
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

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Alchemist's ranks

Here are the alchemist ranks, enjoy.


Rank1: Apprentice Alchemist

Abilities provided: Basic understanding of alchemical ingredients, equipment, and safety protocols. Learning the fundamental processes of potion-making and basic magical infusion.

Rank 2: Journeyman Alchemist

Abilities: Proficient in handling a wider range of ingredients. Can craft simple potions with specific effects. Able to assist in creating enchanted objects through alchemical infusion.

Rank 3: Magical Elixir Brewer

Abilities: Specialization in brewing elixirs with magical properties. Proficiency in infusing potions with minor magical effects, such as enhancing physical attributes or providing temporary protection.

Rank 4: Potionmaster

Abilities: Advanced knowledge of alchemical properties. Can create a diverse array of potions with specific and complex effects. Mastery in enhancing potions with more potent magical attributes.

Rank 5: Enchanted Artificer

Abilities: Skill in combining alchemy and enchantment. Can create enchanted objects by infusing them with magical elixirs. Mastery in crafting items with unique, synergistic magical effects.

Rank 6: Grand Alchemist

Abilities: Exceptional understanding of alchemical theory and practice. Can create powerful elixirs and enchanted objects with significant magical attributes. May experiment with the creation of rare and legendary concoctions.

Rank 7: Alchemical Savant

Abilities: Mastery in the art of alchemy. Can create elixirs of extraordinary potency, possessing effects that go beyond the norm. Able to infuse objects with intricate, multi-layered magical properties.

Rank 8: Archmage Alchemist

Abilities: Mastery in both alchemy and enchantment. Can create legendary potions and enchanted objects of immense magical power. Known for pushing the boundaries of magical understanding and experimentation.

Rank 9: Celestial Alchemist

Abilities: A rare and revered rank, focused on harnessing celestial and cosmic energies. Can create elixirs and enchanted items that channel the power of stars and celestial bodies. Known for crafting artifacts with profound magical significance.

Rank 10: Eternal Alchemist

Abilities: The pinnacle of alchemical mastery. Eternal Alchemists have transcended the limitations of time and reality, creating elixirs and objects that manipulate fundamental magical forces. They are said to have unlocked the secrets of immortality and creation itself.

These additional ranks offer a more comprehensive progression for alchemists in Eldtrorse, reflecting their increasing mastery of magical elixirs, enchanted objects, and their understanding of the interconnectedness of alchemy and enchantment.