
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Full of hearts

Sarah was sitting in her room, feeling down and insecure. She noticed that all her friends were either in a relationship or had a crush, while she was still single. Sarah was usually a cheerful and enthusiastic girl, but now she felt empty.

Sarah: (sighing and gasping) Why am I still single? All my friends have boyfriends, but I'm still alone. (feeling down)

Sarah found it difficult to open up about her feelings to others, but she knew she could rely on her best friend, Sandra. They had been friends since the beginning of school and always supported each other.

Sarah picked up her phone and sent a message to Sandra.

Sarah: Hey, can we talk for a bit? There's something I want to tell you.

Shortly after, Sandra responded, and they started their conversation.

Sandra: Of course, Sarah. What's up? Go ahead and tell me.

Sarah: I'm feeling sad, Sandra. All my friends already have boyfriends, but I don't. Why is that?

Sandra: (comforting) Don't worry, Sarah. You're not alone. Don't stress about it. Having a boyfriend isn't the only thing that determines someone's happiness.

Sarah: (still feeling anxious) But I feel left out. Like there's something wrong with me.

Sandra: (comforting) There's nothing wrong with you, Sarah. Everyone has their own timing and path in life. You deserve to be happy even without having a boyfriend.

Sarah: (sighing) But I feel like I'm always being left behind and considered strange because I don't have a boyfriend yet.

Sandra: (listening attentively) I understand how you feel, Sar. But you need to remember that you are amazing, independent, and valuable without depending on your relationship status.

Sarah: (feeling touched) Thank you, Sandra. You always make me feel better.

Sandra: (smiling) That's what friends are for, right? We support each other.

Sarah: (smiling) Yes, you're right. Thank you for listening to my rant, Sandra. I feel better now.

Sandra: Glad to help. You know, I'm always here for you.

Their conversation continued into the morning. Sandra provided encouragement and support to Sarah, reminding her that she is great and shouldn't feel insecure or worried about not having a boyfriend. The important thing is to be happy. Sarah felt relieved and happy after talking with Sandra, and she felt incredibly lucky to have such an amazing friend like Sandra.

A few weeks later, Sarah decided to attend a charity event in their city. She went alone, but there she met a handsome guy named Evan. It turned out they went to the same school as Alex, and they started talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Sarah felt a strong connection with Evan, and they ended up exchanging phone numbers.

After the charity event, Sarah messaged Sandra to share her encounter.

Sarah: Sandra, you won't believe it! I met this amazing guy named Evan at the charity event. We talked, and I felt a great connection with him. We even exchanged phone numbers.

Sandra: Wow, Sarah, that's so exciting! I'm happy for you. How do you feel about him?

Sarah: I feel really comfortable with him, Sandra. He's smart, friendly, and has qualities that I really like.

Sandra: (smiling) That's awesome, Sar! It sounds like you and Evan are a good match.

Sarah: (smiling shyly) Oh, I don't know yet. But he's really great, smart, and very polite.

Sandra: (supportive) Well, don't think too much about it, Sarah. Let everything happen naturally. You're already amazing, and you deserve to find true love.

Sarah: (smiling) Thank you, Sandra. You're truly the best friend I have.

Sarah: (smiling) Thank you, Sandra. I'll try to follow your advice.

Several weeks passed, and Sarah and Evan's relationship was progressing. They often exchanged messages and talked on the phone. The more time passed, the better they got to know each other and the more they felt compatible and comfortable together. Sarah was extremely happy and felt fortunate to have Evan in her life.

Sarah: Sandra, I have to tell you! Evan and I are getting closer. We've been going out a few times, and I feel very comfortable with him.

Sandra: (joyful) Wow, Sarah, I'm so happy for you!

Sarah: I'm getting more interested in Evan, Sandra. He's very caring, humorous, and we have a lot in common.

Sandra: (smiling) That's great! You and Evan sound perfect for each other.

Sarah: (smiling) Thank you, Sandra. I feel truly lucky to have met him.

Sandra: (supportive) I'm glad to see you happy, Sarah. You deserve to find true love.

Sarah: (smiling) Thank you, Sandra. I really appreciate your support.

One day in front of Alex's school, Sarah experienced unpleasant behavior from some female students who bullied her relentlessly. While Sarah was sitting in a corner of the schoolyard, crying after being a victim of bullying, Evan noticed her. Evan felt sorry for Sarah, seeing her hurt, and without hesitation, he approached her.

Evan: Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?

Sarah looked at Evan with surprise, not used to someone caring about her. But she felt a warmth in Evan's attitude that made her feel comfortable.

Sarah: Oh, it's nothing. They were just bothering me.

Evan: They shouldn't be allowed to continue like that. What they're doing is wrong.

Sarah smiled a little, feeling comforted by Evan's support.

Sarah: Thank you, Evan.

Evan smiled widely.

Evan: Ever since I first saw you, I've really wanted to protect you. I think you're a beautiful girl.

Sarah's heart melted upon hearing Evan's words. She felt incredibly lucky to have met Evan.

Sarah: Wow, thank you so much, Evan. I truly appreciate it.

Evan: Don't worry about those who bother you. I'll always be there for you.

Sarah and Evan started spending time together every day. Evan became Sarah's loyal companion, protecting her from bullies and making her feel more confident.

The next day, Sandra came to meet Sarah with an angry expression.

Sandra: "Sar, who dares to bully you?"

Sarah: "It's the students from the neighboring school, Alex's school."

Sandra: "We can't let it slide. Samuel needs to know about this, so he can handle it."

Sarah: "No need, Sandra. We don't have to bother telling Samuel. It's better not to make his image worse. It's okay because someone is already protecting me, Sandra."

Sandra: (surprised) "Evan?"

Sarah: "Yes, Sandra, he's the one who has been protecting me all this time."

Sandra: "Thank goodness, now I can feel relieved."

Sarah smiled, feeling very happy that Sandra truly cared about her well-being.

Short story, where Sarah and Evan have been in a relationship for over a months.