
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 227: Night Watch Headquarters, Probability of

Transformation Xue Ren's alienation is similar, didn't you say last time that Xue Ren's Soul Devouring Bead was given by someone else? I don't know who it is. I haven't found it yet."

  Li Qinghe opened the mouth and said while sighing.

  Lu Yuan thought for a while, then said with a smile:

  "Sister Qinghe, if there is an alienation phenomenon, how about I go with you?"

  Since there are more alienation phenomena now, if he wants to contact alienation, the efficiency of absorbing unknown breath should be much higher.

  In addition, his current strength is indeed not weak.

  Although cultivation spiritual skills and body refinement can continue to improve battle strength in school, for now, Lu Yuan feels that it is a good choice to take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with alienation.

  Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Li Qinghe was taken aback, then looked towards Lu Yuan:

  "You want to work overtime too? You haven't graduated yet, why can't you think so much?"

  Lu Yuan's face darkened, why is this person always thinking about being lazy?

  He coughed dryly, opened the mouth and said: "I'm just curious about alienation."

  Li Qinghe thought for a while, then looked towards Si Tingyu on the side:

  "You are a student of Da Feiyu, does your tutor agree?"

  Si Tingyu, who had never spoken, said with a smile: "With Ah Yuan's current strength, I really don't have much to teach him. Ah Yuan is already a War King, right? I can do my own cultivation in the future."

  Hearing Si Tingyu's words, Li Qinghe looked at Lu Yuan with wide eyes in astonishment:

  "You are already War King?! So fast!"

  Li Qinghe had been busy with alienation before, and he had not been to the place of origin for a few days. Now he has no idea that Lu Yuan's strength has reached this point.

  "Well, just broke through."

  Lu Yuan laughed.

  Li Qinghe looked at Lu Yuan strangely:

  "It's over, it's over. Knowing your strength, younger brother, I guess that old man will start urging you again."

  The corners of Si Tingyu's mouth twitched violently, and a helpless expression appeared on his face:

  "Well... Ah Yuan, it's good for you to go out now."

  Lu Yuan silently nodded and agreed.

  "That's fine, now you and elder sister I will go to the Night's Watch Headquarters."

  Li Qinghe got up, squeezed Si Tingyu's small face behind him, opened the mouth and said with a smirk:

  "Girl, elder sister, I'm leaving, wait for me at home."

  Si Tingyu rubbed his face helplessly and glared at Li Qinghe.

  Lu Yuan: "..."

  He looked steadily forward, as if he didn't see it.

  Hmm...Although there is a slight urge to follow in my heart.

  Lu Yuan followed Li Qinghe out of Si Tingyu's dormitory, and then the two rode Li Qinghe's sports car to a dark high-rise building in the center of Imperial Capital.

  "Here, get off!"

  Li Qinghe took Lu Yuan out of the car and walked towards the tall building.

  Before the stairs to the main entrance, Lu Yuan looked up at the tall building, a little surprised by the style of the Night's Watch headquarters.

  He followed Li Qinghe and quickly entered the high-rise building.

  In the high-rise buildings people coming, people going, Lu Yuan glanced over, almost all of them were genetic warriors with spiritual power.

  Of course, there is also an ordinary person, that is, the reception staff.

  The reception staff are pretty good looking.

  The Night's Watch is an extremely powerful official organization in the Empire, and its benefits must be very good.

  The ordinary person who can join the night watchman headquarters, I am afraid that the family also has some background.

  It's just that he failed to awaken and became a genetic warrior.

  When the to-and-fro people see Li Qinghe, they will respectfully greet him.

  "Elder Li."

  "Sir Li."


  Li Qinghe was nodding slightly, as a greeting.

  After greeting, the night watchman will turn his head curiously and look towards Lu Yuan.

  After seeing Lu Yuan's appearance clearly, many people widened their eyes with a surprised look in their eyes.

  After seeing that Lu Yuan followed Li Qinghe into the exclusive elevator to the top floor, everyone whispered excitedly.

  "Hey hey hey! Did you see it?! The one who followed behind Elder Li just now was the one, right?! The one who is the first in Heaven's Chosen Ranking, Mr. Lu Yuan?"

  "Nonsense! We are not blind, we must have seen it!"

  "I've always heard that Elder Li and Lord Lu Yuan have a good relationship. It turns out that it's true. Elder Li actually brought Lord Lu Yuan to our night watchman headquarters."

  "Looking like this, does Lord Lu Yuan want to join our night watchman?!"

  "It should be, our night watchman is awesome! Even Lord Lu Yuan, who is a Peak in the entire Baiyun star field, will join us. It seems that it is still very promising to be a night watchman?"

  Under the excited discussion, Lu Yuan and Li Qinghe took the elevator all the way to the top floor of the night watchman headquarters.

  After getting out of the elevator, Lu Yuan followed Li Qinghe along the black-carpeted corridor to the door of the office of the President of the Night's Watch.

  Li Qinghe knocked on the door.

  Then, the door opened, and Lu Yuan saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with curly brown hair standing inside the door.

  The middle-aged man saw Li Qinghe and showed a smile:

  "Elder Li."

  After seeing Lu Yuan, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then showed a hint of joy:

  "Mr. Lu Yuan is here too? Come in."

  The middle-aged man quickly stepped aside and let Lu Yuan and Li Qinghe in.

  Entering the office, Lu Yuan surveyed the room.

  Opposite the door is a tall floor-to-ceiling window, with a large view of Imperial Capital outside.

  On the right side, there are two sofas surrounding the black coffee table, while on the left side is a huge bookshelf with a lot of books on it.

  In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows is a wooden desk, and a black-haired middle-aged man with a majestic face is watching them now.

  He stood up and came over, with a hearty smile on his face:

  "hahaha, Mr. Lu Yuan, welcome to our night watchman headquarters. What's the matter with you following Qinghe this time?"

  Gu An looked at Lu Yuan with anticipation in his eyes.

  Lu Yuan looked towards Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe said with a slight smile:

  "Uncle Gu, A Yuan said he wanted to help the night watchman deal with the alienation phenomenon, you can do it yourself."

  Hearing this, Gu An showed a surprised expression on his face.

  He hurriedly opened the mouth and said: "Mr. Lu Yuan has such a mind, it is a great thing for our Red Maple Empire, why not, Mr. Lu Yuan, like Qinghe, become the honorary elder of our night watchman, You can enjoy the rights and benefits of the Elder, and the constraints are not too big, you only need to take action in the alienation event that is difficult to handle, what do you think?"

  Lu Yuan nodded with a smile: "If so, then so be it."

  Anyway, he originally planned to deal with alienation events, and if he could ask the night watchman to help find some more troublesome alienation events, it would be less laborious for him.

  Not only that, but there are benefits, isn't that better?

  Seeing that Lu Yuan was so happy, Gu An agreed, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

  He let Lu Yuan and Li Qinghe sit down on the sofa, and then let the middle-aged man take the contract.

  Lu Yuan looked at it himself, just as Gu An said, there is no need to punch in at work, and there is no need to deal with some small alienation phenomena frequently. It is only necessary to take action when encountering alienation phenomena that are difficult for the Night Watch team to solve.

  This is the only obligation.

  For benefits, you can view the alienation files of the night watchman, and you can mobilize the night watchman within a limited range. Of course, the reason is reasonable, and there is an annual salary of 500,000 fifth-order Spirit Crystal.

  Although this salary is a bit low for Lu Yuan, it is completely impossible to mention on equal terms with those star-level forces who invited Lu Yuan before.

  However, there is no way to do this. After all, the Red Maple Empire is only a force with a Battle Emperor, and there is still a big gap between it and those star-level forces.

  Fortunately, Lu Yuan does not intend to rely on this salary for cultivation.

  His resources are naturally obtained from the place of origin.

  In addition to these benefits, there will be a set of villas in Bailiu District as a gift, with a living cost of one billion red maple coins every year.

  These are precious to an ordinary person, but to a genetic warrior, that's it, especially a War King-level genetic warrior like Lu Yuan.

  The only use is to make life a little more convenient.

  Lu Yuan asked Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe checked the contract, and after confirming that there was no problem, Lu Yuan signed it.

  After signing, the smile on Gu An's face was hard to hide.

  He opened the mouth and said with a smile:

  "Welcome Lu Yuan Elder, we will be our own from now on."

  Lu Yuan laughed: "Gu President An is too polite."

  "Qing He came in earlier than you. You can ask Qing He about anything. Of course, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me the same."

  Gu An said with a slight smile.

  Lu Yuan nodded seriously: "many thanks President Gu, I will."

  "Well, Qing He, you can take Lu Yuan Elder around."

  Gu An looked towards Li Qinghe.

  Li Qinghe got up, stretched, and said with a smile:

  "A Yuan, let's go."

  Gu An watched the two of them go out the door, and the smile on his face completely bloomed.

  "Hahaha!! Lu Yuan, the first Heaven's Chosen in Heaven's Chosen Ranking, didn't expect to end up cheapening our night watchman! Hahaha, let those old fellows fight! Can you beat me? Even Qinghe is us. night guard!"

  Gu An thought of something, elated took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

  Dudu du!

  Soon, the call was connected, and Gu An said with a smile:

  "Chengxin, Old Brother, I have good news for you."

  Hongfeng was guarding the headquarters, Si Chengxin glanced at Si Tingfeng who was reporting the situation, and waved his hand, motioning him to be quiet for a while.

  Si Tingfeng was a little puzzled, and then stopped talking, looking at Si Chengxin curiously.

  Si Chengxin stood up, looked towards the night watchman tower not far from the window, and said lightly with a smile:

  "Old Gu, what good news makes you so happy?"

  Gu An raised his mouth and sighed: "Actually it's nothing, Chengxin, don't you know that? Qinghe is the honorary elder of our night watchman. Lu Yuan and Qinghe have such a good relationship. Come to our night watchman headquarters today. I plan to be the same as Qing He and become the honorary elder of our night watchman, hey... I see that the two of them have such a good relationship, and I can't bear the two of them to be separated, so I have to agree. Now Lu Yuan is the honor of our night watchman. Elder."

  Si Chengxin's original smile froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and there was a violent aura of one after another surging around him.


  His hands were accidentally hard and the phone shattered.

  Si Chengxin took a deep breath, turned his head and looked towards his nephew, a kind smile appeared on his face.

  Si Tingfeng saw Si Chengxin's sudden smile, a little puzzled, opened the mouth and said:

  "Sir? Is something wrong? You look like you're having a good time?"

  "hehe...of course I'm very happy!"

  Si Chengxin's mouth twitched, some gnashing teeth opened the mouth and said.

  He Faintly said: "Listen to the wind, I asked you to invite that kid Lu Yuan to join our Red Maple Guard, have you invited?"

  Si Tingfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I invited, but Ah Yuan seems to have said that she has not graduated yet, so she doesn't want to think about this issue for the time being. I think Ah Yuan will have to graduate in four years. Time to invite him again."

  "Hehe ... no need. No need to invite."

  Si Tingfeng was stunned for a moment, and looked at Si Chengxin with some doubts. He knew that Si Chengxin valued Lu Yuan very much and always wanted Lu Yuan to join the Red Maple Guard.

  Si Tingfeng can naturally understand this. After all, Lu Yuan is now the first place in Heaven's Chosen Ranking. Who wouldn't want such a genius?

  Why did you suddenly say no to invite?

  Si Tingfeng asked with some doubts: "Why?"

  "Why? Hehe...because they have already joined the night watchman. When you invite you again, the daylily will be cold!"

  Si Chengxin has some gnashing teeth, and the smile on his face is a little sinister.

  Only then did Si Tingfeng react. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heart was full of bitterness.

  What the hell! Ah Yuan, this bastard, isn't this tricking me! ?

  To suffer!

  Then Si Tingfeng heard Si Chengxin's faint voice:

  "In the next two months, your team will work hard to take care of the security of Imperial Capital. If there is a case, you can wait for me!"

  Si Tingfeng people are stupid, working overtime for two consecutive months? !

  The corners of his mouth twitched violently, and his throat felt a little dry:


  "Didn't you eat?!"

  "Yes! Complete mission guaranteed!"

  "hmph! Get out!"

  Si Tingfeng was embarrassed and wanted to go out, but Si Chengxin's face darkened:

  "Wait! What about the report? Give me the report first!"

  Si Tingfeng: "..."


  At the Night's Watch Headquarters, after calling Si Chengxin from Versailles, Gu An smacked his lips, and made another call in dissatisfaction.

  "Hey, Old Li, I have something I want to tell you, otherwise I'll be very troubled... What? It's like this, you also know Li Qinghe and Lu Yuan from the Li Family..."

  "Hey, Carol? How's the defense going? Oh, I don't have anything at worst, I just have something I want to share with you..."


  When Gu An was complacent, Lu Yuan followed Li Qinghe out of the office and wandered around the headquarters building of the Night Watch.

  Includes the Night's Watch's Lounge, Strategy Room, Mission Room, Archives Room, and more.

  "By the way, Sister Qinghe, didn't you bring that Soul Devouring Bead back to the headquarters last time? Are all the alien objects in the headquarters?"

  Lu Yuan thought of the unknown aura he absorbed from Soul Devouring Bead last time, eyes shined, and other aliens that might exist in the Night's Watch headquarters.

  If all alien objects have unknown aura, maybe he can absorb them?

  If it is all absorbed, maybe it will be closer to transformation, or even directly transformed?

  Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Li Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded:

  "Well, the aliens are all placed in the basement of the headquarters, what? Are you interested?"

  Lu Yuan's eyes shined: "Can I see it?"

  "Of course, you are the Honorary Elder and have this authority. Are you going to take a look now?"

  Li Qinghe opened the mouth and said with a smile.

  The corners of Lu Yuan's mouth raised: "Then go have a look."