
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

Waiting for Certainty

Sandra sat in her room, bowing her head and anxiously staring at her phone screen, hoping for a message from Samuel. It had been months since Samuel expressed his desire to transfer schools and return to their old school just to be with Sandra again.

However, Sandra hadn't received any news from him so far. Doubt started to seep into her heart, and worry consumed her thoughts. Was Samuel truly committed to their relationship? Or perhaps he had changed his mind about transferring schools and being with Sandra?

"What's going on with Samuel? He said he wanted to transfer schools again, but there has been no communication at all. Not only about his transfer, but also regarding his daily life," Sandra muttered to herself silently.

Lying on her bed, Sandra continued to reminisce about the beautiful memories she had shared with Samuel, and tears occasionally streamed down her cheeks. She kept replaying the moments from their initial meeting to their dating phase. They had met at school, developed a mutual attraction, started dating, and their love had grown deep and genuine. However, since Samuel transferred schools due to family matters, their relationship had become complicated. Sandra felt that Samuel was growing more distant, especially after he revealed his plan to return to his old school.

"Samuel... I miss you," Sandra finally succumbed to a deep sleep.

As time passed, Sandra suddenly found herself tempted by another guy. His name was Ivan, a new classmate who would flirt with her every day. Ivan was handsome and attentive, always able to make Sandra laugh. Sandra felt a special connection with him, and the temptation to pursue a relationship with Ivan grew stronger each day. They began spending more time together, and Sandra started sensing a romantic spark between them.

"Good morning, Sandra. Did you sleep well last night?" Ivan greeted with a gentle tone.

Sandra was taken aback as Ivan typically arrived at school just before the bell rang. "Well, it's already morning, Van. I'm fine, how about you?" Sandra replied.

"Ah, I always miss you, Sandra," Ivan responded, causing Sandra to feel embarrassed and blush.

Suddenly, Sarah observed from a distance and let out a long sigh. Perhaps it was because Sandra appeared excessively naive and behaved inappropriately in front of a guy.

Sarah was genuinely annoyed and disappointed with Sandra's behavior. She tried to discuss the promise of loyalty Sandra made to Samuel, but Sandra remained indifferent. Sarah was confused about what to do next.

One day, after having a conversation with Ivan, Sandra was almost tempted by his flattery. They were both hanging out at the school library, and Sandra was genuinely distressed and confused as she hadn't received any news from Samuel yet. Ivan offered attention and support, and Sandra was tempted to seek comfort in his embrace. Sandra had the intention to cheat, but at the last moment, she changed her mind. She realized that cheating was not a solution and wouldn't resolve the problems she was facing. Sandra knew she had to be honest and talk to Samuel to address her issues.

Days continued to pass, and Sandra still hadn't received any news from Samuel. She felt confused and restless. Sandra also grew closer to Ivan, who enjoyed engaging in conversations with her. They frequently hung out together, discussing their interests and sharing personal stories. Sandra felt captivated by Ivan, but she still loved Samuel.

Once again, Sandra was extremely surprised when she suddenly encountered Samuel at the café, even though she was eating alone, lost in thought. However, she also felt frustrated and puzzled because Samuel hadn't informed Sandra about his return to school. Finally, Sandra asked why Samuel reappeared unexpectedly and didn't notify her, and Samuel explained that he had been dealing with some pressing issues that kept him extremely busy. He didn't want to worry Sandra. Samuel expressed how much he missed her and emphasized that he didn't want to break up.

Forgive me, Sandra. I actually wanted to give you some updates, but I was afraid that you would just think I was making empty promises. So I decided it would be better to take action instead of just showering you with words," Samuel said.

Sandra's emotions were mixed. She felt relieved to finally meet Samuel and hear his explanation, but at the same time, she felt hurt because Samuel couldn't communicate well with her. Sandra doubted whether she could trust Samuel again.

"I don't know... I'm confused. I don't know what to do in this situation. If only you knew how much I missed you, Samuel," Sandra said, crying.

Samuel regretted his actions and apologized, promising to communicate better in the future. He also expressed his desire to return to Sandra's school and find a way to improve their relationship. Samuel apologized to Sandra and hoped they could start over from the beginning.

During that time, Sandra was extremely confused. She was torn between her thoughts of Ivan and her deep affection for Samuel. She pondered and contemplated which path to choose. She knew she had to be honest with Samuel about her feelings for Ivan and also consider Samuel's feelings about their past that had passed.

When Sandra hesitated to speak, suddenly she was startled when she saw Sarah smiling and glancing at her, and Sandra immediately remembered her promise to Samuel to remain faithful and wait.

Finally, Sandra was determined to have a sincere conversation with Samuel. They sat together, discussing their feelings, concerns, and their expectations for their future relationship. Sandra shared her story about Ivan, and Samuel listened attentively. Samuel didn't get angry because he realized it was his fault for not keeping Sandra informed. Samuel also talked about his uncertainties and how much he missed Sandra. They both expressed their feelings and had an open conversation about what they hoped for in their relationship.

"I can only say, I'm sorry, Sandra. None of this was my intention. I'm still fighting to be able to return to this school," Samuel tried to reassure Sandra.

After their honest conversation, Sandra and Samuel grew closer. They agreed to give their relationship a second chance and put in a strong effort to improve it. Samuel was determined to overcome any obstacles to return to Sandra's school, and Sandra promised to resist temptations and remain faithful to their relationship.

After a few months, the long-awaited moment finally arrived. It was well past midnight when Sandra's phone kept ringing persistently. Still groggy, Sandra woke up and reached for her phone. Her eyes lit up when she saw the caller's identity.

"Assalamu'alaikum, beautiful Sandra. How are you?" a gentle voice sounded in Sandra's ear.

"I'm doing fine, Samuel. By the way, what's the reason for calling at this late hour?" Sandra asked.

"I have good news for us, Sandra. Starting next Monday, I'll be transferring to our school. My father has taken care of everything, and I'll be staying with my uncle and sorting out the paperwork later," Samuel added.

"WHAAAAATTTT..?????" Sandra exclaimed with joy upon hearing the news. She momentarily forgot that it was still the middle of the night, approaching dawn.

"Are you serious? You're moving on Monday?" Sandra confirmed Samuel's words.

"Yes, I'll start attending next Monday," Samuel replied.

"Well, then, my love, I won't keep you any longer. Tomorrow, I'll go to the school with my father to collect the necessary documents for my transfer," Samuel concluded the conversation.

"WAITTTT... DID YOU JUST CALL ME WHAT?" Sandra asked, partly surprised.

"Darling?" Samuel asked.

"Since when do you call me 'darling'?" Sandra responded.

"Oh, sorry. You don't like it when I call you that?" Samuel asked.

"It's not that. I was just shocked and speechless. It's the first time you've called me that way, and honestly, I like it," Sandra replied. "Well then, let's sleep... I'm feeling sleepy now," Samuel said.

"Alright, my looooove. I'll sleep soundly tonight because I've received two surprises tonight," Sandra said. And finally, they bid each other goodnight.

Sandra was filled with extreme excitement upon learning that Samuel was transferring back to their school. They both missed each other dearly and vowed to take their relationship more seriously.

On Monday, Sandra was filled with excitement as she headed to school. She was wearing Samuel's favorite cardigan, intending to surprise her boyfriend.

As Sandra arrived at the school gates, she spotted Samuel already waiting there, seemingly anticipating someone's arrival. Without hesitation, she rushed towards him, embracing him tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Samuel," Sandra expressed with heartfelt sincerity.

Smiling, Samuel replied, "I've missed you even more, darling."

Just as the couple was basking in their romantic moment, Sarah suddenly walked by with an expressionless face. Sarah remained cautious and concerned, fearing that Sandra's happiness would be short-lived and that she would succumb to Ivan's allure once again. Sarah felt a responsibility to protect her friend, ensuring that Sandra wouldn't endure heartache once more.

"So, Samuel, you've returned once again?" Sarah inquired.

Samuel responded with a smile and a nod, affirming her assumption. Meanwhile, Sandra stood in silence, perplexed and absentmindedly scratching her head.

"Hold on... What's happening? Why aren't you surprised to see Samuel back at our school?" Sandra questioned.

With a smile, Sarah answered, "Haven't you heard, Sandra? I've been the one spying on you for Samuel all this time."

Shocked, Sandra exclaimed, "What do you mean?"

Sarah proceeded to explain, "Well, Samuel asked me to keep an eye on you, Sandra. He's been deeply concerned and wanted to ensure that no harm befell you, so he requested regular updates about your well-being."

Although Sandra remained perplexed and struggled to fully comprehend the situation, she chose to set aside that discussion for the moment. In her heart, she felt an overwhelming happiness simply knowing that Samuel was once again by her side.

Later, in the classroom, Sarah approached Sandra cautiously. With a gentle demeanor, she expressed her concerns about Sandra's relationship with Samuel and gently reminded her about her recent connection with Ivan. Sandra appreciated Sarah's attention and care, yet she couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable with Sarah's deep involvement in her personal affairs.

Sandra and Samuel's relationship is going smoothly. They support each other at school and enjoy spending time together. Sandra has also promised Samuel that she won't repeat her past mistakes and will remain faithful to him.

However, there is something bothering Sarah. She starts to suspect something and secretly monitors Sandra's behavior, even involving their friends to help her investigate Sandra. It turns out her suspicions were right—Sandra has been secretly contacting Ivan.

Sarah is confused and worried. She doesn't know what to do anymore. Sarah tries to talk to Sandra more forcefully, expressing her disappointment and reminding Sandra of the dangers of repeating her past mistakes.

One day, behind the cafeteria, Ivan sits alone, lost in thought. He feels extremely jealous seeing Sandra getting closer to her boyfriend, Samuel. Suddenly, Adi, who is still hurt by Sandra's rejections, approaches Ivan. They both hatch a wicked plan to create a rift between Sandra and Samuel. They want to do something to hurt Samuel. However, unbeknownst to them, Sarah overhears their malicious plan from behind.

Sarah: (intrigued by Adi and Ivan's conversation) "Hey, what are you two planning?"

Adi: (surprised) "Hey, did you hear us?"

Ivan: (nervous) "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

Sarah: (emotional) "I will expose all of your evil plans! You both want to ruin Sandra and Samuel's relationship just because of your own grudges!"

Adi: (angry) "Yes, I hold a grudge against Sandra! She keeps rejecting me! I just want revenge!"

Ivan: "I can't stand seeing Sandra so close to Samuel."

Sarah: (trying to reconcile) "Stop your wicked plans right now! Many people will get hurt if you carry them out!"

Adi: "You have no right to control my life!"

Sarah: (desperate) "Fine, then you'll have to deal with me!"

Adi gets angry and starts kicking and pushing Sarah until she falls.

News of the fight between Adi and Sarah spreads quickly. Many other students gather to watch the altercation. Naura, a first-year student who can't bear to see Sarah being treated so harshly by Adi, immediately goes to the principal's office to report the incident.

Naura: (panting) "Teacher... Teacher..."

Teacher Wiwin, Naura's teacher and class guardian, was startled to see her student so frightened and shouting. "What's wrong, Naura?" asked Ms. Wiwin.

"Adi, ma'am, Adi... a student from Social Studies class 4, kicked Sarah, a student from Science class 1, causing her to fall," Naura explained.

They quickly went to the scene, but when they arrived, instead of seeing Sarah, they witnessed Adi choking Samuel from behind, while Ivan was delivering strong punches to Samuel's abdomen, causing him to collapse.

Sandra suddenly screamed and burst into tears. "STOP!" She immediately hugged Samuel, who was almost falling.

Without saying much, Ms. Wiwin swiftly grabbed Adi and Ivan by the ears, and they were escorted to the counseling room for interrogation. Samuel was immediately taken to the school's health center for medical assistance.

Sandra couldn't stop crying, and Sarah, who was right beside her, tightly embraced her. She could only stroke Sandra's back, as her words couldn't be heard over Sandra's constant crying.

In the health center:

Samuel lay unconscious, with his mouth and nose covered in blood. Sandra and Sarah couldn't see him directly as the medical team in the health center was afraid that Sandra entering might worsen the situation and cause panic.

Sandra: (wiping her tears and whispering) "Samuel, are you okay? Why can't I go in?"

Suddenly, the door of the health center opened, and Anne, in charge of the health center, spoke to Sandra.

"Sorry, Sandra. Samuel is receiving emergency treatment. He needs to be taken to the hospital immediately."

Sandra: (surprised) "What? Why?" (staring at the closed door)

Sarah: (holding Sandra's hand) "Stay calm, Sandra. We have to trust the medical team. They will take good care of Samuel."

Sandra: (crying) "But I want to see him, Sarah. I want to be by his side." (feeling anxious)

Sarah: (comforting) "I know, Sandra. But right now, we have to leave Samuel in the hands of those who understand and are professionals. We must offer our support as much as possible."

Sandra felt nervous and extremely worried. She continued crying in the school corridor, feeling helpless because she couldn't accompany Samuel, while time seemed to move agonizingly slow for Sandra and Sarah as they waited in the health center.

After some time, the school health center student emerged from Samuel's room with good news.

School Health Center Student: (smiling) "Samuel has been taken to the hospital. He is receiving intensive care, but his condition is now stable."

Sandra: "Alhamdulillah, thank you so much."

Sarah: (grateful) "No wonder, the medical team is really efficient."

Sandra and Sarah hurried to the hospital to visit Samuel. They were granted permission to enter Samuel's room, where he lay weak in his bed. Sandra immediately knelt beside Samuel's bed, holding his hand with concern.

Sandra: (softly) "Samuel, are you okay? Why did this have to happen to you?"

Samuel: (weakly) "Sandra..."

Sandra: (wiping her tears) "You have to get better, Samuel. I don't know what I would do without you."

Samuel: (holding Sandra's hand) "Don't worry, Sandra. This is common for guys."

Sarah: (supportively) "We will always be here for you, Samuel. You have to stay strong."

The doctor then arrived to provide further information about Samuel's condition and the next steps of treatment. Sandra and Sarah remained seated by Samuel's side the entire time, offering support and encouragement.