
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

Business bears fruit

One day in the school cafeteria, Sandra sat next to Samuel. She looked at Samuel and tried to talk again. This time, Sandra felt less confident, thinking that the outcome would be the same.

Just as Sandra was confused about how to start the conversation, luck came her way. When Sandra opened her mouth to express her feelings again, Samuel suddenly spoke up, saying that he was hungry and wanted to eat the cake in front of him. However, he didn't have any money at that time. Sandra quickly seized the opportunity.

"Hey, Samuel. I bought this cake for you on purpose when I went to the bakery this morning. Do you want it?" Sandra offered the brownie cake with her sweet signature smile.

Sandra handed him the tempting piece of brownie cake, and Samuel smiled happily. "Oh, thank you. No need to bother," Samuel took the brownie and savored it. Sandra smiled happily.

The next day, Sandra brought the same brownie cake to the cafeteria. She searched for Samuel and saw him sitting alone. Sandra immediately handed him the cake. Samuel, lost in thought, was puzzled by Sandra's behavior. "Why do you always bring brownie cakes?" Samuel asked curiously.

Sandra sat down and invited him to talk.

"Well, I often bring cakes, and I give you your favorite cake because I know you like brownies. But actually, I just want to be your girlfriend," Sandra straightforwardly expressed her feelings again.

Samuel suddenly fell silent, which made Sandra anxious. She was curious but afraid to hear Samuel's answer.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally broke the silence, and Samuel mustered the courage to speak.

"You know, Sandra?" Samuel asked.

Sandra, feeling drained and not expecting much, replied, "Yeah, I know... you're probably going to say that I don't need to bring cakes anymore from now on, right?"

"No, it's not about that," Samuel replied. Sandra fell silent, puzzled, not having a clue about what Samuel was going to say.

"Sandra, will you be my girlfriend?"

Suddenly, the world seemed to stop for Sandra. She was stunned, her mouth wide open, and she looked at Samuel, unable to say anything, just gaping.

How could she not be surprised? The guy she had been pursuing suddenly confessed and asked her to be in a relationship. Sandra was confused, she couldn't speak, couldn't express her feelings, her expression was unclear.

After what felt like an eternity, Sandra finally managed to speak.

"Oh my... Samuel... I'm confused... I don't know what to say... I'm surprised but happy... oh my... I'm worried... I... oh my..." Sandra stumbled over her words.

Samuel laughed heartily, then he tightly held Sandra's hand.

"Hey... relax, Sandra. I know you need time to think about it, don't force yourself. I just wanted you to know that I like you," Samuel spoke candidly.

Sandra felt her heart melt upon hearing Samuel's words. She looked into his eyes, full of love and care. Finally, Sandra felt confident enough to answer Samuel's question. She took a deep breath.

"Wow... we're finally dating, Samuel," Sandra said loudly.

Everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at them.

"Actually, I've liked you for a long time," Samuel started being honest.

Sandra furrowed her brow, "What do you mean?"

"Well... long before you confessed to me, I had a crush on you multiple times, but I didn't want to date you if it was the girl who confessed first. So, I kept postponing until the right time for me to confess to you first."

Sandra, upon hearing Samuel's explanation, felt amazed and even more proud of her new boyfriend.

"That's incredible... you're the first guy like you, Samuel." With sparkling eyes, Sandra hugged Samuel.

Sandra and Samuel let go of the hug, their faces filled with happiness. They couldn't wait to embark on their new relationship.


The school was organizing a charity event that day, and all the students were busy with their respective tasks. They still had no idea about Sandra and Samuel's relationship. Sarah, Sandra's close friend, was curious about Sandra's increasingly distant behavior from their gossip group.

"Sandra, I want to talk to you for a moment," Sarah insisted.

"Yes, Sarah. What's up?" Sandra replied.

"Tell me the truth now, what's the deal between you and Samuel?" Sarah was curious.

At first, Sandra didn't want to answer Sarah's question. However, she also didn't want to continue hiding her happiness with Samuel. With a little courage, Sandra finally opened up to Sarah.

"We're dating. Samuel and I are a couple," Sandra answered with some hesitation.

"What...??? Are you serious? You're dating a poor guy?" Sarah was shocked by Sandra's answer.

"Why? Is it wrong?" Sandra replied with a sarcastic expression.

"Umm... no, not really..." Sarah still couldn't believe it. The school's idol, who was wealthy, dating Samuel, a poor guy. Sarah thought it didn't make sense.

"Anyway, congratulations. I hope it lasts," Sarah continued, while her face still showed astonishment.

Sandra smiled happily because she had successfully overcome one phase where she and Samuel could truly enjoy a normal relationship.

While everyone was busy with the charity event preparations, the school was suddenly surprised by Samuel's presence. One student saw Samuel stepping out of a Lamborghini, with the door opened by his driver.

As the news spread, the whole school became excited. They began to wonder whether Samuel, the new student, was actually rich or poor. They whispered to each other and spread gossip. They became curious about Samuel's background. It didn't take long for the news about Samuel getting out of a Lamborghini to spread.

Sandra, who was unaware of the situation, felt puzzled when her classmates stared at her intently. Sandra listened to their whispers and was greatly shocked to learn that Samuel came from a wealthy family.

Sandra hurriedly looked for Samuel and took him to the library to have a private conversation. Sandra asked and wanted Samuel to be honest about who he really was.

Samuel fell silent, then took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Sandra. I admit that I was wrong for not being honest with you all this time. I just didn't want others to respect me solely based on my family's social status. I wanted them to respect me for my achievements, that's all," Samuel explained in detail to Sandra.

"I was also afraid that if you knew my true circumstances, you would be angry and distance yourself from me," Samuel added.

Sandra felt angry beyond measure. "Samuel, I understand that you felt down. But I want you to continue being yourself, and I don't care who you really are. I accept you as you are. I don't judge people based on their status. I love you for the Samuel I've known all this time."

Samuel was moved and felt proud of his girlfriend, Sandra. "Please forgive me, Sandra."

Sandra hugged Samuel. "I love you."