
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

Samuel's Departure

One day, Sarah was seen rushing towards Sandra, who was sitting alone in the school garden. When she reached her from behind, without hesitation, she shouted loudly with her shrill voice, "SANDARAAAAAAAAAAAA..!!!!"

Sandra was startled by Sarah's shout. "What's the matter, Sar? You scared me."

"Samuel, Sandra, Samuel..." Sarah gasped for breath as she spoke.

"Samuel? What about him? What's wrong with my boyfriend?" Sandra started to panic.

"He's transferring to another school, Sandra," Sarah said.

Well, it turned out that the news from Sarah devastated Sandra's world. Sandra immediately felt short of breath upon hearing Samuel's plan to transfer to another school. Her eyes welled up with tears, and her heart felt shattered. She was annoyed too. Why didn't Samuel tell her directly?

Sandra immediately took the initiative to call Samuel, asking him to meet at the school garden. Samuel was surprised and nervous, afraid that he would be scolded or criticized. When they met, the situation became awkward and tense.

Sandra looked at Samuel with a face full of emotions. "Why didn't you tell me directly, Samuel? I feel so disappointed and hurt," Sandra spoke with a hoarse voice, wiping away her tears. Samuel felt guilty; he wanted to explain the real reason why he didn't tell Sandra.

"Samuel, I really love you, but why don't you believe me and tell me directly? Are you doubtful about my feelings or something?" Sandra complained with an emotional and disappointed voice.

Samuel felt deeply sorry upon hearing Sandra's words. He tightly held Sandra's hand. "I'm sorry, Sandra. I love you so much too, but I was afraid you would get angry, and our relationship would be ruined. I can't bear to see you so sad. I want us to be okay, even though I have to change schools."

Sandra was still confused, and her heart was still in pain. She pondered for a moment. She loved Samuel so much, but she was also upset about Samuel's actions of not telling her directly about his plan to transfer schools.

Suddenly, there was a voice inside Sandra's heart urging her to follow her feelings. She felt a deep affection for Samuel and wanted their relationship to be honest and trusting. Sandra looked at Samuel with eyes full of emotions. "I love you so much, Samuel. I understand your reasons, but we need to learn to communicate and be open in our relationship. I choose to continue trusting you and being together, even though you're changing schools."

Samuel felt extremely happy and grateful. He realized that Sandra was truly special to him. He promised to be more honest and open in their relationship. Then, Sandra and Samuel hugged each other like Teletubbies.


Sandra felt extremely down when she found out that Samuel, her boyfriend, had transferred to another school in a different city due to family matters. They didn't want to break up because of the distance, so they decided to enter a long-distance relationship (LDR).

Sandra's life at school wasn't the same anymore. She missed Samuel's smile, laughter, and warmth so much. But they promised to support each other and maintain constant communication.

Sandra went through her days at school with less enthusiasm. She felt lonely and sometimes bored because she couldn't talk to Samuel directly like before. But she learned to stay focused and concentrated on school and other activities.

Every day after classes, Sandra spent her time video calling or messaging Samuel. Even though their activities and busy schedules sometimes differed, they always tried to understand each other and patiently face the challenges of LDR.

But there are times when Sandra worries about the future of their relationship. She misses Samuel so much and often feels lonely. However, Samuel always supports and reminds her that their love is strong, and they have to continue this relationship.

Although long-distance relationships (LDR) have many trials and obstacles, Sandra and Samuel remain faithful to their promise to love each other and pursue this relationship wholeheartedly. They discuss their dreams and future plans, and they promise to remain loyal to each other.


In the midst of Sandra's long-distance relationship with Samuel, many guys at her school try to get close to her. They know Sandra is beautiful, smart, and kind-hearted, so they want to pursue her even though they know she already has a boyfriend.

One of the guys who tries to get close to Sandra is Raka, a new student at her school. Raka often finds excuses to talk to Sandra and gives her extra attention. He seems to have a crush on Sandra and tries to make her happy.

But Sandra remains loyal to Samuel. Although she appreciates the attention from other guys, her heart is still set on Samuel. Sandra firmly rejects Raka's and other guys' advances, explaining politely that she already has a boyfriend and doesn't want to enter a relationship with anyone other than Samuel.

Although Raka and the other guys initially feel disappointed, they eventually respect Sandra's decision. They understand that Sandra is a loyal girl and doesn't want to jeopardize her relationship with Samuel.

But there is one guy who is different. His name is Adi, Sandra's classmate who has had a long-time crush on her. Adi is quiet and often helps Sandra with her studies. He has liked Sandra for a long time but never dared to express his feelings because he knows Sandra already has a boyfriend.

However, after seeing Sandra remain faithful to Samuel and reject the advances of other guys, Adi becomes even more compelled to be honest with Sandra. He wants to sincerely confess his feelings to Sandra, even if it means taking the risk of being rejected.

One day, on their way home from school, Adi asked Sandra to have a casual conversation. Sandra was surprised but curious, so she agreed to meet Adi. Then, Adi bravely confessed his feelings to Sandra, saying that he had had a crush on her for a long time and wanted to be someone special in her life.

Sandra was somewhat shocked to hear Adi's confession, but she still thanked him for being courageous and honest about his feelings. Sandra explained that she was already in a relationship with Samuel and didn't want to jeopardize it. Nevertheless, Sandra still appreciated Adi's feelings and thanked him for his attention.

Adi felt frustrated and disappointed when Sandra rejected him. He felt that he had tried hard to get close to Sandra but had failed. Adi's feelings of jealousy and disappointment grew, and he wanted to make Sandra forget about Samuel and open her heart to him.

Adi began to change his attitude towards Sandra. He started to distance himself from her and no longer wanted to help or support her as before. He also became sarcastic and criticized Sandra and Samuel's long-distance relationship. Adi wanted to influence Sandra and make her feel that their long-distance relationship was unhealthy and would not lead to happiness.

In the library, Sandra was sitting at a table when Adi approached her.

Adi: (Angrily) "Sandra, why do you always ignore me? I've tried my best to get close to you, but you keep rejecting me!"

Sandra: (Raising her eyebrows in surprise) "Adi, I've made it clear before. I have no interest in you other than being friends. Please don't disturb my decision."

Adi: (Clenching his fists) "I know you're still hung up on Samuel, but he has transferred to another school. Why don't you give me a chance? I can make you happy too!"

Sandra: (Placing her hand on her chest) "Enough, Adi. It has nothing to do with Samuel or anyone else. I don't have feelings for you. Please stop bothering me or making me uncomfortable."

Adi: (Emotional) "I won't stop, Sandra. I will always try to make you forget about Samuel and choose me. Eventually, you'll understand!"

Sandra felt uncomfortable and decided to leave the library, leaving Adi still upset.

Adi: (Looking at Sandra walking away) "Sandra, don't run away! I just want to make you happy. Eventually, you'll understand my feelings!"

Suddenly, Sandra stopped walking and turned back. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching her quickly, as if someone was running towards her. Before Sandra could turn around to see, Adi's hand suddenly reached her cheek, released its grip when it was close, and attempted to forcibly kiss her! Startled and angry, Sandra immediately let go of Adi's hand and slapped his right cheek. Coincidentally, Sarah witnessed the scene and came over.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sarah exclaimed, looking at Adi. Adi just smirked cynically and quickly ran away. Sarah then turned around and saw Sandra crouching down, crying.

"Are you okay, Sandra?" Sarah asked.

"If Samuel were still here, maybe something like this wouldn't have happened, Sarah," Sandra replied, tears streaming down her face.

"Enough, don't say that. It's not your or Samuel's fault. It's just that Adi's mind is messed up," Sarah tried to console her.

"Now let's go home together, I'll accompany you all the way to your house," Sarah offered. Sandra could only cry and contemplate what had just happened.

Finally, Sarah and Sandra went home together, heading to Sandra's house, as Sarah was afraid that Adi might dare to come and disturb Sandra again.


Sandra and Sarah were walking home from school when suddenly Adi appeared and blocked their path.

Adi: (With a smug face) "Hey, Sandra. I've given you so many opportunities, yet you still choose Samuel. I could make you happy!"

Sandra: (Declining firmly) "Oh my God, Adi, I've made it clear. I have no feelings for you. Please don't disturb us!"

Sarah: (Getting irritated) "Get lost, Adi. Stop being stubborn. Sandra has explained it clearly. You should respect her decision."

Adi: (Sulking) "You two don't understand what's best for Sandra. I can give her more than Samuel or anyone else. Eventually, you'll regret it!"

Sandra and Sarah wanted to leave, but Adi prevented them with a threatening gesture.

Adi: (His voice getting louder) "You can't escape from me, Sandra. I've given you so much attention. I know you have feelings for me too, right? I can make you weak in the knees!"

Sandra and Sarah felt threatened and started to panic.

Sandra: (Firmly resisting) "Enough, Adi! You've crossed the line. I never liked you. You must stop right now!"

Sarah: (Getting angry) "Adi, your behavior is completely inappropriate. Stay away from Sandra and respect her decision!"

Seeing that people were starting to gather around, Adi finally left with an annoyed expression. Sandra and Sarah felt relieved and grateful to their friends who had helped them.