just endured a villain's Gang Bang trying to possess his body he didn't care much.

Who cares when he is in front of ALL MIGHT.

(A/N:Boy gives me fear)

"Hey! Hey! "All Might shakes your hand and pats you on the face.

Ah it seems that your body has turned off for a while.

Rising still with his consciousness 20% he sees All Might in front of him.

"Heeh....Ah! GRACES TO GOD THAT YOU'RE OK!" All Might speaks after not knowing what to say.

After his words his conscience returns to a level sufficient to process.

"WHAA HUU UUHH?!?" And that leads to a state of panic making sounds of a stupid monkey.

"And he's very much alive by the way!" All Might murmur seeing the young man having a panic attack.

"I'm sorry! I ended up involving him while I was eliminating that villain!" All Might quickly recovers his composure and begins his acts.

"But I don't always do that, I swear. Placing his hand on his hair he continues his exultant phrases at a fast, loud pace.



Midoriya is in her best moment having an orgasm of emotions watching the legend life and starts frantically looking for her notebook to All Might Sign.

"IT'S ALREADY HERE!" He screams surprised

Taking the notebook he sees that he already has the autograph of the hero, really light the number one hero.


When he pays attention again All Might is already walking and leaving.

"When we meet again, it will be through the screens of a TV! All Might ends up getting ready to jump and fall out.

"Huh? But already? You can't stay!?..."

Terrified Midoriya asks, he still has something important to ask his favorite hero.

"Proficionals have to fight against villains and program themselves well" Bending the muscles of his leg he prepares himself

"Now make sure to continue... CHEERING FOR MEEEEEEEE!" He jumps making the wind spread around him.

In the middle of the flight he feels a weight on his feather and sees the previous boy trapped in it like a passionate fangirl and begins to feel shiver in his ribs.

"LET ME GO! YOU GOT TOO EXCITED! I DON'T PLAY ON THIS SIDE OF THE BOARD!!" All Might speaks as he tries to release the boy stuck in his leg

"If... If I let you go... Now... I will die...!" Midoriya speaks with difficulty with the air pressure.

"THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE (THEM) SAYS!!! KNOW I AM NOT FROM THE JOJO CLUB NOT!!!" With the words of the boy All Might feels even more threatened.

"Actually....! I wanted to consult you...I need to ask you something....! Something..."



"That was scary....Guh" A pale Midoriya made an effort not to throw up all over the place.


"WHEN I Told You I Didn't Have Time, I REALLY Didn't!" All Might speaks as he watches the time on his Almithy watch. [A/N: Humor and jokes]

"NO! WAIT...." Midoriya talks trying to stop the man from leaving

"NO! I CAN'T, I'M LATE FOR AN IMPORTANT MEETING!"! All Might leans on the ledge.

Izuku Midoriya seeing that he doesn't have time starts asking the question he always wanted to ask to his idol.

"Someone who has no Quirk can become a hero!?" Midoriya asks before motivating herself and starts monologuing.

"Even a person without any pecuality can be like you someday?"

"Do you have no Quirk?" All Might asks surprised

Midoriya waves and begins his life story as a cliché villain telling his motivations while looking at his hand

"I have no Quirk, so I was bullying constantly all over the world, maybe it wasn't because of that but.... I think saving people should be the coolest thing there is" Shaking his hand in a fist his taciturn voice begins to cheer up.

"I want to learn not to be afraid and save people with a smile on their face. With a smile on his face Midoriya looks at the back of his idol and says his dream.

"I want to be a legendary hero like you and bring hope saving people's lives" ends his speech with a voice pouring emotions.

"All Might turns looking at the boy in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Midoriya gets confused

"I didn't become the greatest hero by myself, it was with the help of several people! Only with this I could accomplish everything I did" All Might says with a deep voice

"You are wrong thinking that only by becoming a hero you can help people! Everyone can play their part in this, a fireman who risks his life to save others when a hero doesn't arrive in time, a cop who puts himself at risk against the villains" All Might speaks while Midoriya is paying attention

"All these people are doing their part you can do yours too, with a small spark you can light the torch! All Might walks towards you and puts his finger on your heart.

All Might with the times he spent with his nephew started to change, learning more about the subjects he didn't understand before.

Hope is a good thing, but having hope in the impossible will only hurt.

Instead of giving false hopes or completely breaking this boy's hopes it is better to put your hopes in something he can do.

This will help him feel better and light the fire in his heart.

His nephew made him understand something, his words have power.

A word that he the greatest hero says today can change people's destiny.

A wrong word would end the boy and make him fall into the abyss and so now he takes care.

All Might knows that without One For All it wouldn't be possible for him to fulfill his dream, like an old Quirkless he knows how difficult this is, and how a Hero knows how dangerous this world is.

"All right Young Boy, with that I'm going, so long!" All Might walks towards the parapet and takes a light jump taking care not to make the boy fly with the pressure.

Something he hadn't realized yet was that he had lost the bottle that was in his pocket.


"He is so regrettable that even now, in the last year, he still can't face reality".

"You can be something else, you don't have to be a hero to save lives".

"It's time to start taking your future seriously!

"If you get over it, reach your limit and break it"

Those were the words that Izuku Midoriya heard during his life.

All Might's words touched his heart and he could see incontestable truth in her.

Maybe helping everybody doesn't necessarily need to be a hero.

A truth he avoided, the world of heroes and villains is dangerous.

The path of a hero is full of difficulties in which some heroes unfortunately end up perishing.

Does he really need to risk his life to his childhood dream?

If he dies in this his mother will be sad, this is something he wouldn't bear.

Dying in a ditch alone is nobody's dream.

While he walked he sees a crowd of people in a street he looks confused and is curious about what it is.

"Did I hear an explosion?" He wonders with the sound he heard

Approaching he finally has a vision of what is happening.

He again?' Midoriya is surprised when he looks at the mud villain.

'Does All Might let slip? Or did he drop..... if that's when I caught myself in his leg during the flight'.

"It's my fault!" Midoriya feels her chest squeeze when she comes to that conclusion.

He hears people talking about the accident but is not paying attention.

The guilt for the fact that he caused the villain to escape is affecting him.

All this destruction that the villain caused was his fault.

He sees the villain attacking a family student and he knows how much it hurts that he himself went through the horrible event.

Heroes can't do anything, they are at a disadvantage and can only expect a hero with Quirk to work against him.

Just wait, wait for them to come fast, surely one will come.

I can't' Midoriya thinks while running towards

"YOUR IDIO! STOP! STOP!!!" People and heroes shout at him to stop but he goes on

I can't stand by and watch someone in danger

"I'm gonna blow you to pieces" The villain attacks him

As a measure of distraction Midoriya throws his backpack in the eye of the mud villain.


Grabbing the student inside the villain he tries to pull to free.

"YOU! BUT WHY!?" His old childhood friend shouts at him

"My legs moved by themselves! I can't stand to see someone suffer, I don't want to be feeling like someone is in danger" Midoriya tries to pull him out of the villain.

"That only goes for things! DON'T GET IN MY WAY!!" The villain gets angry and attacks him with a big hand of mud.

Izuku Midoriya knows that he is screwed now, but even so he doesn't regret the achievement.

At the moment that the hand almost reached him another is superimposed grabbing.


"DETROIT SMASH!!!!" Releasing a punch that tears the villain to pieces.

A punch that with the air pressure changes the time


A great figure falls from the air at a great speed.

"I AM HERE!" He lands making his well-known slogan and pose.

"You're late! Who would have thought that the greatest hero is almost an hour late" A monotonous voice interrupts him

"I'm sorry, I had some accidents that delayed me" A sad All Might apologizes while looking at his nephew's figure

"No problem" He hears the answer.

"I brought the snacks" All Might shows the bag he is carrying.

Both sit in place and start eating in silence.

"Uhm I have good news!" All Might speaks after cheering up

"Which one?" Your nephew asks

"I found a candidate worthy of OFA" All Might says with a bright smile.


-I just wanted to make this chapter to show some changes.

-I wanted to make Midoriya do the support department before having the chance at the sports festival, what do you think? Do I leave him in class A or in the Department?

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