
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

Having a delightful vacation at Aunt Sarah's village

Close to the classroom during break time, Sarah waited for Sandra in front of her classroom and asked, "Sandra, do we have any assignments tomorrow?"

"No, Sar. Why?" Sandra asked.

"Well, tomorrow I need your help to accompany me to my aunt's house. I'm too lazy to go alone," Sarah requested.

"Oh, okay, I don't mind," Sandra replied.

While walking towards the cafeteria, Sarah suddenly said, "Hey, I was surprised to find out that Samuel is actually the respected leader of a motorcycle gang out there."

Sandra glanced at her and said, "Yeah, I'm confused too. How can that dork, that poor guy, and even the one who used to get bullied now appear so great?"

They laughed while continuing to walk to the cafeteria. Samuel was already waiting for both of them, telling them, "Hey Sandra, Sar, come over here, I've ordered meatball soup for you, according to your preferences."

"Wow, this is unusual. Is something up?" Sarah asked.

"There's nothing special, I just happened to find some money in the hallway in front of your classroom earlier," Samuel replied.

"Wait a minute," Sarah said while searching for something in her pocket. "Oh, Samuel, that's my money, right?!"

Samuel grinned, and Sandra just smiled.

Sandra: "Sam, don't be like that, give Sarah her money back."

Samuel: "Yeah, yeah, just kidding. Besides, you should be more careful with your money. Luckily, I found it. What if someone else did?"

Sarah: "How was I supposed to know that it was going to fall?"

Samuel: "Don't worry, I've already paid for everything."

Sandra: "Hmm... my boyfriend is the best."

Sandra hugged Samuel, and Sarah could only pout.

"Okay, stop it in front of me, I want to join too." Samuel and Sandra laughed, teasing Sarah, who was pouting.

The next day, Sarah and Sandra were ready for their trip to Sarah's aunt's house located in a village in the mountains. They were excited to hang out together and explore new places.

The trip began on a bright morning. Sarah and Sandra brought everything they needed, including backpacks, snacks, a map, and thick jackets to face the cold weather in the mountains. They took a train to the nearest station to Sarah's aunt's village. The train journey was exciting for them as they saw beautiful scenery along the way.

When they arrived at the station, the mountain air immediately filled Sarah and Sandra with enthusiasm to start their adventure. With the help of the map they brought, they began walking towards Sarah's aunt's house located in the hilly area. Along the way, they passed through green meadows, dense forests, and fast-flowing rivers. They also encountered some wild animals like deer, rabbits, and owls, making their adventure even more exciting.

But sometimes, their adventure didn't go smoothly. They occasionally missed hiking trails or encountered unclear maps. However, they didn't give up and kept searching for the right path. They encouraged and motivated each other, making their journey full of laughter and unforgettable memories.

After walking for several hours, they finally arrived at Sarah's aunt's house in the middle of the forest. The wooden house looked amazing, blending naturally with the tall surrounding trees. When they met Aunt Sarah, she was extremely happy and warmly welcomed them into the cozy and warm house.

In the evening, they gathered near the wood stove, chatting and sharing their experiences during the journey. Aunt Sarah also joined in, sharing stories about life in the village and her deep love for nature. She gave valuable advice to Sarah and Sandra about the importance of preserving it.

The next day, Sarah and Sandra went for a walk around Sarah's aunt's house. They explored the surrounding forest, enjoying the mountainous scenery and learning about the plants and animals there. They also learned about the way of life in the village, which was quite different from the city they lived in. They learned about farming, milking cows, and creating crafts from Sarah's talented aunt.

They felt inspired and learned a lot from the simple and sustainable life in the village. Sarah and Sandra also spent time together having exciting adventures around the village. They hiked to the top of a nearby mountain, explored fascinating caves, and appreciated the natural beauty surrounding Aunt Sarah's house. They learned about the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity for future generations.

During their stay at Sarah's aunt's house, Sarah and Sandra also immersed themselves in the local culture. They attended traditional village events, such as folk dance parties and classical music festivals. They also had conversations with the locals, learning about their customs, beliefs, and culture. They felt warmly accepted by the villagers and were amazed by their peace and hospitality.

Time flew by quickly, and it was time for Sarah and Sandra to return home. They were grateful to Aunt Sarah for her warm hospitality and the unforgettable experiences they had in the village. Though their hearts felt heavy, they had to leave and prepare to go back home.

Their journey back was also exciting. They took the same hiking trail, but this time they were skilled and didn't get lost. They reminisced about their wonderful experiences in the village and discussed their plans for future adventures.

After a tiring journey, they arrived at the train station and boarded the train back to the city. They felt changed after the trip, with new experiences of the beauty of nature, cultural values, and the importance of taking care of the Earth. They were grateful for the meaningful experiences they had together.

Upon their arrival in the city, Samuel was waiting for them with his uncle, who had rented a car. In the car, Sandra and Sarah enthusiastically shared their experiences with Samuel, while he listened and occasionally laughed at their stories.

Finally, they arrived at Sarah's home. Sarah said goodbye and thanked Samuel's uncle. Then, Sandra got out of the car and said her goodbyes too.

Once they were home, Samuel and Sandra continued their conversation via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp conversation between Samuel and Sandra before going to bed:

[Samuel: 9:30 PM]

Samuel: Hey, are you asleep already, my love?

Sandra: Hi, not yet, Samuel. Are you?

Samuel: Not yet. I miss you.

Sandra: I miss you too, Samuel. What have you been up to?

Samuel: Not much, just got home. How about you?

Sandra: I've been studying and doing assignments. It's tiring.

Samuel: You should get enough rest, my dear. Don't push yourself too hard.

Sandra: Yes, I'll try to sleep earlier later.

Samuel: That's good. Dream about me, alright!

Sandra: Hehe, of course! Don't forget to dream about me too.

Samuel: Of course, my dear. By the way, do you remember our plan for next week?

Sandra: What is it? I forgot. What's the plan?

Samuel: We're going to watch a movie together at the cinema, as we promised.

Sandra: Oh, right! I can't wait, Samuel.

Samuel: Me neither! We'll have a great time together.

Sandra: Yes, I'm so excited. I hope tomorrow comes quickly.

Samuel: Amen! Oh, did you know? I've been thinking about you all the time now.

Sandra: Really? I've been thinking about you too.

Samuel: Really? Well, let's not overdose on thinking about each other.

Sandra: Hahaha, alright. But I enjoy thinking about you.

Samuel: I enjoy thinking about you too. You're special to me, Sandra.

Sandra: You're special to me too, Samuel. I'm glad we're in a relationship.

Samuel: I'm glad too, my dear. You make my life more beautiful.

Sandra: Same here, Samuel. I'm grateful to have you in my life.

Samuel: I'm grateful to have you too, Sandra. You always make me happy.

Sandra: You always make me happy too, Samuel. Never get tired of me, okay?

Samuel: I won't get tired, I promise. You're the best girlfriend.

Sandra: Thank you, Samuel. You're the best boyfriend for me too.

Samuel: It's time to sleep, my love. We have to wake up early tomorrow.

Sandra: Yes, you're right. Okay, good night, Samuel. Sweet dreams.

Samuel: Good night to you too, my dear. Sweet dreams to you too. See you tomorrow!

Sandra: See you tomorrow, Samuel. Good night.

Samuel: Good night, Sandra. Don't forget to dream about me!

Sandra: I will, Samuel. Oh, I'm really sleepy now. I'll sleep. Good night!

Samuel: Good night, my love. Sweet dreams. Let's chat again tomorrow!

Sandra: Yes, let's chat again tomorrow. Kisses for you!

Samuel: Kisses for you too! Sweet dreams, Sandra. Have a restful sleep.

Sandra: Thank you, Samuel. You have a restful sleep too. See you tomorrow!

Samuel: See you tomorrow, my love. Love you!

Sandra: Love you too, Samuel! Bye for now!

Samuel: Bye for now!

They finally put their phones away and felt incredibly happy. They had already planned to meet and watch a movie together the next day. Sandra felt incredibly lucky to have a boyfriend like Samuel and was delighted to chat with him before sleeping. Samuel was also happy to have Sandra in his life and was comforted by their bedtime conversation. They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces, ready to face the next day.