
My Ex Rejected me, so I Married his Boss

A day before her engagement, Renée Findlay gets rejected by her boyfriend. Above that, she finds out he has been cheating on her with another woman. Her distress doesn't end here as Renée is thrown out of her own house after her ex transfers it in his name. Renée feels she is trapped in the darkness until her ex's boss, Killian Morrison, enters her life that night, showing a sudden interest in her. CEO Killian Morrison is renowned for his icy demeanor, a reputation cemented by his cold, heartless, and arrogant attitude. However, to Renée, he reveals an entirely contrasting persona—a man of warmth, compassion, and humility. "Marry me," Killian proposed. "You gave me words last night that you are mine," he reminded her. "Fine. I'll marry you, but I'll use you in making my ex's life hell," Renée put forward a condition. "Use me as you wish," Killian immediately responded. He lifted from his seat and hovered over Renée. Pulling her chin up, Killian said, "I also have a condition." "What is it?" Renée asked. "I want you on my bed every night," Killian pronounced with a smirk.

Kn_star8 · Urban
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12 Chs

Melting Kiss

The next day, Renée clad in a mesmerizing wedding gown, which Killian had selected for her. Her hair was done nicely into a bun with a pearl hairclip above it. The beautiful diamond necklace and earrings made her look to shine more.

She recalled her late godfather before taking a deep breath. Grabbing the wedding bouquet, she was ready to go to the wedding altar for her marriage with the richest man of the country.

"Mommy!" August ran into the room when the two ladies stopped him while Renée got surprised. Why did Killian's nephew call her "Mommy"?

"August." Renée went to him, asking the ladies to let the boy see her.

The little boy held Renée's hand and said, "Can I call you Mommy? I have no mother."

Those words made Renée upset and she responded with a smile, "Yes, you can." She didn't wish to hurt a kid's heart. She knew what it felt like to have no parents. August held her hand and told her they should go down.

"My uncle is waiting for you. Mommy looks beautiful in this dress," August said with a glistening smile.

Renée felt the kids were indeed God's other form. At least, on this day, when she felt no one from her side attended the wedding, she found August, who already formed a bond with her.

Renée held his hand and the two went outside. Through the large doors, Renée entered the wedding altar and everyone were in awe to see her. The bride indeed looked pretty, no lesser than a princess.

August, on the other hand, had held a basket in his hand with ring boxes inside it.

Killian looked at his fiancée with shimmering eyes and stepped down the aisle to take her hand in his. When Killian halted in front of her, he curtsied like a prince and asked for her hand.

Renée placed her hand in his and he took her to the altar while August followed them closely as Renée didn't leave his hand.

"You did a great work, August. Now, you should go down the aisle," Killian said as he took the basket from him. Quickly, the boy ran out of the aisle while Drew came forward to hold the basket.

Killian took out the ring and inserted it in Renée's fourth finger. He noticed Renée had worn his mother's ring in the middle of her finger. The entire hall covered in the sound of clapping and cheering.

Renée picked up the ring and made Killian wear it. They both turned to the priest, who asked them to repeat the vows behind him.

The vows, which Renée had dreamt of taking with Morris one day didn't become her reality. Instead, she would soon be the wife of a man about whom she hardly knew, except that he was her ex's boss and a billionaire.


Down the aisle, Morris fumed in anger and jealousy to see this sight. Never once he imagined that Renée would get married to the country's richest billionaire after he would reject her.

Now, he realized why Killian invited him despite being a normal employee in the company. What did Killian even see in Renée that he married her?

"Did Renée know your boss?" Lucy asked him as he had also accompanied Morris.

"I don't know when she started cheating on me," Morris muttered.

"I cannot believe Renée seduced Killian Morrison! The man, who is known for his heartless behavior," Lucy muttered and sipped the wine.

Morris felt like multiple stabs in his heart witnessing Renée's smile.

"Why do you look so bothered about it? You said you didn't like that bitch," Lucy stated. Her eyes fixated at the altar on Renée.

"I didn't know she could be this useful," Morris proclaimed and chugged down the entire wine.


On the altar, the wedding vows completed when the priest asked Renée if she would take Killian Morrison as her husband.

"I do," Renée replied while tightly holding the wedding bouquet.

"Congratulations! You both are husband and wife now. The groom may kiss his bride," the priest announced.

Renée slowly pivoted to face Killian. He took a step toward her and wrapped his arm around her before dipping her in a style that made the guests cheer more for them along with the laughter to see this endearing sight of Killian.

"Isn't that too much? Kind of a movie style?" Renée asked.

"Women like this, don't they?" Killian then leaned down and captured her lips. Renée right away gave up in that melting kiss, her hands tightly held his arms. The happy voices which she could hear at the beginning were soon stopped since her mind only focussed on that kiss.

Slowly, Killian pulled her up, but he didn't stop the kiss, neither he let her pull away. Feeling the urgency of the oxygen, they both finally withdrew while staring into each other's eyes.

"Congratulations on becoming Mrs. Killian Morrison," he pronounced.

Renée's heart was on a marathon and for some reason, she felt joyous. A smile carved on her lips as she smiled brightly at him.

At that moment, Renée's eyes landed on Morris. A great sense of satisfaction filled her heart to see his face. He called her worthless and now, she had shown him her true worth.

'The trash I dated for so many years was never my worth. A trash like him can never trample on my dignity. Wait and watch, Morris, how I make your life hell. I'll avenge for every single pain I underwent while being in relationship with you.' Renée pledged in her mind.

She then looked back into Killian's eyes. "I will be a devoted and dutiful wife to you, Killian. I don't know how you fell in love with me, but I am grateful for this," she pronounced.

"Everything about you has attracted me to you," Killian said and circled his arm possessively around her waist. "You look beautiful in this wedding dress and I love you," he whispered against her lips.


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