
My hero academia: magneto(on hiatus)

I got killed, I met God, God gave me some wishes Now I am in my hero academia truly bad at summery, so just give it a chance, please also disclaimer. all of the characters are owned by the someone whoose name i don't remember right now expect my own characters

Edgelord666 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 14

I was in my thoughts of my sister.

she came just a few moments ago and told me that she was leaving me and she gave me my name.

here the others in the orphanage called me X. simple and not too hard to hard to remember.

I am... I don't know what am I feeling. maybe emotional distress.

I was in my thoughts and at that moment I heard a "thud" sound. it was like something fallen from a subtle height.

and after that, everyone from the orphanage started behaving in a very distressed manner. people were rushing from upper stories of the orphanage to the ground floor.

I don't know what was happening.

after some time I heard something which broke me from the inside. my sister Shukra has committed suicide.

she jumped from the terrace with her head down and she died.

this was too much to handle for the little heart of mine and I started crying loudly.

I don't know what to do anymore.

her last words were ringing in my head

' my little ototou'

'I am leaving '

'take care'

'we will meet some other time'

'we will play'

'live your life happily'


every single word that she said was like a stab in my heart. I realized that I don't have any hope to see her again, I will never listen to her lullaby, she will not feed me.

she left me.

there was a silence.

and then my dam of emotions break.

" aarrrrghh" I cried to my heart's out. I think that maybe I am cursed or something like that, my mother abandoned me, my sister left me. everyone who comes near me left me. it is not a dream to reincarnated no it was hell for me.

I wanted to lash out at someone and I can't even do that. all that comes out from my mouth was the 'ghighi ghu uwa' sound.

after crying my eyes out. I think about what truly has happened. why would Shukra commit suicide? something must have happens.

at night I got every answer.

I heard tomoe kanzo an employee of our matron talks to someone.

I focused on my electromagnetic spectrum powers and tried picking up the radio waves of the phone.

a trick that I learn during the 3 months, I was able to pick up radio waves from mobile phones around 10 feet of me. this was the only power I was able to perform yet.

" well Mr. dash, can you pick up another girl for your night. there are some situations with the black-skinned girl you choose." said tomoe to this Mr. dash.

wait black girl, some problems. this bastard was talking about Shukra.

then MR. dash starts speaking

MR. Dash: " what do you mean by the problems. you know who I am right?? I am a 120th rank hero on japan hero ranking and you guys are doing illegal businesses of prostitution, human trafficking, and many more. you know what will happen if you anger me. I want that girl meaning I want, that's it." he howled in anger.

t.k.: " well you see sir, she committed suicide so she will not be able to company you."

Mr.Dash: " what a shame. she was such a dark rose. but what can you do, ok send someone else. btw what was her name."

t.k.: "I will send someone else to accompany you and I don't remember everyone's name. have a good day sir."

and with that, the call disconnected.

and then the matron comes and talks to him.

matron Ritsuko: " what did he say." she asks with annoyance in her voice.

t.k.: " he agreed. but who would have thought that she will do something like that."

matron Ritsuko: " yes, can you believe it. she commits suicide when it was time to pay me back for all the shit I have done for her. well, no good will come by crying over the spilled milk.

send someone else to him"

she says clearly irritated.

I was seething in rage.

she didn't do the suicide these bastards pushed her to do it.

my sister commits suicide to save her honor.

it was these bastards.

what did he say he doesn't know her name. oh, you will remember her name. I will not just kill you but I will even kill your family members no matter whether they are innocent or not. children or elders, men or women everyone will die in front of your eyes.

you will see their deaths. you will feel that afterlife hell is heaven compared to what I did to you guys.

what did you say you don't remember her name oh I SHUKRA RIN promised on my dead sister's name that I will engrave this name inside your souls.

you will curse the gods and your mother for birthing you.

I promised this.

3rd p.o.v.

Rin's rage at that time knows no bounds, his hatred was more than enough to burn the whole world. his eyes were bloodshot.

his body was feeling the pain all over. something has snapped inside him. he was so angry that he did not notice that his anger was shooked the complete building. it was like an earthquake. the metal in the building was bending in unruly ways. the walls were having cracks formed.

and he in his anger didn't notice this phenomenon.

and then his body gave up and he became unconscious.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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