
Into the lamp (2)

"All right we are set to go. First I have to make your body strong. Than I will strength you mind. Last I will show you how to walk in dreams." He set up a obstacle course. Better part of an hour the girls ran the course. They dropped to the floor. Not wanting to get up. Morpheus walked over to them. He look at the down at them. Rosemary and Lily lay there. Not even want to get up. No matter what.

"Get up we are not done yet. We have work to do."

"Well we can't move. We are done for today." Rosemary was breathing pretty hard. Her body was started to hurt. She barely could move an arm. She shook her head that even hurt to do.

"Look here. I know you are hurting but you need to move around. Or I can sent you back with no training. And then you can deal with the damons. But I warned you they love new dream maker. For they will use your life force." The girls whine. Rosemary roll over on her stomach. Push her self up. Her arm shook with the effort. Once her was up. She legs gave out and she was back on the ground. Morpheus frowned. He bend down and touch her leg. Only the find that her over work her body. He sent a little power thur her. To get her to walk. Than he walk to Lily and did the same. Both girls finely got to walk again. Morpheus walked them both over to another table. Only this time it was fill with books. He sat them down and pulled out two books each for them.

"Read them. All of this books are spells. Do not worry if you can't remember them all. They will come to you went you need them. These books will burn in to your memories. After you read them we will break for today." Morpheus left them for a bit. The two girls open the first book. Rosemary only readed one third of book. Lily only got half.

"Rosie, I am bored to deaf. Not only that but I am surprised that you didn't do anything to him."

"I can't do any thing to him. I find that I am compell to do it. I can't explain it. It all must like he tell me and I must do it."

"What? I don't feel that way. I wonder why?" Rosemary just shook her head.

"For I thing I am starting to get hungry. I wonder is there anything to eat. I think he forgot that will eat all the time. Let's look for food. If not I think we will die of hungry." Lily agree with her. Even she will hungry. So the both of them search around. The whole place was blank. The table with the books and the chairs were the only things that were around. It's seem Morpheus was missing too.

"What do we do? We have to eat. Soon we have sleep as well."

"I can't believe that him left us like this."

"Maybe this is a test. He testing us."


"Come on Rosie. Look around there nothing here."

"What can we do? How do we escape from the lamp?" Lily just shook her head. They both sat back down and bang their forehead to the table. Morpheus was watching them. He laughing at them. He seem many mortals try to find their way out but never bang their forehead to the table. He watch a little longer just to see what more they would do. He was not testing them. He looked at the world. Thur dreams and vision of mortal men. His brother can change this world a lot fast to his liking. Mortal men hearts have change to evil in the last ten thousands years. There more evil in the world today than he remember. If these two can change the dream world. There is hope. Hope can change the world. He made them snack. The minute they appear the girls jump on them. He laugh so hard. He never seem two people act so childish and fighting for food. They both gobble so fast they almost choke. The laughter echo all around. The girls stop eat and turn to Morpheus. Rosemary pick up a chicken leg and threw it at him. Morpheus caught it.

"I thank you for sharing with me. Before we finish for the day. Make sure you read the books that I gave you. Tomorrow is another day. We will start with the obstacle course. Than the books. These two things we will keep going until the books are done and the obstacle course can be done in less than a minute. I have prepared a tent for the both of you. I will see you in the morning." He than turn around and disappear. The girls finish their meal and turn back to the two books. It took another two hours to finish the spell books. They were both tired and drag them self to bed. For the next three weeks they work them self until they got better at the obstacle course. They read all the books Morpheus have. He planned to train them on weaponry. How to make them, how to use them, and how to power them. After that was the last step. Making dream items that will help the next generation.

Two years they were in the lamp. They have finish all the task he has given them. There were times they would challenge him. He like that about them. He keep their spirit the same and even shape it more in to facing challenge that will come their way. The time he keep them the more he wanted to join them. To walk outside the dream lamp. He'll work on that but for now he will help these two.

The last day they sat at the table. Sharing their last meal together.

"Well girls, Today will get to go home. Your training is complete. There is nothing more I can teach you."

"Morpheus are you staying here. I know you don't want to be involve because of your brother. I was hoping you will change your mind."

"Little Rosie, in time I will come to your aid. So do not worry. So finish you breakfast. That way I can sent you home."