
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 225 The Aria of Life and the Mechanical Great Emperor

Seeing that everyone recognized him, Lu Yuan directly used the space to move away.

  When he reappeared, it was in the alley between two tall buildings.

  Lu Yuan put on the battle armour directly, and also put on the helmet.

  In this way, ordinary people will not recognize him.

  The location that Lu Yuan, Amy and Wang Lingling agreed upon was in front of a very famous tavern in Tianluo City.

  The tavern is called Hundred Refinements restaurant, and the food in it is all made with precious ominous beast flesh and Spirit Fruit spirit material. Dao Idol is good.

  Of course, the price is not ordinary, and the general genetic warrior is reluctant to come here to eat.

  Lu Yuan stood not far from the entrance of the restaurant, and soon saw Wang Lingling and Amy coming over, and no one was following them.

  Amy glanced around, and when she saw Lu Yuan in armor, a suspicious look appeared on her face, while Wang Lingling opened the mouth and said with a smile:

  "A Yuan, you are very eye-catching in battle armour."

  After all, in the city, everyone is not fighting outside the city, and basically they will change into their normal clothes, especially outside the tavern, when encountering a genetic warrior wearing a battle armour and a helmet, the rate of turning back is still very high.

  Not long after Lu Yuan stood at the door, passing genetic warriors looked at him from time to time.

  Lu Yuan smiled helplessly: "At least it's a little lower than if I don't wear a helmet."

  Wang Lingling smiled: "Yes."

  Amy's eyes widened and she reacted: "Big liar, it's you."

  Lu Yuan opened the mouth with a smile and said, "That's right, it's me, Amy is so smart, she found out so quickly."

  Amy's eyes shined, showing a smug smile, then her smile froze, she stared at Lu Yuan with wide eyes, and puffed up her face:

  "hmph! You're lying to me again! Lingling found out long ago!"

  A hint of surprise flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes, and then he sighed a little.

  Now Amy is not as deceitful as before.

  Wang Lingling said with a smile: "Go in, order a box, you can't eat with a helmet, right?"

  Lu Yuan also smiled helplessly.

  The three entered the restaurant.


  Tianluo House.

  Gwen came to the courtyard deep in Tianluo Mansion and knocked on the door.

  Soon, two Tian Luo Wisteria opened the door, and the handsome Adams walked out of the room and came to the gazebo to sit down.

  "What's wrong? Gwen?"

  Gwen said with a slight smile: "Amy sneaked out to play again."

  "en? Where's Lingling? Didn't you look at her?"

  Gwen smiled and looked at the head: "No, the two went out together. I heard that A Yuan appeared in the teleportation hall before."

  "That boy Ah Yuan is here? Good boy, haven't you been here for many days?"

  Adams eyes shined and then stood up.

  Gwen was a little helpless: "Old Master, do you want to find A Yuan again?"

  "Of course, A Yuan is so talented and has a good temperament. He and our little Amy also have a relationship foundation. If they can be together, wouldn't it be very good? It's just that they are too young to be too restrained. Do I want to put them together? Locked in a room? Get something in there by the way?"

  Adams was proud of his idea.

  Gwen's face was dark and helplessly said:

  "Old Master, don't meddle in your own business. People have a good relationship. If you have to join in the fun, it will be self-defeating when the time comes."

  Adams was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled:

  "Self-defeating? Me?"

  He looked in disbelief.

  Gwen sighed, opened the mouth and said: "Old Master, look, Ayuan came to Tianluo City to find Amy before, did he come directly to our Tianluofu? Now Ayuan doesn't dare to come here to find Amy, only Dare to sneak out. Who do you think is the reason?"

  Adams was shocked: "Is it because those old bastards are doing tricks behind their backs?! Those old bastards! Is it because I think Adams is easy to bully?"

  A fierce look of anger appeared on his face.

  Gwen: "..."

  The corners of her mouth twitched and she looked at Adams silently:

  "Old Master, don't you think you are a little too enthusiastic? This will scare A Yuan and Amy."

  Adams was taken aback: "Will it be?"

  Gwen coughed dryly, opened the mouth and said:

  "Old Master, don't worry about this, just leave it to me."

  Adams was silent for a while, thinking that Gwen is a woman after all, and he may have different ideas about this aspect, so nodded:

  "Well then, I'll leave it to you to handle it."



  In the evening, the three of Lu Yuan played for a day, and then the three said goodbye, and Amy and Wang Lingling returned to Tianluo Mansion.

  At the door of Tianluo Mansion, Amy hummed a little tune and jumped in the door.

  Her face was full of smiles, and she hadn't had such a good time in a long time.

  As soon as he entered the door, a maid stepped forward and said respectfully:

  "Eldest Young Lady, Director, Lord Gwen invites you two over."

  The smile on Amy's face suddenly froze, and she said in horror:

  "Lingling! What should I do? My mother didn't find us sneaking out to play, right?"

  With a gentle smile on Wang Lingling's face:

  "Master Gwen already found out when we first went out."


  Amy's eyes widened with disbelief, and then she showed a bitter smile:

  "It's over, it's over! I'm going to be scolded again."

  Wang Lingling opened the mouth with a smile and said: "Don't worry Eldest Young Lady, Lord Gwen won't scold you. Let's go first, don't let the adults wait too long."

  With a worried expression, Amy followed Wang Lingling into the study.

  Gwen was sitting at the desk working on documents when she heard the sound of two people coming in and she looked up.

  She looked at Amy who was behind Wang Lingling like a quail, and there was a funny expression on her face:

  "Amy, what are you doing?"

  "Mother, we slipped out to play."

  Amy said bitterly, "You won't let me retreat for a few more months, will you?"

  Gwen laughed helplessly, then opened the mouth and said:

  "I already knew it. Did you go out with A Yuan?"

  Amy was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Well."

  Then she looked around nervously, opened the mouth and said:

  "Mother, does the Supreme Grandfather know?!"

  Gwen laughed: "mother has already told Supreme Grandfather, don't worry, he won't care about you and Ah Yuan anymore, next time you can ask Ah Yuan to come to Tianluofu."

  Hearing this, Amy was stunned and a little surprised:


  "Will mother still lie to you?"

  "Yeah! Very good! Otherwise Supreme Grandfather will do something embarrassing for me and the big liar."

  In the back courtyard, Adams, who was eavesdropping with powerful strength, was full of shock and self-doubt. He had no idea what he had done to embarrass his little Amy.

  Has little Amy now begun to despise him, the poor lonely old man?

  Adams felt sad.

  Gwen laughed helplessly, and looked the head:

  "Okay, you can go back, um... Since you have already sneaked out to play, there is still a punishment, Lingling, supervise the Eldest Young Lady to cultivate well and retreat for a month."


  Amy was crying, and tears were about to come out.

  A wicked smile appeared on Wang Lingling's face:

  "Master Gwen, I understand. Eldest Young Lady, let's go back to the Gravity Room."

  She reached out and picked up Amy, who wanted to escape, and left, ignoring Amy's struggles.


  Lu Yuan said goodbye to the two of them, and found a room in Tianluo City to stay.

  Because he is no longer a Heaven's Chosen on the Heaven's Chosen Ranking, and he can no longer enjoy benefits. For him now, where to live is actually the same.

  Lu Yuan wondered, after he has evolved his genes, should he go to the top of the list first?

  Lu Yuan thought for a while, then hooked the head.

  It doesn't have to be so fast.

  As soon as he broke through to War King, he was on the king list, which is a bit too outrageous.

  After waiting for a while, it's the same when the previous emperor-level genes are fully tempered, and then go to the list.

  Lu Yuan entered the room, entered the bathroom proficiently, then sat cross-legged in the bathtub, and began to evolve the second Sovereign level gene.

  Tides of life.

  dim-blue rays of light flashed, the gene chain changed, the familiar pain came, one after another crack appeared in Lu Yuan's skin, and blood spurted out.

  However, this time, the cracks were slightly less than before, the blood was not as much as before, and Lu Yuan felt a little less pain.

  Time passed, and when Lu Yuan's pain disappeared, dim-blue rays of light dissipated, the extraordinary gene completely completed the evolution, and the incomparable power emerged, the strongest being spirit strength, followed by strength, speed and physique.

  After evolving the tide of life, Lu Yuan's spirit strength has been greatly improved.

  He tried a little, and the spirit strength spread, spreading for dozens of kilometers in an instant, and it was still spreading out.

  In the end, it even spread to almost cover the entire Tianluo City before it came to an end.

  Hundreds of kilometers!

  Lu Yuan was a little surprised, as if he was a little strong.

  Not only Lu Yuan, but in Tianluo City, the mighty War King and Battle Sovereign all raised their heads, and looked around in confusion.

  They also felt an incomparably powerful swipe of spirit strength.

  Even Adams in Tianluo Mansion looked up in surprise and wondered which Battle Sovereign was ignorant to release spirit strength in Tianluo City?

  But because spirit strength didn't mean to explore, he didn't care too much.

  After Lu Yuan in the bathroom felt the powerful increase brought by the emperor-level gene, he began to perceive the information of the gene.

  Imperial Gene: Aria of Life

  It is also an extraordinary gene of the healing system, which is somewhat similar to Tide of Life, but the healing ability of Aria of Life is more powerful. As long as it is not instant death, it is very easy to be reborn from a broken limb.

  Not only in treatment, if poisoned or cursed, it can also be cured and restored.

  The one-time healing range is based on the user's spiritual strength and spiritual power. It is a powerful battle skill that can heal in groups.

  Moreover, Aria of Life itself will bring a powerful self-healing ability, which is a passive ability. If you are injured, it will recover at a very fast speed.

  Lu Yuan looked a little surprised, this kind of passive strong recovery ability, combined with the previous Spirit Physique.

  Lu Yuan felt that he didn't even need to use Aria of Life on himself, he was already an Immortal Body.

  You must know that the defensive ability brought by the Spirit Physique of the Great Sun is also extremely terrifying. After all, it came from the Spirit Physique of common origins of the earth.

  Lu Yuan thought for a while, took out the heavy sword, and stroked his hand on the heavy sword.

  Hmm... Not injured, Lu Yuan's physique is too strong now, and his defensive ability is already terrifying.

  He continued to exert force until the heavy sword cut a deep wound on his arm, and blood continued to spurt.

  Just as Lu Yuan stopped and removed the heavy sword, the wound on his arm was healing at a very fast speed.

  In just a few breaths, the injury has completely recovered.

  Lu Yuan wiped off the blood on his arm, looking at the arm without any trace, a look of amazement appeared on his face.

  This defensive ability and recovery ability, he said that he is a guardian warrior, there is absolutely no problem.

  Of course, the life chanting gene that has evolved to the emperor level has a deeper application of the power of life and nature.

  Lu Yuan's current healing effect can also have the formidable power of the lord-level battle skill.

  Not only healing, Lu Yuan can even use the power of nature to turn plants into treant guards with battle strength, induce plant growth to bind enemies, create poison mist and more.

  As long as it is a power related to life and nature, Lu Yuan can make use of it.

  And the effect of utilization will not be bad.

  After the evolution, Lu Yuan took out the takeaway from the Hundred Refinements restaurant from the Battle Mark space and had a good meal.

  Then Lu Yuan slept again, and then began to evolve again.

  The third extraordinary gene, the king of machines.

  Familiar evolutionary process.

  When the evolution is over, all of Lu Yuan's attributes, including spirit, strength, speed and physique, have the same degree of improvement.

  This is the trait brought by this extraordinary gene, and like the space system, it is comprehensively improved.

  Although the improvement is not as big as the space system, it is still quite good for Lu Yuan.

  Lu Yuan closed his eyes and felt the new gene galaxy.

  Emperor Gene: Mechanical Great Emperor

  Emperor-level genes have a deeper inheritance of mechanical-related scientific and technological knowledge, and Lu Yuan can now rely on his own inheritance knowledge to create a king-level mechanical gene weapon.

  Not only genetic weapons, there is also a lot of scientific and technological knowledge in genetic inheritance, but it is about the manufacture of mechanical instruments, such as battleship and the power of psionic cannons.

  apart from this …

  Lu Yuan thought about it and took out a heavy metal sword.

  This is a third-rank king-level genetic weapon.

  It is also that Lu Yuan is armed with the lowest other genes now.

  He was also a little helpless.

  Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with emotionless indifference, and then he casually tapped on the metal heavy sword.

  At the next moment, invisible fluctuations emerged, and the metal heavy sword seemed to be activated. It began to disintegrate, reorganize, and finally changed into a peculiar mechanical cannon.

  In mechanical manufacturing, as long as he has the material, Lu Yuan can directly manufacture a machine that matches the material. Unfortunately, Lu Yuan still cannot attach a soul to the machine.

  Otherwise, he can create a powerful mechanical guard and create a real mechanical army.

  Not only that, Lu Yuan once again pointed at the mechanical cannon, and a ray of gray iron rays of light flashed past on the mechanical cannon, and the aura above was a little stronger.

  Mechanical augmentation, Lu Yuan can augment these machines to increase their strength.

  Not just machines, but also mechanical beings such as mechanical guards.

  After the increase, all aspects of the machine's life have been greatly improved, just like the augmented battle skill of a powerful auxiliary system.

  Unfortunately, this battle skill only works on machines.

  Lu Yuan sighed a little.

  But overall he was quite satisfied.

  He himself can make some floating gun type king-level mechanical genetic weapons, and then use the evolution cube to evolve to the emperor level, and then use the mechanical amplification.

  Hmm...the firepower is fierce.

  Seems to be messed up?

  Not only that, but at least when the time comes, if he has nowhere to get Spirit Crystals, he can also get a lot of Spirit Crystals by making king-level genetic weapons.

  Lu Yuan rested again, and then started the evolution of the next gene.

  The fourth gene is also Lu Yuan's most precious gene, Space Gate.