
My Ex Rejected me, so I Married his Boss

A day before her engagement, Renée Findlay gets rejected by her boyfriend. Above that, she finds out he has been cheating on her with another woman. Her distress doesn't end here as Renée is thrown out of her own house after her ex transfers it in his name. Renée feels she is trapped in the darkness until her ex's boss, Killian Morrison, enters her life that night, showing a sudden interest in her. CEO Killian Morrison is renowned for his icy demeanor, a reputation cemented by his cold, heartless, and arrogant attitude. However, to Renée, he reveals an entirely contrasting persona—a man of warmth, compassion, and humility. "Marry me," Killian proposed. "You gave me words last night that you are mine," he reminded her. "Fine. I'll marry you, but I'll use you in making my ex's life hell," Renée put forward a condition. "Use me as you wish," Killian immediately responded. He lifted from his seat and hovered over Renée. Pulling her chin up, Killian said, "I also have a condition." "What is it?" Renée asked. "I want you on my bed every night," Killian pronounced with a smirk.

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12 Chs

Leave or I'm going to...

At night, Renée and Killian finally arrived at the penthouse. From Killian's side, so many guests were present that hours were spent getting introduced and receiving gifts from them.

Renée sat on the couch of the living room and took off her heels. She pressed her feet before leaning back. All she wanted was to sleep since her entire body was exhausted.

The moment she closed her eyes, Renée was carried in Killian's solid arms. She had no strength left even to open her eyes and she leisurely locked her arms around Killian's neck. "Thank you," she said.

They reached upstairs in their bedroom. Killian gently settled Renée on the king-size bed when she sat up, still keeping her eyes shut. Reaching her hands to her zipper, she tried to pull it down, but couldn't do so.

Renée thrashed her legs in annoyance when Killian told her he would do it. Pushing her hair away, he unzipped her dress and it loosened from the front. Renée feeling the looseness of the dress quickly lay down on the mattress and fell into a deep slumber.

Killian removed the diamond necklace from her neck and placed it on the bedside table. He smiled at her and pulled up the comforter to cover her. He then clapped twice and the main lights in the rooms were switched off.

Heading to the washroom, Killian freshened up. He exited shirtless and then, got inside the bed since he was too tired to put on anything. He moved closer to Renée and planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head before snuggling her close to him.

Although, he had a lot of plans for this wedding night, but the exhaustion had completely overpowered them and the couple fell into a deep slumber.


The next morning, Renée's hand moved over Killian's bare chest. Since she was in her sleep, she felt weird to sense something solid under her fingers. She knew someone was beside her, but who? Her hand went lower and lower when Killian caught her hand at the right time.

He gently placed Renée's hand away and cursed under his breath. "Fuck! She turned me on," Killian muttered and he took a deep breath before getting off the bed.

After he went to the washroom, Renée tossed and turned around the bed. Because the mattress and the comforter were so soft that she didn't wish to get up. However, her sleep was gone now.

Renée opened her eyes and scratched her head, trying to recollect everything.

'I got married to Killian!'

Renée promptly sat on the bed and looked for Killian. He was nowhere to be found. Holding her dress up from her chest, she thought to use the washroom and put away the comforter.

Her hair was messy and while yawning she entered the washroom. Renée stood up in front of the mirror and rubbed her eyes when she felt someone's presence.

As she turned her left, she ended up seeing Killian, completely naked. Her eyes widened before a loud scream left her mouth. Killian, who had his back to her, turned to look and ended up screaming.

Renée finally covered her eyes while continuing to scream. And then after a few seconds, a warm hand closed her mouth, thus shutting her up.

Renée peaked through the gaps of her fingers and quickly moved away from Killian before turning her back to him. "How could you roam naked? Oh my goodness! What did I just see?" Renée started slapping her cheeks lightly when Killian pivoted her to face him.

"Wow! You are acting as if you didn't see me that night," Killian said. His lower half was now covered with the towel.

"W-why did you not close the door from inside?" Renée questioned him.

"Because I never do that. You are the one, who entered knowing the fact that I was here," Killian said with a smirk, causing Renée to stop blinking. He took steps toward her while she retreated.

"Last night we could not do it. Do you wish to start now? The bathtub is ready too. We can have a fresh bath after that," Killian said.

Renée back pressed against the wall behind her and before she could run outside, Killian's strong hand grasped her wrist, drawing her back and pinning her to the wall behind her. He inched closer such that their breathing matched.

"Killian, you should take the bath. I'll go outside," Renée said in her gentle voice. She gulped because of such a closeness between them.

"Let's bathe together," Killian said. His thumb grazed over her already wet lips, his eyes darted on hers.

"We cannot," Renée said.

"Why?" Killian arched his eyebrow and leaned down. She closed her eyes and gripped the fabric of her dress tightly.

It was true that she couldn't resist Killian whenever he would get close to her. It was kind of impossible for her. The moment his lips planted on her skin, she inhaled deeply. His hand held hers as their fingers intertwined. Killian left soft kisses all along her neck, and her bare shoulder, and moved down further to her collarbone.

"Killian," Renée whispered his name in a low voice and her free hand moved into the locks of his hair, thus pulling him close.

Killian moved up and captured her lips into a deep kiss. He carried her up in his arms and placed her on the counter. His hands were now on her clothed thighs while they kissed with equal fervor.

Renée moaned lowly when Killian nipped her bottom lip and entered her mouth the next second she parted her lips. Her heart raced wildly against her chest. She wanted to pull away, but at the same time, she wished him to explore more.

When his tongue touched hers, she saw the stars. The night she had a one-night stand with him, she had no memory if they kissed like this or not. She moaned in his mouth when he bit her tongue and then pulled away. Their chests heaved because of their intense kiss. "Leave or I'm going to take you right here," he said with his dark eyes full of lust and hunger.