
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Life stream Interface

In the world of Eldtrorse, every sentient being possesses a unique and intricate magically created system known as the "Lifestream Interface." This ethereal interface is a direct manifestation of the magical essence that flows within each individual and binds them to the mystical energies of the world. The Lifestream Interface serves as a conduit for managing a person's attributes, abilities, growth, and connection to the magical fabric of the universe.

I- Key Features of the Lifestream Interface:

1. Attribute Monitoring:

The Lifestream Interface constantly tracks a person's physical, mental, and magical attributes, such as strength, intelligence, agility, and magical affinity. It provides real-time feedback about changes, improvements, or potential imbalances.

2. Class and Specialization:

As individuals progress and develop their skills, the Lifestream Interface identifies their innate strengths and preferences, assigning a unique class or specialization. This class determines the focus of their abilities and guides their growth in specific directions.

3. Experience and Leveling:

The Lifestream Interface records experiences and accomplishments, quantifying them into experience points. As these points accumulate, individuals level up, gaining new abilities, improving existing ones, and unlocking further potential within their chosen class.

4. Hobbies and Proficiencies:

The Lifestream Interface accommodates personal interests and hobbies. It tracks the development of additional skills, proficiencies, and knowledge outside of an individual's primary class.

5. Magical Affinities:

For magic-wielders, the Lifestream Interface intricately records their magical affinities and aptitudes, including elemental inclinations and spellcasting styles. This knowledge aids in harnessing and refining magical abilities.

6. Growth Guidance:

The Lifestream Interface serves as a personalized mentor, offering insights, suggestions, and advice based on an individual's attributes, class, and personal history. It suggests skill distributions, optimal pathways for growth, and potential challenges to overcome.

7. Connectedness to Eldtrorse:

The Lifestream Interface maintains a subtle connection to the world's magical energies, allowing individuals to tap into the ambient magic and channel it for various purposes. This connection fosters a symbiotic relationship between the sentient beings and the realm they inhabit.

The Lifestream Interface is a profound representation of each individual's unique journey and potential in Eldtrorse. It not only facilitates personal growth but also weaves them into the intricate web of the world's magical tapestry, enabling them to contribute to its harmony and balance.

II- Summoning the Lifestream Interface

A. A normal sentient being/creature

In Eldtrorse, summoning one's Lifestream Interface is an innate and intuitive process, deeply intertwined with an individual's magical essence. It's a connection that comes naturally to sentient beings as a part of their existence. Here's how a normal individual can summon and interact with their Lifestream Interface:

1. Inner Focus:

Summoning the Lifestream Interface begins with a moment of inner focus. The individual centers their thoughts and attention, becoming attuned to their own magical essence. This can be done through meditation, deep concentration, or even a simple pause to collect one's thoughts.

2. Mental Connection:

Once focused, the individual consciously directs their thoughts towards their own being, acknowledging their uniqueness and magical energy. This mental acknowledgment serves as a catalyst, activating the Lifestream Interface.

3. Visualization:

As the Lifestream Interface begins to materialize, the individual often experiences a subtle sense of presence or an ethereal sensation. They might visualize a shimmering, translucent interface that hovers around them, representing the connection between their inner self and the mystical energies of the world.

4. Intent and Interaction:

With the Lifestream Interface present, the individual can interact with it through intent. By focusing on specific attributes, skills, or information, they access the corresponding aspects of the interface. This interaction is often mental, as the Lifestream Interface responds to the individual's thoughts and intentions.

5. Growth and Learning:

The Lifestream Interface becomes a dynamic source of information and growth. It provides insights into an individual's attributes, abilities, class progression, and magical affinities. It also offers guidance on skill development, potential challenges, and pathways to self-improvement.

6. Connection to the World:

Beyond personal growth, the Lifestream Interface maintains a subtle connection to the magical energies of Eldtrorse. This connection allows individuals to sense shifts in the environment, tap into ambient magic, and potentially communicate with others through a form of magical resonance.

In essence, summoning the Lifestream Interface is both a conscious and intuitive process. It's a way for individuals to connect with their inner selves, their innate magical essence, and the intricate threads of the world's magical tapestry. It reflects the profound interconnectedness of sentient beings with the very essence of Eldtrorse.

B. A less sentient being/creature

For less sentient beings in Eldtrorse, summoning their Lifestream Interface involves a more instinctual and simplified process. While these beings might not have the same level of consciousness as humans or other highly sentient creatures, their connection to the magical essence of the world is still present. Here's how they might call upon their Lifestream Interface:

1. Instinctual Focus:

Less sentient beings rely on their instincts to connect with their Lifestream Interface. This could involve a moment of stillness, where they become aware of their surroundings and attune themselves to the magical energies present.

2. Elemental Connection:

Many less sentient beings have a strong affinity for a specific element or aspect of nature. By aligning with this elemental essence, they establish a bridge between themselves and their Lifestream Interface.

3. Non-Verbal Invocation:

Unlike highly sentient beings, less sentient creatures might not use complex language to communicate with their Lifestream Interface. Instead, they emit vibrations, scents, or patterns of energy that resonate with their innate magical essence.

4. Physical Gestures:

Physical actions or gestures become the primary means of calling their Lifestream Interface. These gestures could involve movements, dances, or postures that carry a specific meaning within their species or affinity.

5. Direct Communion:

As the less sentient beings attune to their Lifestream Interface, they receive intuitive impressions and sensations related to their attributes, growth, and connection to the world. This direct communion might involve flashes of insight, heightened senses, or emotional resonances.

6. Elemental Manifestation:

In some cases, the Lifestream Interface might manifest as a visible or tangible representation of the creature's elemental or natural affinity. It could be a radiant aura, a shimmering energy pattern, or a harmonic vibration that emanates from their being.

The process for less sentient beings is primal and instinctual, aligning with their connection to the natural world and their own unique magical essence. It allows them to draw upon the energies of Eldtrorse in a way that harmonizes with their inherent nature and contributes to the balance of the magical realm.


P.S: Lucius falls into a special kind, learn more by reading the novel, or read the spoiler on the first comment.