
My Ex Rejected me, so I Married his Boss

A day before her engagement, Renée Findlay gets rejected by her boyfriend. Above that, she finds out he has been cheating on her with another woman. Her distress doesn't end here as Renée is thrown out of her own house after her ex transfers it in his name. Renée feels she is trapped in the darkness until her ex's boss, Killian Morrison, enters her life that night, showing a sudden interest in her. CEO Killian Morrison is renowned for his icy demeanor, a reputation cemented by his cold, heartless, and arrogant attitude. However, to Renée, he reveals an entirely contrasting persona—a man of warmth, compassion, and humility. "Marry me," Killian proposed. "You gave me words last night that you are mine," he reminded her. "Fine. I'll marry you, but I'll use you in making my ex's life hell," Renée put forward a condition. "Use me as you wish," Killian immediately responded. He lifted from his seat and hovered over Renée. Pulling her chin up, Killian said, "I also have a condition." "What is it?" Renée asked. "I want you on my bed every night," Killian pronounced with a smirk.

Kn_star8 · Urban
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12 Chs

To explore about each other

"Leave or I'm going to take you right here," he said while gasping, with his dark eyes full of lust and hunger.

Renée quickly moved down the counter and rushed out if the washroom, holding her dress tightly. She sat on the chaise lounge and touched her lips with her fingers. "Am I insane? Why did I even begin kissing him?" She murmured.

Looking down at her clothes, she realized she had nothing to wear. Her clothes were still in her house, where he ex was living. The mere thought of her ex made her blood boil.

Lost in her thoughts of her regretful decisions of the past, Renée didn't realize when Killian entered the bedroom until she saw him in front of her. She raised her head and saw his glistening torso. A water droplet trickled down after leaving his wet hair down to his chest, then abdomen before disappearing inside the towel.

Renée shook her head and lowered her eyes. "My clothes are in my house," she said. Killian pulled her up by holding her hand, thus startling her.

Renée followed him to the big closet room and was surprised to find new dresses for her were aligned in a line. She was surprised to see the shoe collection, handbags collections and many other things.

"Wear any of the dresses from here. This is yours from now onward," Killian stated.

"All this looks expensive," Renée murmured.

"You are Killian's wife, so everything about you should be expensive," Killian remarked. "This is your closet. Mine is on the other side. I go and get changed." He let go of her hand and left her sight soon.

Renée felt a rush of emotions as she perused through the selection of dresses. Her attention was drawn to a plaid-patterned tweed pinafore dress adorned with fake buttons.

However, her surprise heightened when she noticed the lingerie section seemingly tailored to her size.

A sense of embarrassment flushed over her as she wondered, "How does he even know my size?" She nervously bit the inside of her cheek, feeling a mix of curiosity and self-consciousness at the thought of someone having such intimate knowledge about her measurements.

After collecting a pair of lingerie set, she ran to the washroom.

After an hour, she exited the washroom, feeling better. The hot water bath had calmed her muscles. Her eyes landed on Killian, who looked a dashing, handsome man came straight out of the fictional world.

His taut muscles beneath that shirt, she could sense them. His long fingers and veiny forearms made her to gulp while blinking slowly. Killian noticed how she was checking him out.

"Do I look good?" Killian asked.

"Hot!" Renée's hands instinctively covered her mouth as she realized what she just said.

Killian smirked at her and placed the iPad beside him. Lifting his body, he approached her and lowered her hand. "I mean you look handsome," Renée said as she averted her gaze from him while attempting to pull her hands away.

Killian gently tilted Renée's head with a delicate touch, guiding her chin so their eyes met in an intimate gaze. "Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?" he asked out of the blue, catching Renée off guard.

"Honeymoon?" Renée blinked, surprised by the sudden question.

"Yeah, I think we both need some time alone together," Killian replied, his eyes expressing a longing for intimacy.

"You're a busy man, and I have work commitments too," Renée responded, a hint of uncertainty in her voice as she bit her bottom lip.

"You aren't working anywhere. My work is manageable," Killian replied. His eyes lingered on her lips. "We need to explore about each other," he added.

"Explore?" Renée gulped. "We can do that here too," she added and stole the glances from him.

"Okay," Killian let go of her face and hand. "Get ready. Breakfast is ready and then we will head for the office," he asserted.


Renée went to the dressing table and sat on the vanity chair. Every type of beauty product was present on the dressing table. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought to dry her hair first. Killian, on the other hand, had his eyes fixated on her.

Renée tried not to look at him through the mirror and dried her hair using the dryer.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. We will head to a serene place in the evening and spend two days there," Killian informed her as he went back to the couch.

"What's this serene place called?" Renée asked curiously.

"It's a surprise," Killian answered while doing something in the iPad. He took out the phone from his pocket and put it on his ear.

"Yes, Drew?" Killian asked. "Yeah. I'll be there soon. There is no change in my schedule," he said and went out of the bedroom.

Renée brushed her hair and kept them open. She applied a pink shade of lip color on her lips and placed her hands on her cheeks. "I got married," she mumbled.

She rose from the chair and went to the bedside table, where he phone was placed. Checking it, Renée saw Morris's missed calls and messages to her. She chuckled as she ignored all of them and blocked Morris's number.

Going downstairs, she found Killian was awaiting her on the breakfast table. She pulled out a chair for herself and sat on it. The maids served them the breakfast and left after Killian asked them to.

"Killian, I can't work in the restaurant, right?" Renée queried.

"Yes. You don't have to work anymore. Enjoy your life," Killian replied.

"I was thinking not to stay idle," Renée replied. "I know I'm not qualified to work for you, but can you consider me to keeping your personal assistant?" she requested. "I am a quick learner," she added.

"I cannot because I want you to live your life freely, without any stress from now on. Explore what you couldn't all these years. Also, you are the daughter-in-law of the Morrison Family. Working as my PA won't suit you," Killian answered her in detail.

"I see," Renée replied and smiled at him. "Thank you. No one ever cared for me like the way you do." She didn't have enough words to thank him.

"It's alright," Killian stated and told her they should start the breakfast before it would get cold.

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