
My hero Academia: JoyBoy

In the chaotic aftermath of an explosion, John meets an untimely demise, only to find himself in a cosmic queue overseen by divine Teletubbies. After breaking a few heavenly laws, he escape through a dimensional portal. Awakening in the body of an African orphan amidst a war-torn landscape, their past chases after them as a revolution begins to ripple throughout the continent. As he navigates this uncharted world; joins an uprising; confronting mighty warlords, and liberating those enslaved by their tyrannical masters wherever he goes with a smile as bright as the sun. JoyBoy have arrived. PS: no crybaby green-head is present in this story, maybe another fanfic. Also, the MHA plotline starts in the mid to late 2100s so for the sake of the setting dates this story is set 20 years in the past so about the year 2070.

GoldenPanda · Anime & Comics
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Quirk : Ubora

Emitter type: Allows the user to generate, possibly control and/or alter their surroundings.

Transformation type: Allows users to alter their bodies, such as turning into metal or splitting themselves apart.

Mutant type: Causes permanent abnormalities to the users which is most of the time directly related to their abilities and power.

Luffy Kudzai: appearance

Nia Kibibi: appearance

Kofi Adisa: appearance