
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 226 Roaming in the Starry Sky, the Glory of Sacred Glory, and the Kingdom of Shadows

With two emperor-level genes as the base, it is much easier for Lu Yuan to evolve again at this moment.

  Even if it is a powerful space-based battle skill, evolution will not be dangerous, and even the pain is much lighter than before.

  Although the blood and bones of the body are still cracking, but under the action of Aria of Life and Spirit Physique, the cracked skin is healed at an extremely fast speed.

  Time passed, and the evolution came to an end soon. After the genetic evolution of Space Gate, an incomparably powerful force emerged again.

  Like the Mechanical Great Emperor, it is an all-round increase, but compared to the mechanical Great Emperor's increase, it is stronger than the level of 2/3/2021.

  The three emperor-level genes are added together, and there is a terrifying power surging in Lu Yuan's body at this moment.

  Fortunately, this is a change at the genetic level. Lu Yuan can still control his power normally, but if he wants to use it meticulously, he needs to practice hard.

  Lu Yuan checked the information on the new gene.

  Imperial Gene: Star Walk

  Compared with the Space Gate at the Sovereign level, space roaming is also a powerful space battle skill of the teleportation type.

  However, the space roaming battle skill is much more efficient.

  If Lu Yuan used the Space Gate before, he could probably span a distance of more than 500,000 kilometers in his tempering perfection state.

  But now, Lu Yuan felt that if he used star roaming with all his strength, he could even go directly to another planet.

  Lu Yuan thought that he was now at the War King level and could barely survive in a vacuum.

  Do you want to find a chance to travel to other planets?

  He thought about it and thought it was quite interesting, and he would go out and have a look when he had a chance.

  In addition to the more powerful Space Gate in full strength, the inheritance of genes' use of Power of Space is naturally more in-depth.

  Lu Yuan swiped casually, and a Space Crack suddenly appeared. With a move of his mind, the Space Crack disappeared.

  Lu Yuan can now use Tearing Space to tear objects that were originally located in that space coordinate.

  If they act secretly, maybe even the Battle Sovereign or even the Battle Emperor may be attacked.

  The damage caused by space tearing is not like the other powers that Lu Yuan has mastered.

  More than space tearing, Lu Yuan found himself able to learn the Space Imprisonment battle skill that Aimen had previously.

  With his current emperor-level space system battle skill, he can probably imprison the same level War King with the king's genes inscribed.

  For the Battle Sovereign level powerhouse, I don't know if they can be imprisoned for a moment?

  Similar to the use of gravity field by Spirit Physique, it can be regarded as a small method.

  Apart from this, Lu Yuan's teleportation became faster, and his whole person seemed to be integrated into the space.

  After evolving to emperor-level genes, space to Lu Yuan is like water to fish.

  He did space teleportation again, almost without the slightest delay.

  In general, the Star Roaming battle skill is also extremely powerful, and Lu Yuan is still very satisfied.

  After that, Lu Yuan rested again, and after recovering his mental and physical strength, he began to enter the Divine Transformation Holy Light.

  The familiar evolutionary process soon ended.

  The Sovereign level gene has evolved into the divine light, becoming an emperor-level gene, the radiance of holy glory.

  Needless to say, the improvement of various attributes in all aspects is natural. In the battle skill, the power of Shengyao's brilliance is more powerful, and it is not like the divine light is one-time.

  The Glory of Holy Glory is a battle skill that can be used continuously. After it is turned on, the Hundred Venoms Immunity will not be affected by the curse and negative status below the emperor level, and will also greatly improve its own strength. Not only that, the face For Dark Element's battle skill, the restraint ability has become more powerful.

  And the application of Light Power brought by extraordinary genes is also extremely powerful.

  Lu Yuan can use Light Power to attack, defend, increase, purify, etc., similar to the previous emperor-level genes, and probably also has the formidable power of the lord-level battle skill.

  Lu Yuan sighed and stood up.

  So far, Lu Yuan has finally raised all his genes to the emperor level.

  Needless to say, the power of the emperor-level gene, of course, the cost of Spirit Crystal is also a lot.

  The least is the Great Day Spirit Physique, which costs more than two million sixth rank Spirit Crystal, and the most is Star Wandering, which costs about six million sixth rank Spirit Crystal.

  Add up to about 20 million sixth rank Spirit Crystal.

  Fortunately, Lu Yuan went to the Evolution Cube to recharge a lot, and now there is still a lot left in it, and he should be able to evolve a few more Saint Level genes.

  Of course, it shouldn't work now. Just by evolving to the emperor level, Lu Yuan's whole body is torn apart, and it is estimated that it will explode when it evolves to the Saint level.

  After genetic evolution, Lu Yuan's next step is to burn new extraordinary genes.

  He took out an orange light group with strange threads flowing in it.

  Sovereign level Extraordinary gene, Shadow Legion.

  This is Lu Yuan's next goal.

  With a move of his mind, the orange light group turned into a streamer and merged into Lu Yuan's body.

  The strange silk threads in the light group entered the blank gene chain and began to compile a new gene chain.

  Lu Yuan, who has five emperor-level genes, has no tempering perfection yet, but his physique and gene chain strength are enough for him to easily burn Sovereign level genes.

  There was only a slight soreness, and soon, the extraordinary genes of the Shadow Legion were burned.

  After the gene was inscribed, Lu Yuan's consciousness appeared in the white fog, and behind Lu Yuan was the incomparable gigantic gene chain.

  In front of Lu Yuan, white mist surged, and a big black cat with black mist surging all over appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

  The big cat is completely black, but the eyes are scarlet, without wisdom, only full of tyrannical killing intent.

  When Lu Yuan's thoughts moved, the genetic weapon emerged on his body, and his whole body was full of breath.

  The big cat roared, and the black mist swirled around. One after another, the big cats that were also pitch black ran out of the black fog, packed densely, and rushed towards Lu Yuan. There were hundreds of them.

  Lu Yuan looked a little surprised.

  Is this the formidable power of the Shadow Legion?

  There are hundreds of Avatars, which is indeed a bit much.

  If Lu Yuan recorded it, it would be an Avatar with hundreds of Heaven's Chosen Ranking top thirty battle strengths.

  With so many Avatars added up, even if Lu Yuan wanted to kill them all, it would take a lot of work.

  Of course, compared to Lu Yuan's Avatar, this black cat's Avatar is still very weak.

  The radiance of holy light flashed, and Lu Yuan's whole body had a dazzling golden light, like a giant light bulb.

  With the appearance of the radiance of Shengyao, one after another Avatar who was close to Lu Yuan was illuminated by the rays of light, and even showed signs of collapsing, and wisps of black mist spilled out from Avatar's body.

  Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Shengyao's restraint on Power of Darkness.

  But think about it, after all, it is an emperor-level gene, and it is facing a Sovereign level gene.

  Lu Yuan's own strength is far more than this black cat.

  He no longer thought about it, the body disappeared in place, and appeared in front of the main body in an instant.

  Space moves.

  The next moment, the heavy sword in Lu Yuan's hand swung with dazzling golden rays of light, forming one after another golden sword net, covering the big black cat.

  The powerful restraining effect of the radiance of the holy light on the black cat. The remaining will of the big cat was not even restored, and it dissipated directly in the scream, which was extremely overbearing.

  As the remaining will in the extraordinary gene disappeared, Lu Yuan's will also returned to his body.

  At this time, he can be considered to have completely burned the extraordinary genes of the Shadow Legion.

  Shadow Legion mainly improves spirit strength and speed, and also improves part of its strength, but it has the least improvement for defense.

  Lu Yuan can also understand this, after all, this battle skill looks like a battle skill that favors assassination.

  Lu Yuan didn't stop, and immediately began to evolve after the recording was completed.

  The dim-blue rays of light flickered again.

  After consuming several millions of sixth rank Spirit Crystal, the evolution is completed quickly.

  Imperial Gene: Shadow Realm.

  The amplification effect is several times higher than the previous effect, and the effect of the battle skill is much stronger than that of Shadow Legion.

  The Shadow Kingdom battle skill can condense a domain shrouded in darkness. The domain is pitch black, and both vision and perception will be reduced to a certain extent. This is a bit like the ice fog of Si Tingxue before.

  As Lu Yuan is a Sovereign in the field, Lu Yuan will naturally not be affected.

  Meanwhile, Lu Yuan can condense Avatars anywhere within the Darkness Domain.

  Avatar's strength is almost one third of Lu Yuan's own battle strength, and the amount condensed is still affected by Lu Yuan's own spiritual power and spiritual strength.

  The dark Shadow Clone in the Darkness Domain can be said to be the most outstanding Assassin, come and go without a shadow or trace, almost imperceptible, if someone enters this shadow kingdom, they may die without knowing how to die.

  Looking at the information about this battle skill, Lu Yuan was full of surprises.

  Shadow Realm's battle skill is more powerful than he thought, the only drawback is that it uses the domain, which consumes too much spiritual power.

  Lu Yuan could imagine that even the Battle Emperor powerhouse, possessing this battle skill, should be considered an extremely powerful existence in the Battle Emperor level.

  And Lu Yuan is only War King now, and he has this battle skill, not to mention more.

  With his infinite spiritual power, the disadvantage of large spiritual power consumption is simply not a disadvantage.

  Moreover, in the shadow kingdom, others don't even know who he is, and he can do some things without revealing himself.

  Overall, Lu Yuan is very satisfied with the effect of the Shadowlands battle skill.

  So far, Lu Yuan has finally evolved all the previous genes and burned new ones.

  Lu Yuan has a total of six emperor-level genes so far. With so many powerful emperor-level genes, it is difficult for even Battle Sovereign to fight him, right?

  In fact, unless they are naturally powerful creatures, many Battle Emperors may only have two or three emperor-level genes, and some of them may only have emperor-level genes inscribed at this stage of the Battle Emperor, and they are not even as many as Lu Yuan. .

  If people know that Lu Yuan is just a War King and has six emperor-level genes, I am afraid they will be envious.

  Of course, for Lu Yuan to temper all these genes to Perfection, it would take more time and Spirit Crystal.

  For tempering emperor-level genes, the required Spirit Crystals must be up to a million seventh rank Spirit Crystals.

  And he has six, of which the first five should have been tempering to Perfection before, and now he has left a tempering degree ranging from 10% to 20% after evolution, and the shadow kingdom needs to be tempered again.

  The Spirit Crystal that needs to be consumed, Lu Yuan estimated conservatively, there may be more than 10 million seventh rank Spirit Crystal, and the scalp is numb just thinking about it.

  And Lu Yuan's current cultivation resource is still the third rank's powerful spiritual transformation gene fluid, which has not improved Lu Yuan's tempering efficiency much, and his cultivation speed will be much slower.

  Who knows how long he will have to be in War King level cultivation?

  The only good thing is that when the time comes, Lu Yuan can go to the upper level of the land of origin, where the resources should be more abundant than here.

  when the time comes he should have access to a lot of resources.

  Of course, this has to be said after Lu Yuan has used up the current strong spirit transformation force gene fluid.

  Hmm... apart from this, the advanced question about Evolution Cube can also be put on the agenda.

  After all, he has now reached the War King level and has six emperor-level genes. He should have a certain battle strength and can explore the areas he sensed before.

  In the real world, the hunting and killing of alienation can also be carried out simultaneously. As long as there is time, you can consider going to the night watchman to do tasks or something.

  Lu Yuan pondered the question and realized that it was still two days before he left the place of origin.

  Lu Yuan also stopped cultivation and took a good rest for two days.

  Two days later, white light flashed, and Lu Yuan appeared in the dormitory room.

  The sun is shining outside the window.

  It's already September and the weather is still quite hot.

  Although it has no effect on genetic warriors.

  Lu Yuan went downstairs, Yang Ping and Mag were not there.

  Maybe it's because Lu Yuan's promotion speed is too scary, Yang Ping and Mag will go to the cultivation room to work hard for cultivation even when they return to the real world, and they are not slack at all.

  Of course, Lu Yuan is also very pleased about this.

  Let Becky make a lunch. After Lu Yuan finished eating, he went to Si Tingyu's dormitory.

  As soon as he entered the dormitory building, Lu Yuan saw Si Tingyu resting on the sofa, wearing loose home clothes to hide his perfect figure.

  However, in addition to Si Tingyu, Lu Yuan even saw Li Qinghe there.

  Lu Yuan was stunned, said with a smile:

  "Sister Qinghe, why are you here?"

  Li Qinghe glanced at Lu Yuan, opened the mouth and said:

  "What? You're not happy to see that elder sister, I'm here with your beauty tutor, aren't you?"

  Lu Yuan faced full of black lines, coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "How is it possible, shouldn't I be happier?"

  Li Qinghe's eyes widened, shocked, and even Si Tingyu glared at Lu Yuan:


  Guys, do you understand in two seconds? !

  Lu Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

  "Just kidding, Sister Qinghe, why did you suddenly come here?"

  Li Qinghe salted fish usually lies behind Si Tingyu, opened the mouth and said:

  "It's not sudden, didn't I just come back from outside? The frequency of alienation in various cities has recently increased a lot compared to before. I was exhausted, so I came to the big fierce rain to relax."

  Relax? How to relax?

  Lu Yuan looked at Li Qinghe and Si Tingyu in amazement.

  Then he thought of other information from Li Qinghe.

  "The frequency of alienation has increased a lot? Why?"