
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

The harsh reality of love

Sandra was still confused; she didn't know what a motorcycle gang was. To her, Samuel was a kind and caring guy, so Sandra didn't care about what a motorcycle gang is.

At a food stall near the school, Alex, a student from the neighboring school, met Sarah and Sandra at the mall while they were enjoying coffee. However, he felt disturbed by the commotion around him and noticed Sandra sitting at the adjacent table. Alex was immediately attracted to Sandra from the beginning, but he didn't dare approach her again because Sandra had rejected him and he knew Sandra already had a boyfriend named Samuel.

Suddenly, Sandra stood up from her seat with a shocked expression. Alex also paid attention and saw a guy standing near her. It turned out to be Samuel, who was now known as the feared leader of the motorcycle gang outside of school.

Then Sandra left the cafe with Samuel, and Alex became confused. He couldn't understand why Sandra, a girl who seemed smart and kind, would be in a relationship with a guy like Samuel. But he chose not to interfere in their affairs.

A few weeks later, Alex met Sandra again. Sandra appeared different from Sarah. Her attitude was firm, confident, and it made Alex very interested in Sandra's strong personality.

Unlike Sarah, Sandra was not influenced by a hedonistic lifestyle. She focused on studying and dreamed of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Alex was impressed by Sandra's determination and aspirations, and he began to open up his long-suppressed feelings, wanting to get to know Sandra more deeply.

Alex, who was increasingly interested in Sandra, began secretly following her footsteps. He tried to find out more about Sandra, and he was curious about how Sandra could be in a relationship with Samuel, who, according to Alex, was a cruel and feared leader of a motorcycle gang.

Alex dared to conduct research on motorcycle gangs and found unexpected information. It turned out that Sandra became Samuel's girlfriend due to a misunderstanding. Sandra was trapped in a complicated situation where Samuel actually didn't want to be her boyfriend. Samuel was bound by the motorcycle gang's code of ethics, where he had to maintain his image and status as a respected gang leader. However, Sandra felt trapped in a relationship she didn't want and felt threatened by Samuel's possessive and overly jealous behavior.

During his research, Alex also found out that Sandra didn't fully agree with the motorcycle gang lifestyle. She dreamed of having a different life where she could pursue her aspirations without the threats and pressures from the motorcycle gang. However, Sandra found it difficult to break free from her relationship with Samuel because she was afraid of the consequences she would face. According to Alex, Samuel was a cruel, authoritarian, and ferocious man.

Alex felt sorry for Sandra, and he wanted to provide support to Sandra so she could feel safe to talk about her feelings. They began talking frequently and spending time together. Alex became increasingly interested in Sandra, and their relationship grew closer.

Now, Alex also knew that he had to be careful about Sandra because she was still Samuel's girlfriend, the feared leader of the motorcycle gang. He didn't want to disturb their relationship but also wanted to show Sandra that he was there to support her.

One day, while Sandra was catching up on some unfinished school tasks, Samuel came and saw Sandra talking to Alex. Samuel immediately felt jealous and thought that Alex wanted to ruin his relationship with Sandra.

Samuel became angry and shouted in front of many people. He threatened Sandra not to get close to Alex anymore. Sandra felt cornered and looked very frightened, while Alex, unable to bear seeing Sandra being treated like that, immediately got angry and helped Sandra.

Alex bravely spoke to Samuel and showed that he only wanted to help Sandra. He stood up to Samuel and took a risk to defend Sandra.

Alex provided support to Sandra and firmly spoke to Samuel, expressing that he only wanted to assist Sandra without any ill intentions.

Samuel was surprised by Alex's daring and confrontational attitude. However, he realized that Alex wasn't a serious threat and wouldn't harm his relationship with Sandra. Samuel became interested in having a conversation with Sandra privately.

The next day, Sandra felt heavy-hearted because she frequently met Alex, which made Samuel, her boyfriend, jealous. After thinking for a while, Sandra decided to face Samuel and apologize.

With nervousness, Sandra went to Samuel's house. She felt anxious and worried about how Samuel would respond to her apology. After waiting for a few moments, Samuel opened the door and appeared indifferent.

"What is it, Sandra?" Samuel asked in a flat tone.

Sandra bit her lip, feeling tense.

"I want to apologize, Samuel," she said slowly.

"I know I made you jealous by meeting Alex so often. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, truly."

Samuel fell silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on Sandra. She could sense the tension between them. She didn't know what she should do or say to mend the situation.

Finally, Samuel took a deep breath. "Sandra, I feel jealous because I'm afraid of losing you," he said softly. "But I know you didn't do it on purpose. I don't want to control you either."

Sandra felt relieved upon hearing those words, but she knew she had to take responsibility for her actions. "I truly regret it, Samuel. I will reduce my meetings with Alex because you are the most important person to me."

Samuel smiled faintly. "I understand, Sandra. I will also learn to trust you more. We should support and respect our relationship."

Sandra felt a great sense of relief. She was grateful that Samuel accepted her apology and was ready to mend their relationship. They talked and shared their feelings, finally agreeing to face this issue together and promising to understand and respect each other's feelings.

In the evening, Sarah came to Sandra's house to visit. She shared that earlier in the day, Alex invited her for lunch and talked extensively about Sandra's relationship with Samuel. Sandra became concerned because Alex had the wrong assumptions about Samuel. Alex believed that Samuel was a cruel, brutal, and controlling motorcycle gang leader, whereas in reality, Samuel was kind-hearted and polite.

Feeling a deep sense of guilt, Sandra wanted to explain the situation to Alex directly to clear any misconceptions. That's why she daringly went to the usual place where Alex hung out with his friends.

However, the atmosphere there was uncomfortable. Alex and his friends seemed irritated and not particularly welcoming to Sandra. Despite this, Sandra remained calm and spoke firmly yet politely.

"Alex, I want to talk to you," Sandra said, trying to sound casual. "I want to explain about Samuel."

Alex glanced at Sandra, his facial expression still sulky. "What do you want to say about Samuel? He treated you harshly, it wasn't fair!"

Sandra shook her head. "No, Alex, it was just a misunderstanding. Samuel is not like what you think. He is gentle and cares a lot about me. He has never been harsh or unfair to me."

"Now, Alex, I want to clarify about Samuel," Sandra calmly stated. "I want to tell you that you've had a completely wrong impression of Samuel. He is gentle and extremely caring towards me. He has never been harsh or mistreated me."

Alex remained skeptical, but he allowed Sandra to continue.

"Listen, Samuel always supports me and provides emotional support. He is a very loving person, and I care deeply about him. I feel guilty because of this misunderstanding."

Sandra hoped that Alex could understand and accept her explanation.

Alex listened attentively, his expression starting to change. He felt foolish and regretted having misjudged Samuel so wrongly. After Sandra finished her story, Alex felt remorseful and immediately apologized to Sandra.

"Damn, I'm really sorry, Sandra," Alex sincerely said. "I didn't know that Samuel is kind and caring. I will also apologize to him."

The next day, Alex remained persistent and still didn't believe Sandra's words. He was convinced by his own research and still hoped to win Sandra as his girlfriend. Alex boldly went to the place where Samuel gathered with a grudge in his heart, firmly believing that he could defeat Samuel in a fight.

However, the reality was that Samuel was way too strong for any opponent. He possessed strength and fighting skills that were truly formidable. The fight between Alex and Samuel wasn't intense. Alex tried various tricks and strategies to defeat Samuel but failed miserably. Samuel was too powerful and skilled in combat.

Eventually, Alex struggled to breathe and was defeated in his fight against Samuel. On the other hand, Samuel remained energetic and easily faced Alex's attacks. Finally, Alex admitted his defeat and had to surrender. He realized his mistake and regretted wrongly judging Samuel as a rough and wicked guy.

After the brawl, Samuel helped Alex, who became the victim. Samuel showed his kind-heartedness and wisdom by forgiving Alex and offering reconciliation. Alex felt terrified and deeply regretted his foolish behavior, being too emotional and wrongly assuming that Samuel was evil without truly knowing who he was.

The next day, Samuel confided in Sandra about the previous day's incident when Alex suddenly appeared and attacked him without any reason. Sandra was surprised and listened attentively to Samuel's story. She felt disappointed with Alex's attitude, as he didn't believe what she had previously told him. Sandra decided to invite Samuel to Alex's school to have a conversation with him. The two of them went to the school together.

Alex suddenly became stiff, and when Sandra called him, Alex became defiant. He tried to avoid her, but Sandra noticed and shouted, "Alex, come here!"

Alex then gave up and immediately knelt in front of Sandra, "Forgive me, Sandra! I didn't want to listen to you back then, even though there was a reason."

Sandra furrowed her brow, "Why are you so stubborn?"

Alex replied, "Because I don't want to lose you, Sandra. I've liked you for a long time, and I want to be your boyfriend."

Samuel, who overheard the conversation, just smiled and chose to distance himself from the situation. Meanwhile, Sandra felt angry and disappointed.

"It's impossible, Alex. I already have a boyfriend, and you already know Samuel's true nature, right?"

Alex nodded, "Yes, Sandra. I misunderstood, and I apologize again."

"I was blinded by love, Sandra. I've liked you for a long time, so I couldn't bear to see you become Samuel's girlfriend," Alex said.

Samuel: "Now you know, Alex? Sandra is not a cheap girl who can be easily swayed, even by a handsome guy like you."

Alex: "Yes, Sam, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I regret it."

Sandra: "That's enough. From now on, I don't want to see you anymore, Alex. I've lost my trust in you as a friend."

Alex could only remain silent and regret his decisions. He felt like he had lost everything.